Thursday, July 5, 2012

Some say..

"Love, is the person you think of during sad songs."

But sweet sweet love, is the person you think of in everything you encounter everyday. I know I have posted this song before but no words, can describe how much I love this song, and how I see J everytime this song plays. 

"Nothing prepared me for what the privilege of being yours could do
If I had only felt the warmth within your touch
If I had only seen how you smile when you blush"

Well I would have known, what I've been living for, all along..

Its hard to see whats the future like. Or rather, I have learnt not to see too much or rather too far into the future. So what, if two people have been together for the longest time? It doesn't matter. It doesn't guarantee anything at all. 

But as much as I try not to see, every time I think of J, I see what I want in my future. I don't know about him, but I really do. Does anybody else get that feeling? When you think of that one person you love? And you feel like there's this huge mass of love in your chest, just waiting to explode out? And you wanna express it out but you can't find the right way to express it and you just feel like crying? Because all I feel is this big big love; that I love him so much.

Every time he smiles, I'd do anything to see him smile like that everyday, every moment. That twinkly eyes..

When he sleeps, and he makes those unique noises (some of you call that snoring but I find it therapeutic :P) and his sleepy voice, I'd do anything to hear that every morning when I wake up.

When we're out and about, and he suddenly kisses my cheek or my forehead, or suddenly hug me from behind or just grab me around my waist.. seriously who taught this boy all the tricks?

When he whispers "I love you baby"..

Nobody is perfect; sometimes (those rare times) I do get the feeling like, "maybe I am better off being single. I don't need to be accountable to anybody, I can do as I please," because we drive each other mad sometimes. 

But that's what Love does, doesn't it? Love makes people mad. Love makes us experience both ends of the emotion spectrum. But Love is feeling all these different emotions and still wanna be with the same person throughout it all.

"Love isn't just finding someone you have chemistry with, but meeting someone who loves you enough to always keep on trying, no matter how tiring it is."

That's what listening to this song, makes me feel.

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