Monday, July 30, 2012


Feeling extremely unproductive of late. No feel to work eh how. Work piling zzz. Anyways, Jess just uploaded Saturday's party peeks, so here goes! :D

The night I didn't party with my usuals. Sad to say, most of my party people have moved to other pastures. Only le boyfr and me still prefer Zouk. I really don't get it. Whole experience wise, Zouk definitely wins hands down. At least Zouk's bouncers don't require the DJs to cease spinning for approximately (or what seems like) 5 minutes to me to pry fighting juveniles apart. Can you imagine your favourite song comes on and suddenly the lights came on? DAFUQ man.

So yeps, the reason why we partied is because of 2 people ;) Won't go into details cause its not my life but I sure hope something blossoms hehehehehehhehehe (o^^o) 

One group of my favourite people in the world. Namely because they have ALWAYS been there at some point in my life when I need to rant or seek a more objective opinion on certain events in my life. <3

My hot babe. I heart you so much eh, please don't let people trample all over your heart anymore can? :( I swear I will box the next person who does >:(


HAHAHA OOTD, FAIL. I brought my camera that night, together with le mini ringflash but I think I left got abit tipsy, and just totally left it in my bag and checked the whole damn package together. So no pictures from me :( (or rather, extremely little).



Example 1: She distributed 2 of her shots to her minions (HAHA S and J) and when S showed a little apprehension in downing it, she waved to the waiter and exclaimed (SUPER LOUDLY) "EH BOY GOT HOT MILK ANOT?" Everybodys' jaw instant drop on the ground and OMG JUST DAMN FUNNY LA.

Example 2: Her husband came to fetch her. I just merely commented, "EH YOUR DRESS SO SHORT CAREFUL WHEN YOU RIDE BIKE HOR!" 




The reaction of the 4 of us (le boyfr went to winebar and totally missed out this epic moment) was to instant squat on the ground near the rails next to the Hot Dog Stand and pretended not to know her. LOLLLLLLL~~~ and she was furiously tapping our shoulders and calling us assholes. HELLO MS, I AM PRETTY SURE NOBODY HAS EVER LIFTED THEIR SKIRTS (WILLINGLY) AT ZOUK BEFORE THANKS /hidesface.

So if anybody reads this and vaguely recalls this epic moment, erm erm I really don't know that girl, she just happened to be there and mistook us as her friends /blinks



All in all, SUPER FUN NIGHT <3 

*pictures credit to Jessica

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Skin care

Ok ok so once the book went too much into the details, I decided to power off my Kindle and stop reading #FiftyShadesofGrey /shudders Its so explicitly descriptive!

So on to what I actually planned on doing, blog! :D Hehehe I had a great weekend; great time with my friends at Zouk, and lots of sleep on Sunday with le boyfr.

So ok back to this entry, I want to talk about my skincare routine! Which is mostly Kiehls. HOLY SMOKES KIEHLS IS A DAMN GOOD BRAND TO GO TO FOR SKINCARE. NO JOKE. Pricy, but you get what you pay for thats what I feel.

So how do you take care of your skin after you have cleansed it? As we age, we need to feed our skin a little more nutrients, we need to protect it from all the UV rays and free radicals swimming in our air. I can't believe I am only really looking into taking care of my skin late last year! >.< Better late than never anyways. 

So after I have cleansed my skin, my next step would be to use a Toner. Toners help to close all your pores after you have cleansed it to prevent any clogs and bacterial infection of sorts. Can you imagine just leaving holes gaping on your face? Obviously things are gonna settle in and clog your pores! So use toner.

Here I am using Kiehls Calendula Herbal Extract Toner (alcohol free). Its super gentle super nice smelling and it even has Calendula petals swimming in the bottle! :D See already also shiok, like "wah they really dump the whole field of flowers in my toner :P" I won't lie to you, Kiehls isn't cheap, this bottle costs me $100+ but so far I've been using it for almost half a year and I still have half the bottle left! Good investment I'd say.

