Monday, May 25, 2009

Today was fun(: Almost the whole day spent with SiewShuHui my BFF(: Quality time yo! Window shopped, trimmed my fringe, ATE SHITLOADS, & martini-ed with her, Yushan, Jane & Cara! Rawr we need to save loads of money please SHUHUI!): -pouts. $$fallfromskyplease.
Tomorrow will be project then poolslot, Wednesday will be project & clubbing(: Yes, Fanghui I damn scared to tell you): I have to do project on Wednesday at National Library)): Please don't angry, yknow I'd go for training if I could!)): Sorry Fanghui, givesyoubigkiss(: HAHAHAHA!
OKOK I'm damn sleepy today I don't know why, byebye!

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