Friday, August 10, 2012


Lately I have been toying with the idea of Plastic Surgery. I mean, all the while I have had insecurities with my image (especially my face) but I just couldn't give a rat's ass because I didn't bother. I thought make up could cover anything. 

But recently, I realised I am not content with how I look. I really am not. And my stand in this biased society about Plastic Surgery is that as long as you are truthful about everything and it makes you happy, superficial or not, I am happy for you. Whoever you are. 

Today while being super unproductive (yet again), I chanced upon this tumblr which really made me damn motivated to save up for Plastic Surgery in the future! 

Holy macaroni. I also wanna look so gorgeous can :'(
I know what people are gonna say. 

"You look fine, you should be happy in your skin."

"What would your parents think, that you're not happy with what they have given you?"

"Aiya your boyfriend still loves you for who you are what. For what go and change!"

But what they don't get is but I am not satisfied! Me. The person who owns the body. I get the concern, I get the love. But if you really cared, you would know that I want to do this, and plastic or not, you'd still love me because I am still the same person, just nicer exterior, no?

So with all that said, I actually went to research on the types of procedures thats available out there. Frankly speaking, I think if I were to do it, I would only go to Korea. Firstly, most of their patients come out looking quite natural. And secondly, I bet they have tons of experience. 

From what I have read up online, I think I need:

  • Epicanthoplasty - which is essentially to increase the width of your eyes. They cut either the inner corner, outer corner or both;
  • Double eyelid surgery - self explanatory, basically create a fold on your eyelids;
  • Rhinoplasty - I have no nose bridge at all, and its annoying when I wear my spectacles on humid weather cause they is NOTHING to hold my spectacles up >:( ;
  • Malar Reduction - reduce the size of my cheekbones to create a smaller face;
  • Mandible Jaw Reduction - reduce the shape of my jawline to create a V line instead of a U line.
Yeps. Sounds like alot I know. But thats what I read up on if I want to achieve my ideal face D':

You know why I say its a biased society? People thrash Dawn Yang because she is plastic. I can understand that because she isn't very honest about the procedures she did. Fine. People thrash Xiaxue, because she is openly plastic. DAFUQ I don't get it. Okay nevermind maybe they think she is shameless, whatever. But when the slightest mention that their favourite Korean Popstars could have had a little tweaking done here or there, they get all defensive and say "How do you know, maybe its natural?" 

No effing way. So you're telling me that this

is natural? Do you not see the uncanny resemblance to Dawn? 

I mean I have nothing against Park Bom. I have nothing against Plastic Surgery. If I did, I wouldn't be considering getting things done too. I just don't get the double standards here. You are okay with plastic surgery that your KPOP idols do, you are openly in denial yet you thrash people like Xiaxue and Dawn for getting their noses and eyes done? 

I just don't get it. /shrugs.

Anyways if you're interested to know more, I think this website is pretty useful :)

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