Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Hellololo! o(^v^)o Check out my chio shoes! They are Dolce Vita Girties inspired and I got them for only $50~ INSANELY CHEAP OMGAHHH.

Hehehe my boyfr ^^ Let me formally introduce you to my boyfr. 

His name is Chia Jeremy. Fullstop. No official chinese name. O.O FUCKEN COOL BODOH. He is 21 going on 22 this year. His birthday is 29 October 1990, if you wanna share money buy present for him, please let me know :P He is 1.79m tall. I don't know his weight, but pretty sure its very awesome. He hates mushrooms to death, like if he could build a mushroom exterminator machine to eradicate all mushrooms in the world he would. :S He's currently serving the nation but he will be out of that on 24 August 2012! :D His favorite colour is RED, although he always says he's too cool to have a favorite colour. Pfft.

SO HELLO THERE :D Its the end of Tuesday and we have 3 more days to the weekends! :D Hang in there my lovelies! It'll be TGIFF before you know it! :D


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