How do you use Toner? Some people put a little onto their palms and dab in on; some use a cotton pad and wipe it on; I prefer to put my Toner in a spritz bottle like so:-

and spritz it on :D Once you have misted it all over, then pat it in. Then use a tissue to blot away any excess. I got my spritz bottle from DAISO!

Next time, my pimple cream. Actually another reason why I use Kiehls is because I went on a Kiehls spree ever since I used their sunscreen and Midnight Recovery Concentrate (of which I will cover more of further down this entry) and was sooooo sold on their products! For me at least, I could tell a difference with my skin in a short time frame!

So this is the Blemish Control Daily Skin-Clearing Treatment. I use it before any serums or moisturiser. It smells very medicinal, not of florals and stuff and I use it as a preventive measure. What I mean by preventive measure is because this product contains Salicylic Acid, and Salicylic Acid helps to prevent clogged pores. You know how the pores on our noses especially gets clogged and you use those pore strips to get rid of them? You keep pulling them out but they keep appearing! Wouldn't it be better if you could just , don't need to pull them out because theres nothing to pull out? :P 

Little advice since we're talking about nose strips, if you're gonna be pulling things out, remember to use toner afterwards to close your pores cause whats the use if you open them up to clear them and then leave them gaping for new stuff to clog them up with?

NEXT, serum. Ok I used to use the Kiehls one, but I am now using this. Skinfood Moisture Ampoule 100. It smells super good and its really moisturizing! How to use serum? Some people put the product onto their fingers, warm it up a little and pat it on. I prefer using the dropper and dripping it directly onto my face and massage and pat it on. Your call.

Now what is the purpose of using a serum? Unlike moisturizers, serums deliver the nutrients deep into the skin. Moisturisers only cover the surface of your skin. That is the difference. So if you're thinking, "aiya already using Moisturiser, serum is waste money one la" 

Nope sonny, you couldn't be more wrong.

At night, there is an added step.  I am not too sure which category this belongs to, but I believe it should be a night serum? Kiehls Midnight Recovery Concentrate. This is to me Holy Grail product. Pricy once again, but a total worth it investment. It smells of lavender, it feels really oily but once absorbed by the skin, your skin feels super effing soft. Like butter. Mmhmm.

I use it how I would use my serum. Use the dropper to drip it directly on my face and massage then pat it in. I would then remove excess with a tissue. 

Last step! Moisturiser! I know and understand why some people can't be effed about skincare routines. Firstly, we hate piling stuff on our face. Make up is one thing. But to pile mostly oily stuff on the face before sleep is really >.< #jackiechanmeme Which is why I choose the products I use very carefully. Most of the products I used, apart from the Midnight Recovery Concentrate, is not oily at all. Even this moisturizer! This is Kiehls Rare Earth Pore Minimising Lotion. Truth be told, it smells a tad funky, but I think its due to it containing some earthy ingredients LOL. But I love this moisturizer because its incredibly lightweight, totally not oily at all and it moisturizes very well! Best part of it all? it makes my skin sooo smooth to the touch! Love it love it love it! :D

So yep, I hope this helps you guys who are clueless about how to take care of your skin :D And before I go, I must remind you that different products work differently on different skin. I have gone through hell loads of products to finally settle on these products. :D It really depends on your skin type, what are the issues that you need to tackle; i.e. as you can see, my concern is dry skin. Do not mistake oily skin to meaning your skin does not need moisture. It is precisely because your skin is dry/strip of moisture, does it start generating oils to overcompensate the lack of moisture. I hope you get what I mean. So because my skin is dry, you will notice I'm using products that moisturizes a lot. So if your issue is say, dull skin. Then maybe you need to tweak the routine a little by using a serum that promotes radiancy. 

Yups, and with that, I am out! :D

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Where will you be heading to tonight? ;) I will be off to the Phuture (Future haha ok not funny) with my ex colleagues and le boyfr so if you're heading down too say Hi ok! :D Multi colored lids for your party tonight perhaps? :P

Gotta go! Stay safe everyone :D

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Which are you?

