Wednesday, August 14, 2013

#nowwatching; CLUELESS

Just caught this online on a whim. Not the usual kind of films I'd go to but it's a nice change once in a while! But oh my Alicia Silverstone in this film is sooooo pretty I couldn't stop looking at her!!! 


I mean, just look at her. Her hair is so luxurious in the show I think everytime she touched her hair, I whimpered in envy. 

She's got the whole effortless pretty girl look nailed in the film. And thankfully, her character wasn't the least bit annoying at all. How could she be!?


And this above, is way too funny! Exactly what I would say about people I don't like!


I am really brave to actually put a selfie in the same post as Alicia Silverstone -.- But whoa watching the film helped made my decision for me that I SHALL NOT BE A BLONDE. If you know me personally, like hang out with me a lot, you'd probably hear this before; I really wanted to dye my hair blond. Just because I could, yknow like YOLO~~~  (so annoying I know)

yessir, this is my hair with just shampoo and conditioner. strictly no blowdrying involved.

And needless to say my friends have all been telling me not to, mostly because they say my hair looks really healthy now and bleaching is definitely going to ruin it. I guess I really do take my good hair genes for granted sometimes :/ I mean as of now, my hair has already been bleached twice, and dyed thrice (or more)? And it still looks quite fab for that sooooo....

Yes, Alicia Silverstone c/o 1995, you have successfully persuaded me to let my hair live. LOL. 

c/o Vanity Trove (*sponsored)

Not some masked hair advertorial but I've been using this from time to time when I feel my hair needs a little oomph and I must say this smells AHMAYZING! A little goes a long way, and it really makes me hair feel silky smooth :} So if you need some hair elixir, maybe you can try this? :D 

Alrighty! Really random update cause I'm still going mental gaga over Cher Horowitz (her character in the film)! Gym tonight with M again, can't wait to run! :D

Till my next one, stay safe kitties x!

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