Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hello! Just got back from Matthew's surprise 21st BBQ Party(: HAHAHA. It was quite fun but I think what made it quite enjoyable would be finally seeing Matthew after like so long, cause everytime only talk to him on MSN. So yeah,(: I got a LITTLE high after drinking this cup of Vodka appletea, I put too much vodka inside but fun luh, fun to be high(: So this Wednesday is going to be awesome, not high won't dance yo![:

Matthew Hong Cho Ping, I know you read my blog likka once in a blue moon but yes, when you read this, Here I am wishing you a very spectacular smashing AWESOME LEGEN...wait for it.. DARY 21ST BIRTHDAY(: Last long with Nic yeah((:

OKOK BYEBYE, I'm off to do something constructive like eh, upload photos HAHAA!
Oh yes, SHUHUI if you see this please call me asap to discuss Monday's activity HAHA!(:

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