Sunday, July 29, 2012

Skin care

Ok ok so once the book went too much into the details, I decided to power off my Kindle and stop reading #FiftyShadesofGrey /shudders Its so explicitly descriptive!

So on to what I actually planned on doing, blog! :D Hehehe I had a great weekend; great time with my friends at Zouk, and lots of sleep on Sunday with le boyfr.

So ok back to this entry, I want to talk about my skincare routine! Which is mostly Kiehls. HOLY SMOKES KIEHLS IS A DAMN GOOD BRAND TO GO TO FOR SKINCARE. NO JOKE. Pricy, but you get what you pay for thats what I feel.

So how do you take care of your skin after you have cleansed it? As we age, we need to feed our skin a little more nutrients, we need to protect it from all the UV rays and free radicals swimming in our air. I can't believe I am only really looking into taking care of my skin late last year! >.< Better late than never anyways. 

So after I have cleansed my skin, my next step would be to use a Toner. Toners help to close all your pores after you have cleansed it to prevent any clogs and bacterial infection of sorts. Can you imagine just leaving holes gaping on your face? Obviously things are gonna settle in and clog your pores! So use toner.

Here I am using Kiehls Calendula Herbal Extract Toner (alcohol free). Its super gentle super nice smelling and it even has Calendula petals swimming in the bottle! :D See already also shiok, like "wah they really dump the whole field of flowers in my toner :P" I won't lie to you, Kiehls isn't cheap, this bottle costs me $100+ but so far I've been using it for almost half a year and I still have half the bottle left! Good investment I'd say.

How do you use Toner? Some people put a little onto their palms and dab in on; some use a cotton pad and wipe it on; I prefer to put my Toner in a spritz bottle like so:-

and spritz it on :D Once you have misted it all over, then pat it in. Then use a tissue to blot away any excess. I got my spritz bottle from DAISO!

Next time, my pimple cream. Actually another reason why I use Kiehls is because I went on a Kiehls spree ever since I used their sunscreen and Midnight Recovery Concentrate (of which I will cover more of further down this entry) and was sooooo sold on their products! For me at least, I could tell a difference with my skin in a short time frame!

So this is the Blemish Control Daily Skin-Clearing Treatment. I use it before any serums or moisturiser. It smells very medicinal, not of florals and stuff and I use it as a preventive measure. What I mean by preventive measure is because this product contains Salicylic Acid, and Salicylic Acid helps to prevent clogged pores. You know how the pores on our noses especially gets clogged and you use those pore strips to get rid of them? You keep pulling them out but they keep appearing! Wouldn't it be better if you could just , don't need to pull them out because theres nothing to pull out? :P 

Little advice since we're talking about nose strips, if you're gonna be pulling things out, remember to use toner afterwards to close your pores cause whats the use if you open them up to clear them and then leave them gaping for new stuff to clog them up with?

NEXT, serum. Ok I used to use the Kiehls one, but I am now using this. Skinfood Moisture Ampoule 100. It smells super good and its really moisturizing! How to use serum? Some people put the product onto their fingers, warm it up a little and pat it on. I prefer using the dropper and dripping it directly onto my face and massage and pat it on. Your call.

Now what is the purpose of using a serum? Unlike moisturizers, serums deliver the nutrients deep into the skin. Moisturisers only cover the surface of your skin. That is the difference. So if you're thinking, "aiya already using Moisturiser, serum is waste money one la" 

Nope sonny, you couldn't be more wrong.

At night, there is an added step.  I am not too sure which category this belongs to, but I believe it should be a night serum? Kiehls Midnight Recovery Concentrate. This is to me Holy Grail product. Pricy once again, but a total worth it investment. It smells of lavender, it feels really oily but once absorbed by the skin, your skin feels super effing soft. Like butter. Mmhmm.

I use it how I would use my serum. Use the dropper to drip it directly on my face and massage then pat it in. I would then remove excess with a tissue. 

Last step! Moisturiser! I know and understand why some people can't be effed about skincare routines. Firstly, we hate piling stuff on our face. Make up is one thing. But to pile mostly oily stuff on the face before sleep is really >.< #jackiechanmeme Which is why I choose the products I use very carefully. Most of the products I used, apart from the Midnight Recovery Concentrate, is not oily at all. Even this moisturizer! This is Kiehls Rare Earth Pore Minimising Lotion. Truth be told, it smells a tad funky, but I think its due to it containing some earthy ingredients LOL. But I love this moisturizer because its incredibly lightweight, totally not oily at all and it moisturizes very well! Best part of it all? it makes my skin sooo smooth to the touch! Love it love it love it! :D

So yep, I hope this helps you guys who are clueless about how to take care of your skin :D And before I go, I must remind you that different products work differently on different skin. I have gone through hell loads of products to finally settle on these products. :D It really depends on your skin type, what are the issues that you need to tackle; i.e. as you can see, my concern is dry skin. Do not mistake oily skin to meaning your skin does not need moisture. It is precisely because your skin is dry/strip of moisture, does it start generating oils to overcompensate the lack of moisture. I hope you get what I mean. So because my skin is dry, you will notice I'm using products that moisturizes a lot. So if your issue is say, dull skin. Then maybe you need to tweak the routine a little by using a serum that promotes radiancy. 

Yups, and with that, I am out! :D

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