Thursday, August 30, 2012

男人不坏, 女人不爱.

The burning topic that I had to get off my chest. Is it true? That girls only like bad boys? I am a fellow female, but I find it quite true. 

I wouldn't say I am exempted from this concept but rather I know where to draw the line but it is, isn't it?

We allow boys from this category to treat us like dirt, yet again and again you see these girls by their side, licking their wounds but still there nonetheless.

Why do we not know whats good, and whats bad?

Sometimes the weird thing is that we know that its bad, but we still stay on. WHY?

Is the good really worth staying on for? Even if this guy has ever cheated on you? How good can good be, if you're not the only one in his life?

Some girls think that one day this boy will somehow change to be a better person, for her. 

But what you need to know is, yes sometimes things change, sometimes people do change. 

But some people don't, honey. Sometimes its all right in front of your eyes, you got to wipe that fog off your spectacles and see the scumbag for who he really is.

Don't believe a cheater, never believe a cheater.

And then there are the nice guys who do everything nice and sweet but get turned down by the girls they like because of the scumbags. 


Even I don't get it, and I am seeing this very situation unfolding right in front of me! And I really don't know how else to get it through to these girls.

I really really understand how it feels to really love someone. I know it hurts like fuck to have to walk away from someone that you love. 

But love doesn't have to hurt. Love shouldn't hurt. 

And if it does, it means something somewhere is wrong. And if there is love, both parties will do something, should do something to rectify the wrong. 

But if only one party is doing something, and ends up over compromising, then where is the love?

Gather the courage to walk out the door now. And don't look back. Because time wasted on the wrong person, could have been spent on someone more worthy of your time. 

Stop loving the bad boys and start realizing who really truly cares for you.

Peace out. X.

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