Monday, July 2, 2012

The best things in life are free

Somethings in life, are irreplaceable. Thinking back on all we shared, I don't even know where we began? How did we suddenly, amongst so many people in our school, came together and be best friends? Baffles me but does it matter? When every single fucking thing was going down and there was no end to that roller coaster ride, she was the one who knocked down anybody in my way to wipe away my tears. When things didn't go the way it should go for me; when people treat me any less than she felt I deserved, she took it upon herself to give those people a piece of her mind. What did I do to deserve her? I don't know. But I am ever so thankful for you, Shu. <3 Really. The times we cried together in Zouk. It was those times, when I needed someone the most, that there was somebody there for me. <3<3<3 

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