Saturday, August 4, 2012

August 4, 2012

Good August 5 morning to everybody :)) 

So yesterday was SIA's interview. And I got booted out at Skin Check again. Bahhh. So annoying. :( Left Sheraton feeling immensely disappointed. Like wtf are you kidding me again? :( After that disappointing episode, I left for AMK to find my happy pill. ^^

My happy pill, I love you B :P

Side note, I am now 40% Samsung S3, 60% iPhone5. How uh. :S

On the way to our first stop at Pasir Panjang for according to baby, BEST BRAISED DUCK RICE IN SINGAPORE. O.O

After quite a long way from AMK to Pasir Panjang, we arrived at Lim Seng Lee Duck Rice Eating House. The whole stretch of shop houses here look like blast from the past man. Untouched by the urbanization of the rest of Singapore. Damn old school.

B has been craving this for the longest time. But every Saturday we didn't get to eat it cause I always wake up late and by the time I reach his place already 5+pm. :X Opps. But B googled and this place closes at 8pm! >:D No need wake up early liao! :D

We didn't order too much cause it was only our first stop. So we had one plate of braised duck and a plate of kang kong. 

Look at it! You can tell the duck was sliced super super thinly. IRL its really super thin. Very different from the braised duck we eat at our usual kopitiams. And another thing. I don't know about you, but for me, I love duck. Think roast duck, the meat just tastes damn awesome with the roasted skin, if you get the right part. You know there are some parts of the duck that tastes a little powdery? If you buy a plate like this at other stores and its not the drum stick, you are bound to get some of the powdery meat. But this whole plate, didn't have one single slice of it! #impossibru! The sauce is inexplicable. Not too salty, not too sweet, it is the sauce that binds the whole dish together. Very very very yummy. 

You know how most of the times when you eat something you roughly can guess what goes in the dish? I really can't do the same with what I eat here. I don't know what goes in there BUT I KNOW IT TASTES AWESOME WTF. If you look at the sauce of the kangkong carefully, it is slightly orange? Its not done, samba style cause its not spicy. It doesn't really taste nutty, I REALLY DONT KNOW OMG. But I love it. (TvT)

We polished off the meal in no time, I still got time to take picture of the place. Very old school right? You got see coffeeshops with this kind of chairs before? This is my first >.< But I like coming to places like this, very fresh to see things that you don't encounter usually. :)

Old school is old school, the banner has two ducks at the side LOL.

Ended with a smoke and baby's OOTD. Hehehehehhe o(^v^)o

Lim Seng Lee Duck Rice Eating House
38 South Buona Vista Road  
Singapore 118164

After which, off we went to Jalan Besar :D My virgin try of Swee Choon! :D Because they only open at 6pm and we were there at 530pm, we decided to stop by the Mcs opposite for some Cinnamon Melts while we waited. Look at the amount of people at 550pm. O.O I thought we were the only ones who would be there at the opening hours >.<

Finally they opened :D But there are lots of seats everywhere so you don't have to worry about lack of seatings :D

OK so what did we order :P

FLOWING CUSTARD BUN definitely because that was the main reason I kept pestering B to bring me to Swee Choon
DOUBLE BOILED CHICKEN SOUP because I love anything with soup 
CHICKEN CLAWS because B loves them (so much that I ordered 2 plates O.o)
FRIED CARROT CAKE you can't go wrong with these
PRAWN AND BEANCURD ROLL the must have when you go eat Dim Sum

You would have noticed by now that there isn't the usual Har Gow and Siew Mai. Somehow B and me just don't get the appeal of those 2. Weird hur?

I SUMPAH THE SOUP TASTES 100 TIMES BETTER THAN DTF'S. Ok I think I am comparing the price here too but no joke. I love DTF's chicken soup but this only costs $4.50 and its very tasty! REALLY VERY GOOD I AM SO NOT KIDDING YOU. So yummy I wanna cry T.T

You can see all the chicken oil/fats floating on the top BUT IDGAF. I DONT CARE IF I GAIN 2KG FROM THIS ITS TOO GOOD. >:D

Chicken claws~ I am not a pro at this but B says the one at 126 tastes better. Anws B is Team 126, I don't know which team I am on because I love the custard buns and chicken soup here but 126 has the HK style Chee Cheong Fun! :(

Prawn Beancurd Roll. Which I thought was okayyyy~ Nothing too fantastic to rave about~

OMG WHY HELLO YOU, I MISS YOU SO. T.T I was just telling B after we ate this that if they had some sorta dessert that is just the salted egg yolk custard in a bowl, a la sesame cream, I WILL ORDER A BOWL I DONT CARE IF MY CHOLESTEROL RISES THROUGH THE ROOF. And the amount of salted egg yolk custard they put in one small bun like this is just illegal. CRAZY one! I tear it in half and the custard is like filled to the brim! I LOVE YOU SWEE CHOON TvT

Carrot Cake was not too bad, the outside was really crispy to the max! Fans of carrot cakes will love this!

XLBs! I love XLBs and unlike the Chicken Soup, Crystal Jade and DTF definitely do it better than Swee Choon. But one place you can get very good XLBs at a cheaper price compared to Crystal Jade and DTF? Chinatown! :D One day if I am back there, I will take a picture and tell y'all where it is :D

Our Swee Choon Meal / o(^v^)o

And so that concludes our mini Good Food Road Trip :D I was so happy with the food and my boyfr's company that I clean forgotten about my SIA interview. Which makes me feel, I have what I need right here. Anywhere as long as he's with me. Nobody has ever made me feel so happy before 2nd Anniv in October and BKK in less than 2 weeks! I CANT WAIT :D

Swee Choon Dim Sum Restaurant
191 Jalan Besar  
Singapore 208882

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