Sunday, July 22, 2012

Which are you?

Just caught The Dark Knight Rises. Cool show bro. And am I the only person who seems to over think movie plots and the different things we can learn from them?

It is a luxury for us to be able to think. To constantly just wonder if I will have enough money to buy that new bag, or to try the new cafe in town and not even sparing a little, to think, is just a waste of.. well intellect? Do you not care? Do you think of the betterment of your own life?

Take the scene at the Lazarus Pit. When the doctor talks to Bruce about how the child was able to make it out. How did the child make it? Because she/he (for not spoiling your movie) had to. She/He didn't have that luxury of time to put a rope around her/his waist so that she wouldn't fall and die if she/he couldn't make that jump. It was that "I have got to make it" mentality that pushed her/him to succeed. She/He didn't have the choice.

Which is totally relatable to our context. The Singapore Education System. 

Most, Singaporeans have got this mentality drilled into them that they need that paper qualifications. After most of us graduate from Poly/JC, the next step 'naturally' is to get into a University, to get that Degree so we can all have a better life after we graduate. But does that really guarantee a better life?

Like I mentioned earlier, MOST Singaporeans will get that Degree. And out of that many Graduates, how do you set yourself apart from the rest? 

Now let me backtrack a little more.

How about those who can't afford? You see, once MOST Singaporeans have worked so hard for that Degree, most wouldn't want to risk their hardwork, effort and money spent on their education to try something that they want to do. Simply because it isn't practical. So MOST of these Singaporeans would end up with their office jobs, maybe just doing slightly better than the others. Thinking to themselves, "well I could be worst."

As compared to those who can't afford to, but with dreams as big as can be. They have nothing. They don't have that back up plan. So when they dream big, they have to make it work. Because like that child in the Lazarus Pit, if they fall. Thats it. You are all the way to the bottom. 

Before watching the show, I told a friend, that I am considering not to pursue further studies at the moment. I wouldn't say I was scoffed at. But she did try her best to tell me that my thinking wasn't practical. And I should really study and only try to do what I want to do after I have sorted out my back up plan. 

But when I questioned her "So you've graduated. Would you risk your education so far, to set aside a few years? To build whatever you dreamed of? Or would you rather use your education, to I don't know, get a stable job that you have to do simply because this is all you can do?"

"I don't know."

Food for thought.

Disclaimer: obviously this is a general entry. Not meant for those in the extremities i.e. People who can afford to and have that determination to make it work; and people who can't afford to, and give up. 

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