Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Few Sundays back, I decided to make my own Big Breakfast! And so Imma sharing my recipe here with y'all! :D I was thinking, "Big Breakfast so yummy but having it at Wild Honey will burn away S$30+ :'(, MIGHT AS WELL MAKE MY OWN RIGHT!"

Ok so what you need to buy:

1. Hashbrown - All you need is the packet of Hashbrown, salt, pepper and butter
2. Bacon - Just that. Bacon.
3. Scrambled Eggs - Milk, Salt, Pepper, Eggs (I used 2 for 2 persons).
4. Sautéed Mushrooms - Fresh Brown Button Mushrooms, Salt, Pepper, Light Soya Sauce, Parsley Flakes, Butter/Olive oil, Garlic.
5. PANCAKES - Baking flour, Baking Powder, Salt, Sugar, Milk, One egg, butter, Vanilla extract.

Something like that luh~

So I popped le hashbrowns in my oven, buttered them sprinkle salt and pepper and left them in to cook :D Fucken love hashbrowns la! So this is a good way to cook them if you don't wanna make your entire kitchen all oily and stuff.

Le fresh ingredients.

So after you have mixed all the ingredients for the pancakes, you should get something like the above. I SWEAR MY PANCAKES BRINGS ALL THE BOYS TO THE YARD, AND THEY'RE LIKE ITS BETTER THAN YOURS. DAMN RIGHT, ITS BETTER THAN YOURS. I COULD TEACH YOU, oh wait I just did. LOL. It should not be too watery. You want exact measurements? Just google Pancakes recipe, and you can pick whichever one you want. OK LA OK LA I PUT HERE OK. pfft lazybums. 

1.5 cups all purpose flour
3.5 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon white sugar
1.75 cups milk
1 egg
3 tablespoons butter melted.

Credits to allrecipes.com

I added the Vanilla extract because I believe everything tastes good with Vanilla extract. /foldsarms. And if you wanna make rainbow pancakes like I did for my picnic in May/June (I can't remember), just separate the mixture into how many colors you wanna make and add the food coloring. 


The finished product(s). Sorry I don't have white porcelain plates and bowls. I don't have white table with white table cloth. I is typical Singaporean I is use Melamine plates/bowls that won't shatter when you drop them :x

Sautéed Mushrooms. 

1 tablespoon butter/margarine
2 cloves garlic
One box of fresh mushrooms sliced
Soy sauce (to your liking)

Credits to food.com

Mince the garlic really fine like how you would for your aglio olio. I usually spam garlic, cause garlic only makes your food taste better, so no harm spamming them. Super easy to make this dish, even my Mushroom-hater boyfr likes this :P

Bacon is the easiest. Just place them on a hot pan and wait. 

SCRAMBLED EGGS. Simple yet damn hard to perfect this. This wasn't a success cause I used the wrong milk. I used HL milk which has this overpowering milk taste that doesn't really go very well with the eggs. So I would suggest using something not so distinct? Like those pasteurized milk i don't know, try your luck. Essentially thats what cooking is about isn't it? :P The key to fluffy creamy scrambled eggs is the whipping. Whip until your egg mixture is pale yellow. Only when its pale yellow do you cook it. 

HARSH-BROWN. HAHA. Please note, if you're using the oven like I am and not deep frying it, please make sure there is a generous amount of butter slathered over the top of your hash browns. If not they will come out very hard and tasteless. 

My pancakes. :D:D:D:D:D

OKOK, THATS IT. You can try making them and let me know how it went! :D Sorry if the pictures are inconsistent. Very hard to juggle taking pictures and cooking at the same time, plus I am doing it all by myself. (Ok Boyfr helped with the bacon. Flipping them only! >.<)

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