Sunday, July 8, 2012

Foodie foodie food food food

This weekend was spent over at le boyfr's. He came over to my place on Saturday afternoon to film "Boyfr does my makeup" and then we're off to his place :D Plan was to meet his friends for dinner at Strictly Pancakes (SP) :D:D:D (psst, I know I have tons of videos on queue to upload but editing is a bitch and I am a big time procrastinator :()

The assortment of pancakes combination we ordered, of which I shalt not comment on the taste because I didn't really share with them. 

And this is mine! :D I "made my own" pancakes :D As in, I selected what sides to go with the pancakes as opposed to B's and his friend's whereby they just picked from the menu. Mine looking a lot like an American breakfast :P Whats not to love about American breakfast!? Bacon, sautéed mushrooms, scrambled eggs complementing the main star; soft fluffy buttery pancakes. ^^

The interesting thing about SP, is there's even a selection of Butter to choose to go with your pancakes. I am not too adventurous, so I just chose Salted Butter. Boyfr took Garlic&Herb. Which actually turned out to be surprisingly delicious! :D So thats something to note if you're going to head down to SP :D

I LOVE American Breakfast, so I would say that SP does a not too bad job with it :D I would definitely head back to SP to try the more unique combinations like Garlic Prawns with Pancakes (like how weird is that, Prawns with pancakes O.O) and maybe some dessert pancakes :D

Strictly Pancakes
44 Prinsep Street 
Singapore 188674

You may wish to note that I went down on a Saturday night and I had to wait for approximately half an hour without reservations, so if you're going down, maybe you'd wanna call them first :D

Lunch the next day with le boyfr at Next Door Deli (NDD) :D

So NDD is a quaint little cafe located in Ang Mo Kio estate, really small shop with limited seating serving mostly their versions of Western Cuisines such as Chicken chops, Burgers and Fish & Chips. It has both air conditioned seating and outdoor seatings. :) Very comfortable ambience!

This is what I ordered :) Meatball pasta! :D And this meatball is not like your other meatballs. Its made solely out of Pork. No beef! /playsSteveAokimix HAHAHA. Very tender, succulent pork with a little bit of water chestnut bits and spring onion; very yums, very noms. HAHHAHA running out of synonyms for delicious! 

Usually I'll eat my pasta Aglio style if I had the choice because firstly, I love spicy food and Aglio is ALWAYS (I MEAN IT HAS TO BE) spicy and secondly, I am not a big fan of tomato based food. So the sauce for this pasta is a pleasant surprise! Its not overly sour, has a hint of sweet, tarty tomato-y taste, which works really well with the meatballs and the pasta :D

Boyfr's Wok Fried Mee Siam. Very interesting twist to our familiar local food the humble Mee Siam. So what you get is beehoon lightly tossed with Mee Siam flavor and on the sides, we have some prawns, a whole fishcake and NDD's signature Chicken wing.

I tried a little of the Mee Siam, it was pretty good but I am not gonna comment further because I kinda forgot how it really tastes like :X Which also means the taste of this dish is just alright, since it didn't leave much of an impression on me. BUT THE CHICKEN WING. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD. Better than Ikeas. So if you're a fan of Ikea's Chicken Wings? Try this!

Next Door Deli
529 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 10 
Singapore 560529

Obviously it goes without saying that I am definitely going back to try the rest of their menu! :D (Doesn't hurt that boyfr's place is just opposite hohoho) :D

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