Wednesday, July 18, 2012

OOTD: Colourblock X Highlow X Girties

What I wore to work today; Highlow dress MANGO, Colourblock sweater NEWLOOK, Dolce Vita Girties-inspired NEWLOOK

Neat hair, yay/nay?

Messy hair, yay/nay?

And a slight disclaimer here. This is how I look on most days. I am not so hardworking, and too darn lazy to put full on makeup everyday :S Usually when you see me taking pictures, its probably because 

  • a) I felt like being pretty (for once :'() that day;
  • b) I went out like that, but came home and put more make up on because my ring light will totally wash away my features if I don't. 
So yeps. I don't want friends to see me on the streets and go "Wa lao, so cui." HAHHAA because seriously make up does wonders, and I don't see why if I am ugly, I should stay ugly when I can use make up to at least make myself look decent. HAISH. Woes of an ugly girl.

Okok, even though I have no work tomorrow (YAYY ME :D) I have a jam packed Thursday! Becauseeeeeee.. I will not say here yet HEHHEHEHEH~ Maybe I'll update on Instagram or Twitter so follow me there! :D


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