Tuesday, August 28, 2012

BKK 2012 (ii)

(continued from previous post..) This is so funny! We were waiting somewhere for BFF and Yings to finish browsing something. And I was looking at these herbal cloth packages(?), like whether I should buy for mama and turns out all 5 of us bought one! And the shop owner asked us to snap a photo for her to place in her shop! And we were creating so much commotion because we were laughing and conversing in English so loudly with the owner, everyone was looking~ Machiam super stars :D

Putting this picture even though its blur because we look so happy :D:D:D

Mad packed JJ Market even though it was a rainy afternoon!

No more pictures after this because it was pouring and we were tryna get out of JJ but the taxis/tuktuks were all quoting us 300 baht per trip! It should only costs max 150 baht for the trip to Pratunam! So we were walking under the rain :'( /sniffs to Mo Chit BTS to go back to Phaya Thai and switch to the Airport Rail Link to get to Rajprarop Station.

Dinner was roadside food (those along Citin Pratunam) and we were supposed to prep ourselves for FUNKY VILLA :D

My pretty floral headband :D I wanna wear it out everyday in SG but I'd look retarded. Meh~ Why Singaporeans all so small minded :(

Now kinda beating myself up a little why I didn't get more floral headbands. #DIDCHUKNOW Topshop selling them for 33 a pop? DAFUQ.

Waiting for le BFF in their room. Citin is not bad la, just the location is shit and wireless also not very good. Which depends on your rooms location too. Pfft.

Couple OOTD :D Mine's entirely from Platinum and JJ while B's top and bag is from JJ :D

What we came down earlier for :D I was still feeling peckish from our dinner so BKK PRATA FOR ME :D OM NOMS. If you absolutely love sweet stuff, then this is for you! 


FUNKY VILLA! First time here, usually B and I go to the RCA area (like Slim and Route 66). This time we decided to be more adventurous and head to Thong Lo! Spoke to this nice chap while smoking outside FV and he said Thong Lo is where the Thais usually party at. RCA is more international, you'll see more foreigners there as to Thong Lo. So if you wanna know the true Thai party? Head to Thong Lo!

Outside seating at first because we only reach at 11ish pm and FV was MAD EFFING PACKED. Opening a bottle in BKK is relatively cheap. A bottle of Johnnie Walker Gold reserve with mixers would costs around 2700baht? Which would work out to be about 18 per person? Alcohol is cheap there, its the mixers which are pricey in BKK.

Very obviously not sober us before we left FV. B was quite tipsy and so we left earlier than the rest. And on the cab ride back, I got car sick and we both alighted the cab puking our guts out :x #SGFAIL


BFF, Yings and Fang went back to JJ because they felt they didn't shop enough due to the shit weather the day before. B and me, not so much a big fan of JJ, so we decided to head elsewhere! 

PLATINUM FOR DUCK NOODLES WOOOO. Again. Because its sooo so good. Add the chilli flakes and HOLY SMOKES~ 

Look at that piece of glistening duck meat. So thinly sliced. Just the right amount of skin. The silky smooth kway teow. The slight hint of herbal in the soup with the right amount of punch from the chilli flakes. #MOTHEROFGOD

Slurps, I live a day without BKK Iced Coffee! Which is available everywhere! :D

After which we walked to SIAM~~ Like back to our first BKK trip together :$ Back in February 2011, just B and me. 7 days in BKK. Machiam married couple. Everyday wake up decide where to eat. Where to shop. Eat finish already hold hands walk along the streets of Siam. Come to think of it. What I miss is not exactly BKK. I miss my lifestyle there. I miss the part where it was just B and me, and we don't have to give a fuck about anybody else because they don't know us. 

Old school cinema at Siam Square. Watching a movie in BKK is pretty worth it. Can't exactly remember the price because we didn't watch one this time. If you're gonna watch, I highly recommend doing so at Siam Paragon! Classy cinema with ultra lush seats! Damn shiok! But careful now, before the start they will play the Thai National Anthem and you have to stand up and sing along. Hehehehe.

Waiting to cross the road to Siam Paragon for some..

KRISPY KREME!!! Things that I will definitely do in BKK? Krispy Kreme and Auntie Annes /smirks

The eateries at the basement of Siam Paragon. You walk further in and you can eat some thai snacks that can also be found along the road. But if you are more hygiene conscious then you can buy the food here! :D

Soft fluffy sweetness :D

Crossed over to Siam Square~ Personally I prefer Siam Square to Platinum. They sell more unique stuff but the price is definitely wayyyy higher here. If you are a budget shopper then maybe this is not the place for you. But who knows, you might get lucky :D

More pictures of Siam Square..

