Sunday, August 11, 2013


..because I didn't want him to think different about me. But the thing is, I wasn't being honest. So, why would I care whether or not he loved me when he didn't really even know me?

I enjoy self-reflecting on what has transpired thus far in my life, and what lessons I have learnt from them. Talking about it, doesn't necessarily mean that I'm still hung up about it; more of learning from what went wrong and making sure that I don't commit the same mistakes again.

Skipping to the end of last week, where I had a beer or 2 with M and we were just chatting as always about everything, I've come to realise that you know what? I don't think X has ever seen or been with the real me. I am vulgar, judgmental, and I have tons of things to say on a diverse range of topics and issues which I never got round to expressing, mainly because I didn't want him to think any different about me. I was so bent on this portrayal of the "good" side of me, all he saw was that. All most people saw was that. But being vulgar and judgmental is part of who I am. I wasn't being honest. Not even to someone whom I had supposedly "loved" so passionately. I am not saying that I was trying to be someone I am not. But I was merely choosing the parts of me to show to the world, even to X. 

I told M about my realisation after I got home, and she agreed. And she said I am more fun this way. #flipshair #bitchpleaseimfabulous

HAHAHAHHAHAHAA. Okay, all solemnity has just gone out of the window. But I guess we all learn something about ourselves everyday, yes? :D


Yayyy, back with my weekly updates about the past week! Eggcites bo? This is the one post every week that I appeal to you to allow me to spam my Singlish and not be so anal about my grammar and shit. :D 

HELLO MAGNEBRO, don't scold me for scolding you on my blog already hehehehe; I am always genuinely happy to see your texts every morning :D Nice to know that we're still sharing our lives even though we're 10,516.83km apart! ITZ OKAY 2 DAYS TO YOUR RETURN TO GOTHAM RIGHT HAHAHHAHHAHA!  /bumps

You guys probably saw a similar picture last week already but yes! Tuesday saw me really inspired to dress up even though I was just going back to BP after work for tuition. :D

To save you from scrolling, this is my #OOTD for that day :)))

And because it was tuition after, there's nothing much to write about.

WEDNESDAYYYYYY; saw me lugging shitloads of stuff to work because the plan was to PARTYYYYYYYY that night. #OOTD; Blazer c/o Topshop, Bustier dress c/o BKK, Nude stilettos c/o Charles&Keith

I am mostly wearing that pair of heels to party because they not only look good, but insanely comfortable to dance in for a sane period of time.

After work, changed out to my party outfit and yes I am wearing denim shorts to club, and I forego-ed the usual falsies just because wearing skin tight dresses and spamming make up to club is too damn mainstream. Really is don't give a flying fck what is the norm and what people think. I WANT TO WEAR SHORTS, GOT A PROBLEM, COME AT ME BRUH.

Entire outfit c/o Topshop.

Crowd that night was INSANE. Which I had expected since it was the eve of a PH. The whole world seemed like they were there, saw my seniors and friends whom I've never seen in a long time (and my eyecandy kekekeke even though everyone doesn't get why he's an eyecandy PFFT I LIKE GOOD ENOUGH)

Sour plum shots with my girls, then headed to Riverside to find E and friends!

The Original 3 plus our beloved FH whom we can actually just induct into the Originals. :D

Spamming our group shots because we hardly ever take a nice proper one so here's 3! 

Funny story; le BFF suggested that we all party in Red&White that day in honour of our nation's birthday. She was so enthusiastic about it whereas the 3 of us were like "are you kidding that's sooo retarded."  I am pretty sure FH and me were never taken by the idea, and gullible J didn't know that FH and me wouldn't be following the dresscode PLUS le BFF decided not to follow the dresscode too because she thought J wouldn't be decked in R&W BUT...

Look at the pictures. HAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHAA J WAS THE ONLY ONE IN R&W. But ohwells, she got a free flaming from le BFF for her enthusiasm! :D

3am, seated outside valet because our feet were KILLING US! Music at Phuture that night was AMAZEBALLS BECAUSE LINCEY WAS SPINNING! I absolutely ADORE HIS MIXES THEY ARE SO GOOD, he was dropping the beats of Dimitri Vegas, Hardwell, Alesso, OMG I DIED AND WENT TO MUSICAL HEAVEN THAT NIGHT. 

And seriously, "If I lose myself" IS THE BEST DAMN SONG TO SHUFFLE IN. Which is the reason why I am pretty damn sure my toe nails are gonna fall off soon. Too much shuffling in heels that night; but it's a good dance move to pull to get more space to yourself (and your friends) and to ward off unwarranted hands and crotches HAHAHAHAHA.

