Thursday, May 21, 2009

I AM BACK FROM TOWN(: Wheee! OMG StarTrek was awesome!! Spock is so.. hmm hute? Cute+Hot HAHAHAHA! Idk, he got the charisma and so intellectual(: Im sucha geek, sheesh. L4D afterwards with Fanghui HAHAHA somebody became zai-er hurhur!(: The guy at the counter kept trying to psycho me into joining some L4D competition, tsk not zai enough join what shit competition luh tmd. Okok, need to head out for dinner soon, will be back to post some quotes later tonight! Tomorrow me no school! Anyone free?): -pouts. Ok brb! Bye for now!(:


Ok back again. Hehheh. & I forgot what I wanted to blog about. Hmm. Oh yes,I must say that I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU MELISA NEO!(: So damn happy(: Everything seems to be picking up for us aye? No more sadsad days(: Yayy! Anyways me is so eggcited about this coming Wednesday! Likka so many people coming, my classmates are coming!... I think HAHAHA! Omg one group of early childhood 'teachers' clubbing likka cool please!{: Those who don't club, can come chill with us first before catching the last bus back home(: Rawrr, can't wait yo! I need to dance!):

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