Thursday, May 28, 2009

Backity FINALLY(: So darn happy to be home!(: Yesterday was fun fun FUN! The most cost effective clubbing session EVER Thanks to someone whom shalt not be named cause I simply am told not to. HAHAA!(: We totally fully utilized the time and $$ cause we went to DBL O for drinks before going back to Phuture. Thank God the door bitch let me in HOHOHO!(: Though I can't believe I got fcking high on housepours during the cai quan or whatever game that was. Music at Phuture somehow only got better towards the end!((: But like not everyone enjoyed leh someone like totally just stone next to the walls one. TSK!\: Okok better see and try my luck for e learning now, 0_0 BYEEEEE!
Eeeeyer, anyone free tomorrow??? I have nothing to do tomorrow, jio me out play l4d or watch movies lehh...): Text text me cause Imma sleep now): Goodnight world.

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