Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The previous story has long ended, and a new one has begun. But yet, its plagued with the exact same problems. I need to inject my heart with adamantium so that nothing can break it. Nothing.

Today, was... tiring. Mentally and physically. All those reading of articles totally exhausted my poor brain): Then training, where my shoulder totally cracked like a chicken wing when I chased for first ball. Likka sian please\:

Tomorrow will be better, at least it'll be fun!(: First, I'd better start churning out my project stuffz before SmellyMelly kill me HAHAHAHHA!

PS: I just realised I forgot to add in one more 'random'.

  • Sometimes I'm so afraid of people hurting me that I won't look into your eyes when I talk to you. Cause I'm scared that my eyes will tell you everything about me. Absolutely everything.

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