Just caught The Dark Knight Rises. Cool show bro. And am I the only person who seems to over think movie plots and the different things we can learn from them?

It is a luxury for us to be able to think. To constantly just wonder if I will have enough money to buy that new bag, or to try the new cafe in town and not even sparing a little, to think, is just a waste of.. well intellect? Do you not care? Do you think of the betterment of your own life?

Take the scene at the Lazarus Pit. When the doctor talks to Bruce about how the child was able to make it out. How did the child make it? Because she/he (for not spoiling your movie) had to. She/He didn't have that luxury of time to put a rope around her/his waist so that she wouldn't fall and die if she/he couldn't make that jump. It was that "I have got to make it" mentality that pushed her/him to succeed. She/He didn't have the choice.

Which is totally relatable to our context. The Singapore Education System. 

Most, Singaporeans have got this mentality drilled into them that they need that paper qualifications. After most of us graduate from Poly/JC, the next step 'naturally' is to get into a University, to get that Degree so we can all have a better life after we graduate. But does that really guarantee a better life?

Like I mentioned earlier, MOST Singaporeans will get that Degree. And out of that many Graduates, how do you set yourself apart from the rest? 

Now let me backtrack a little more.

How about those who can't afford? You see, once MOST Singaporeans have worked so hard for that Degree, most wouldn't want to risk their hardwork, effort and money spent on their education to try something that they want to do. Simply because it isn't practical. So MOST of these Singaporeans would end up with their office jobs, maybe just doing slightly better than the others. Thinking to themselves, "well I could be worst."

As compared to those who can't afford to, but with dreams as big as can be. They have nothing. They don't have that back up plan. So when they dream big, they have to make it work. Because like that child in the Lazarus Pit, if they fall. Thats it. You are all the way to the bottom. 

Before watching the show, I told a friend, that I am considering not to pursue further studies at the moment. I wouldn't say I was scoffed at. But she did try her best to tell me that my thinking wasn't practical. And I should really study and only try to do what I want to do after I have sorted out my back up plan. 

But when I questioned her "So you've graduated. Would you risk your education so far, to set aside a few years? To build whatever you dreamed of? Or would you rather use your education, to I don't know, get a stable job that you have to do simply because this is all you can do?"

"I don't know."

Food for thought.

Disclaimer: obviously this is a general entry. Not meant for those in the extremities i.e. People who can afford to and have that determination to make it work; and people who can't afford to, and give up. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Jobs (II)

So what happens when barely 3 months into your new job, you found out about another job that has a better fit to what you eventually want to do?

And what happens when this job is just too good to pass, yet you still wanna try for this other job that you have been trying for for the past 1 year?

Which would you choose?

Need a little help here :/

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

OOTD: Colourblock X Highlow X Girties

What I wore to work today; Highlow dress MANGO, Colourblock sweater NEWLOOK, Dolce Vita Girties-inspired NEWLOOK

Neat hair, yay/nay?

Messy hair, yay/nay?

And a slight disclaimer here. This is how I look on most days. I am not so hardworking, and too darn lazy to put full on makeup everyday :S Usually when you see me taking pictures, its probably because 

  • a) I felt like being pretty (for once :'() that day;
  • b) I went out like that, but came home and put more make up on because my ring light will totally wash away my features if I don't. 
So yeps. I don't want friends to see me on the streets and go "Wa lao, so cui." HAHHAA because seriously make up does wonders, and I don't see why if I am ugly, I should stay ugly when I can use make up to at least make myself look decent. HAISH. Woes of an ugly girl.

Okok, even though I have no work tomorrow (YAYY ME :D) I have a jam packed Thursday! Becauseeeeeee.. I will not say here yet HEHHEHEHEH~ Maybe I'll update on Instagram or Twitter so follow me there! :D


Monday, July 16, 2012


"and they say she's in the class A team
stuck in her daydream
been this way since eighteen
but lately her face seems
slowly sinking, wasting
crumbling like pastries
and they scream 
the worst things in life come free to us.."