The crazy traffic in BKK.

B wanted to find his denim store, but we walked the entire building and most of the shops were closed down! Hmmmm...

After which we're done~~ Now off to Terminal 21! :D

Taking the BTS from Siam to Asoke. Travelling by train in BKK is not dirt cheap but it gets you to your destination faster (and you wont get cheated) if you're travelling during peak hours. :D which is basically, all the time LOL.

B, Y U SO CUTE /swoons :P

Terminal 21~ Definitely not a wholesale shopping mall LOL. Guys, fans of denim, there's a shop there selling Momotaro and all that jazz, so you can head over to that shop (I am so sorry forgot to note the name) which I think is on level 1/2 :x

Feeling peckish again (I am such a pig) so down to the basement where the food is! :D

Decided to have some Teppanyaki because we walked past the store and this guy was seated alone and eating like the food was so awesome so we got tempted. :S

Salmon for me..

Beef for B~ :D

Teppanyaki, SHO TEPPAN STYLE. (If you have dined at Sho Teppan before, you'll get what I mean.)

For the amount you pay, you get a full meal. Kimchi, rice and miso. Relatively cheap! Both of our sets only cost 270 baht~ MY GOD THATS S$10.80. And it is gooooooood!

Nobita Yakiniku, Basement One!

Shopping at the guys level of Terminal 21! B managed to score a sweet buy! Formal guys shoes for 1422 baht~ If you go to Pedro I think the shoes start from S$80 onwards!

All the way to the top where there are tons of eateries :D Everywhere you go in BKK there's food. Feeling rich? Dine in restaurants. Feeling poor? Get corn from along the road for only 10 baht~ Food everywhereeeee~~~

Out for smokebreak again~~~ Cigs in BKK mad cheap. 80baht for a pack. T.T 


And the JJ folks are back! :D 

Group shot with the San Fran Bridge before heading to some tze char place around NANA BTS for dinner :D

Toilet shot is mandatory for a group of girls :P

Travelled in the rain in tuktuks to get to this place. I think its Sukhumvit Soi 7. This place was recommended by BFF's friend. Crazy fresh seafood and super yummy tom yum goong :D

With the very friendly lady/umm yknow what I mean, with very big and perky, umm yknow what i mean. LOL.

Basil Chicken~

Stuffed Omelette!

Stir fry brocolli with scallops!

Bean paste morning glory~

TOM YUM CLAYPOT :') (which we eventually ordered 2 of)

Sweet and spicy prawns~ Crazy fresh man!


Fangs and me :D

BFF and Yings :D

My B just eating only. Just only :D

After our very satisfying dinner, its off to SLIM! Before leaving for BKK, I FB messaged Andrew Chow if he was gonna spin at RCA during our period of stay there. AND HE REPLIED THAT HE WAS. Good old times at Phuture always comes to my mind when I think of Andrew Chow. (He used to be the DJ at Phuture before his apprentice DJ Eclipse took over.) Signature tunes like "THE ROOF IS ON FIREEE"~ Seriously good times!

Super shiok luh, only towards the end then we realised we were seated at the VIP area of SLIM because of Andrew Chow :D While everyone had to stand up we were comfortably seated at the VIP area with ample space right next to the DJ Deck. I REALLY LOVE PARTYING IN BKK. /hintNINJAS BKK trip please :D

Fang like one sleepy only. LOLLLL :D

Omg we got couple eye, one big one small HEHEHHEE :D

Slim before the main playtime. Everyone very classy very poised.

Same drinks as before, Johnnie Walker Gold Reserve with Ginger Ale~~~

OOTDs~ First time see my BFF dress till so flamboyant!! 

ANDREW CHOW. Thanks to him we had a damn good night~ Songs were great, company was great, where we were seated ULTRA GREAT~

PHOTOBOMB!! Was telling B I should do a collage 9 gag style and crop my picture out and insert in random photos! LOL.

See while everybody cramping below, we is got first class treatment WOOOO :D Thanks Andrew!!! :D

Ultra awesome night :D:D:D


Guess where're we going~ :P 

Continue in my next post! Stay tune!!!


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