Hello BFF /kissykissy heartshape you times infinity :D

After party saw us at Swee Chooooooooon! Fat die me, but I was dying of hunger! I won't bother explaining the food la, pretty sure most Singaporeans have tried Swee Choon so...

Mega yums in ma tums, and basically we ate all the calories that we burnt on the dancefloor LOL. But thats the best way to end off an awesome night :)))

I am a weird fella, I always auto-wakeup after the night out partying. Here I am, with 6 hours of sleep, taking pictures of my sleeping beauties :D



Damn lazy bums, we were supposed to gym that day but everyone was so nua, and the nua-ness rubbed off on me so gym ended up a no-go zzzzzzzz. 

Smokes at the stairwell with FH while waiting for my pig of a BFF to wake up hehe. Natural sunlight is the best lighting to take photos in. Felt like Wall-E though, just sitting there basking in some light and warmth. 

The exact thoughts while I took this picture: "Dayum my toes still hurt".

Because gym was no-go, the 3 of us headed to JEM for dunch with BFF's sister, and also to meet M for smokes and chitchat :D

This was good..

this wasn't..

this was nothing spectacular.

We were dunching at the food court, and these were from the store selling like steamed stuff. If you're there and keen to try this, just get the first dish. 'Twas pretty dope.

After which I went home and had an early night zzzzzzz......

...and nua-ed most of my Friday away because I was just soooooooooo lethargic! My Friday went like that:

  • woke up
  • oatmeal for breakfast
  • Cable-d
  • ordered delivery for lunch
  • Cloud Atlas-ed (which was such a beautiful epic film by the way!!! Thanks A for the intro!)
  • Spotify-ed some tunes and drifted into a glorious afternoon nap
  • woke up with the intention to run but decided to youtube and call mama (feeling guilty about staying out so much lately)
  • went to town to meet my lovely folks and uncle for dinner! :DDD

#OOTD for that night; knit shrug c/o Topshop, brown tank top c/o F21, Red highwaisted shorts c/o Topshop, Sperry.

If you're following me on IG, you would have seen another variation of my OOTD, so yep I look like an old ahpek here HAHHAHAHAHA. Whateverrrr~~

Korean food for dinner that day. This is the damn dope korean food from Meridian food court (now it's called Concorde Hotel or something). $6.90 I believe and you get a heap of grilled seasoned chicken DAMN WORTH IT. 

Tully's Coffee after dinner for dessert :D The Walnut Brownie looks meh BUT SO GOOD!! I usually prefer Fudge Brownies, but this is reallly too good to pass!

Lately I like tying my hair in a bun because it's at this awkward length of not being long, and not being short. After I let it down, my hair has this really nice natural wave to it. :D So happy this is why YOU SHOULD NEVER REBOND YOUR HAIR. If this was my rebonded hair (in the past I did rebond my hair once) it would just be like this ||||||||||. SO FUGLY.

#motd, in honour of our Nation's birthday, red eyeline above the usual black #cheapthrill #likethatalsocan

And seriously, why nobody likes the sad songs I listen to? /pouts they are really nice songs lehhhhhhh /whines. The current figures for that playlist is now 320 plays and 23 likes. HUGE DIFFERENCE FROM THE FIRST 2 PLAYLIST LE SIGH.

Follow me on 8tracks okay? :D @jolenequek

Saturday brekkie with korkor; Rye wholemeal bread from Marche, topped with Herb Apple Ham, oven roasted tomatoes and butterhead lettuce, Bruschetta style. Yums in my tums I had 2 of these :D 

Pandan afterwards to support my forever teammies for their polo competition. 

Watching the matches really made me miss polo sooooo damn much. Feel like going back to the sport, but can I? Should I? OHWELLLS.

Went home after the matches to change and off to meet the GTS friends. Haven't met them in 3 years I believe, crazy long time! 

Actually I went home mainly because my phone was dying. I know I have 2 phones but I am overly attached to my iPhone and my blackberry... fuck that shit that phone sucks. LOL.

But yeah I was wearing a cropped top to Pandan, and I didn't really wanna wear it at night so I went home to change into some form of knitwear. 

Charge phone still can waste battery take selfie, #winliao

Couldn't find a chance to take an OOTD so this is the best I can do. HAHAHA.

On the bus down to Katong, suddenly found myself craving to listen to this song!! It used to be my favourite in Secondary 3!! Anybody remembers this song???? :D

So it was Fatboy's for dinner, and I wasn't feeling too hungry so I settled for some Chilli Cheese Fries, which I couldn't finish as well. G was exaggerating how that portion of fries would only suffice as his snack, I was like thinking WTF SNACK?!