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Sundays again. Boring boring sundays. I spent the whole day at home. Snacking. Youtubing. Had the sudden feel to rewatch The Hills. Audrina is so hot. And I miss my boy :(

My boyfr is the ultimate sleepyhead. Hehe and he's mine <3

Anyways, since we're on the topic of boredom. I thought I'd share with you what I usually browse/do on the net when I am bored. Or procrastinating. Whichever goes.


So whats on youtube? For a long time I never subscribe to anybody on youtube. But this year, I found 3 awesome Youtube personalities to subscribe to! :D Yayy me~


Yep you saw it right :D Its one half of Jayesslee with her other half. I have never been a super huge fan of Jayesslee, but I saw Andy&Sonia's wedding video which was super duper sweet :') and their videos together are ultra funny and just full of love~ :D All the videos are funny, and for your convenience sake? I shall embed one right here to get you hooked!

They are just so so cute together :')

I stumbled unto her channel while clicking clicking around Youtube. She is this really adorable personality giving her 2 cents on fashion pairings and style. The way she bounces around in her video, you can't help but smile and click for the next fashion pairings~ It sure doesn't hurt that all her clothes, bags and shoes are extremely lust worthy O.O

She also does the occasional hair tutorials. And you can tell from her videos that she spent a lot of time and effort on them. 

Last but not least, my favorite of the lot, Jenn. She is this really cool Korean living in LA who loves thrifting (why SG thriftstore is so different from the ones overseas?) and has her own unique taste in fashion. She is so charming and fascinating to watch~ Don't believe? 

She's so cool right? O.O Omgah. And yes, if you noticed from all her videos, I got to know of Weirddough's music through her videos. I mean come on, chill music fo life, kapheesh?

And /shy, I like her so much that I followed her on Twitter and Instagram. Don't judge me :c

That concludes Youtubeland. Doesn't mean I don't watch other stuff, just that these 3 are the ones that I will always check if they have new videos :D

So yep~ Things to do on the net when you're bored. :D

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Pretty hair (ii)

I sincerely apologise for taking so long to post this video! >.< But anyways, this is how soft and manageable your hair is after the Wella Pro Care Brilliance Treatment with Macadamia Oil. I tend to get hand itchy and get something done to my hair every few months (i.e dye, curl, rebond, dye again, BLEACH O.O) so you must understand that my hair is really super dry and just fried. I have tried hair treatments at many other salons and NONE has even come close to what I have experienced at Essensuals Bugis. 

Previously I did their Japanese Spa Treatment and that alone has already blown me away with the effectiveness of their treatment. After I chopped off my locks and had the ends permed (please don't ask me why I did that, lack of sound judgement I guess), the ends of my hair was really, just.. I can't even. 

So after one week of frustration, I decided to go back to Essensuals B to see what they can do to salvage my hair. Damn scumbag sia me, ask them to salvage what other salons did to my hair :x So this is the end result of JUST ONE TIME treatment; imagine what frequent treatments can do to your hair!

So if your hair is like mine, long suffering the effects of our ficklemindedness, and our vanity, this treatment costs me approximately $50+? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? O.O 

You can trust me because I am not paid to do this. I got nothing to gain. :D

Oh when I did the treatment, I was quoted the Introductory price! The usual price for the treatment is $107. But ITS TOTALLY WORTH IT. Else, there's always the equally good Japanese Spa Treatment :B

For frequent updates,

Cosmic X Denim X Litas


TSR Cosmic Chiffon X FEP Demin Highwaisted X Jeffrey Campbell in Distressed Mustard.

Lately I have the urge to dress up and actually make my money worth from all that I've spent so far. Which is a lot. Number one priority when I'm in BKK? GET A FUCKING CLUTCH. haven't been able to spot a single decent one in +65 it's just sad. Ok I did, at Zara but le Boyfr convinced me to wait till BKK to get it. Ohwells.

