Tuesday, August 13, 2013



Top of the morning to all of you out there! Just one random update because I feel like it :D Itz Wednesday and I am feeling almighty fineeeeee /echos heh.

I've been feeling like going for a good cycle at ECP or better still Ubin, like the good old days during canoe camp! Waiting waiting waiting for all my friends to be free wehhhhh~ Anyhoo, it just occurred to me that Colour Run is this Sunday /laughingemoji I think I really quite failblog.org; sign up for Colour Run but I had absolutely no idea when and where is it going to be /falmpalm

Am I excited about it? A little I guess? After all, it's my first legit paid marathon post-canoe days!  Always couldn't comprehend why people would wanna pay such good money to run. Can't you just run the same route on a regular day, FOC? But Colour Run seems like such a cool, happy event when the news came out they were holding it in +65, I jumped at the chance and le BFF was DAMN HAPPY BECAUSE I'VE NEVER initiated to join a marathon before. 5km... Okay la seems quite manageable since I've also been running pretty much that distance every gym session PLUS I enjoy running. :D

Alrighty then! Shall leave y'all with that 8tracks playlist then can either be your Hardwell Prep Mix or your Colour Run mix :D

Kisskiss stay safe kitties, x!

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