Finally had my long awaited beeeeeer! I am seriously growing old, I really hated beer last time but now I always look forward to a glass of ice cold beer :D

This?! SNACK? Okay but these were pretty good, didn't expect it to be even the slightest bit of spicy but they were a little, so a pleasant surprise there!

Once we were done with dinner, we swapped our indoor seats for the outdoor ones and got up to date with our lives and stuff over beer and smokes. Lovely chilling session, but I had way too many smokes that night, and overestimated my beer limit again. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

So I was onboard 966, which was a straight route home. I fell into a beer-induced sleep and woke up at what I thought was "my stop". I quickly rang the bell to alert the driver just to realise I was going to stop at the wrong stop!! Worse still, nobody alighted. /hidesface walewwwwwwwwwww damn malu lehhhh. And can you see my glassy glassy eyes. I hereby name such face (eyes) "BEER GOGGLES". Thankfully I decided not to take up PT's offer of playing LAN at Geylang else I foresee myself walking like a zombie that night.

I prepped for bed time and was reviewing my blog stats for the day when I saw that. LOLOLOL SUPER FUNNY OMG THANKS THANKS :D:D:D:D


FINALLY MANAGED TO HIT THE GYM for the week. Went with my korkor, and it was an excellent gym session. I am feeling the aches from all the bicep curls and... whatever other exercise I did I have no idea what they're called. Haven't carried my Crumpler out in so long, made me feel like I was a poloist again that day :D SIGHHHHHH.

Went off to JEM with my korkor and mommy after lunch with daddy as well to wait for M to get ready. THIS ^^^^ IS A MUST TRY FROM MARK'S & SPENCER. ALMOND CROISSANT OMG SO DAMN YUMMY :O Their chocolate chip cookie is worth a try too!! :D

Saw this on my Ninjas' group chat and I went all "OMG OMG MY BRO!!"

Damn proud seriously, Armstrong I AM SOOOOO PROUD OF YOU. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Really so thankful for all my bros, always have my back one :') Especially this bro ah, then his girlfriend also so nice so funny so chio ones, my favourite couple sia :') 

Okayokay back to topic, so I met M shortly after and we headed to town because I needed to collect The Colour Run race pack, but it was a logistical nightmare there. People were queuing a good 4 hours for the collection of the race pack. Since the queue was open till 11, we decided to catch The Conjuring. I don't usually feel the want to catch a horror film in theatres but everyone on my Twitter timeline was talking about how scary it was and it most definitely intrigued me. Especially when KC tweeted "...most scariest..." 2 superlatives in one sentence. MUST BE DAMN SCARY. 

Okay la, after movie thoughts; I think it's a pretty good horror film. They don't employ cheap tricks to scare you, but I had a few (too many) good screams in the theatre. So much so that M had to apologise to the people sitting beside us HAHAHAHAHHAHAA. But quite funny though, everytime someone in the film did something silly like, going into the cellar or using the musical box in the cellar, you could hear people go "DON'T LEH YOU STUPID YOU STUPID" Fucking funny. And M has a damn cute way of ignoring the movie too, half the time I can tell her eyes are on the seat divider between us LOLOLOL! 

So yes would I recommend the film? Please go ahead :D

After the movie, went down to Scape again to check out the queue. It was still pretty crazy but manageable. BUT I didn't manage to get my race pack in the end thanks to some fuck up in the system. Hope everything works out in the end today when BFF goes down to find out what happened.

Bus-ed back to BP with M, was waiting for her bus when she suggested getting some beer at KSL. WALAO SIBEI UNCLES SIA WE, sit at the kopitiam with 2 bottles of Tiger. But it turned out to be a really good heart to heart session :} I think we both got a little tipsy at the end of it because we were laughing alot while walking back to my place. Chatted more under my block before she left at 1. It amazes me how we always have so much to talk about! :D

Had a good beer-induced sleep again till I almost overslept this morning. :/


And that sums up my National Day week! :D Hope yours was as good as mine! :D 

Parting thought:
TaoHuay pudding stall A has been selling taohuay pudding for a few months. It hit off well with the masses and soon TauHuay stall B decided to change from selling mehhhh tauhuay to tauhuay pudding as well. So A has a few certain quirks that makes it what it is. A is only opened every Monday and it names its items on the menu by their initials. Suddenly B starts displaying similarities in its operations and even went to the extent of opening a day earlier than A!

Does that make B the original? Nope, it just makes B look like the desperate wannabe

Everyone is watching, for God's sake, please behave yourself in public. If you have what it takes, you don't need to feel threatened by anything. 

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