Anyways, I finally did one video (cause its the easiest I only need to add an intro and ending text and the music) and I pinky promise you i'll upload it tomorrow!!! (#^.^#)

Ok it's 1am, and I'm gonna hit the sack now! Gnight world, X.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012


So today is A's birthday. And I am not the sort to wish people on their Facebook because it just seems so impersonal imho. Just like I don't attend every birthday party I am invited to unless I am really close to you, because thats the privilege of being a good friend to me, no? Ok, we'll come back to that. 

Anyways, so I BBMed him, "Happy Birthday Broda!" And minutes into our conversation, I realised he is now at Perth, and he'll be there most probably for good. 

Shock and sadness does not suffice, to say the least, about this sudden departure (from +65) of a friend. You see, both of us, and another 7 other awesome people, used to be part of this group of awesomeness called NINJAS. How we all started hanging out, is a whirl that none of us can EXACTLY pinpoint how it all began but I am pretty sure I am not the only one who constantly wishes that things now are still as before.

It all started in 2010. 1 year into the party scene, my party crew (JH, BFF, LYX, JA and me) started hanging out with E, K, D. Due to their respective personal reasons, we all decided to always party together. One fine night, we stumbled, or rather D stumbled upon A. A all drunk and running around the area hugging a bottle of Absolut. Can you imagine that sight? In their less than sober state, they both started being super hyper and suddenly decided to look for 'ninjas'. So somehow, we were all recruited to be part of NINJAS. 

After that fateful night, the 9 of us were practically inseparable. There was nothing we couldn't do. House parties, Sushi dates, KL trip (unfortunately I couldn't go); it was SUPER SUPER loads of fun and everyone was so close. Imagine a whole group of people who are like family

But all good things come to an end. For the same personal reasons/issues that weren't sorted out, things started to fall apart. Fights in clubs. Screaming and shouting outside the club. Incidents that would eventually lead to distrust. New relationships. Things were slipping away faster than we could grasp. 

One by one, we started to drift further and further away. 

I know, that some people, other people outside of NINJAs, perhaps think that we're superficial. That we were a group doomed to fail. That we were just merely clubbing pals who are shallow in our relationships and etc. 

But you don't understand. Sometimes, I myself, don't understand. Why am I always thinking back on the times when we were One? 

But its all too late now. Everyone is moving forward with their own lives, somethings just can't be done. Its like a piece of glass that has shattered, and some of the mini bits flew to far off, you can try to piece it all together, but there's always something missing, or two pieces will never be able to fit again. That's just it.

I don't have a lot of regrets in my 22 years of Life, but somehow I think NINJAS will always be one of it. Regret that I didn't do all I could, to try to salvage whatever we had.

Thank you. &hopefully someday..

Broda, take care in +61! We don't talk as much as we do last time, but you know that whenever you need to talk to someone, I will be here. I will be listening :')

What now

How do you keep telling yourself, that despite whatever thats happening now, everything will work out eventually? 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Hellololo! o(^v^)o Check out my chio shoes! They are Dolce Vita Girties inspired and I got them for only $50~ INSANELY CHEAP OMGAHHH.

Hehehe my boyfr ^^ Let me formally introduce you to my boyfr. 

His name is Chia Jeremy. Fullstop. No official chinese name. O.O FUCKEN COOL BODOH. He is 21 going on 22 this year. His birthday is 29 October 1990, if you wanna share money buy present for him, please let me know :P He is 1.79m tall. I don't know his weight, but pretty sure its very awesome. He hates mushrooms to death, like if he could build a mushroom exterminator machine to eradicate all mushrooms in the world he would. :S He's currently serving the nation but he will be out of that on 24 August 2012! :D His favorite colour is RED, although he always says he's too cool to have a favorite colour. Pfft.

SO HELLO THERE :D Its the end of Tuesday and we have 3 more days to the weekends! :D Hang in there my lovelies! It'll be TGIFF before you know it! :D
