Sunday, August 4, 2013


One of my many current ear worms; courtesy of @irinatyt for introducing this song in her 8tracks!


Hello hello!! I'm back for my weekly updates! :D I am beginning to notice a trend that every Monday and Tuesday of my week is extremely boring. I have hardly any photos :/ & this week is so particularly boring, I can't really remember what I did after work! HAHAHAHAHA! 

Yknow, I have no idea if this happened on a Monday or a Tuesday, but let's just put it on Monday, shall we? :D I was just home nuaing and spamming Hardwell and party mixes because @inmysleepingbag (Fang) wanted to party this week. I am really starting to dread partying, not sure if I'm getting older, or just getting boring-er. Fang reckons its both. Bahhhhhhh~ 

I wanna party because I wanna dance, I wanna enjoy the music, I wanna have fun with my friends. But everytime I go to the clubs, I end up getting extremely irritable from the crowd, the desperates and the alcohol. Partying is just, not my kind of scene anymore I guess.

Tuesday! Nothing much, just normal tuition day. Apologise for the crumply tank top BUT HOORAAAAAAHHH seems like someone is going to BKK after all! /crossfingers M can make it, hurhurhur! ;)

Wednesday, @inmysleepingbag random texted me in the morning if I was down for some Japanese food. Initially she wanted Boshi, but I told her, "eh The Sushi Bar, ai mai?" When she said, "okay" I WAS SO EXCITED. BUT. ME. BEING. EMPRESS DOWAGER OF SUAYNESS. .. Let me explain to you why I am seriously the epitome of Suayness. They were going to close the next day onwards for 2 weeks for renovations. So I thought, "whoa lucky me, just nice, I can try it before they close for 2 weeks!" I called them, and they said,

"Oh sorry, we close from lunch time onwards." Hur I thought y'all close from tomorrow onwards? That means I still can eat dinner what. "Yeah, but we need to start clearing the shop by tomorrow, so today we only serve lunch."

#okaycan #comeiclapsforyou

Only happens to me okay. Who else still haven't been to Adventure Cove because when we made plans to go, they were closed due to haze and le BFF had to leave SG by the next day which is coincidentally also the day they reopened? Me.

Who else wanted to run on a Friday night, and it started to drizzle the moment she reached home? Me.

#dazright #okaycan

Okay back to last week, so The Sushi Bar was a no-go AGAIN. We then settled for Koh Grill. I haven't tried it, so Wednesday was going to be my first time trying the LEGENDARY SHIOK MAKI. Texted them to make a reservation because I heard of their equally legendary queue. but they replied saying only walk-ins for that evening. #okaycan.

See what I mean by pimple popping up when the previous pimple is healing? That's one example for you right there #okaycan

Ah Chew's Almond Paste for dessert during lunch :D I like Ah Chew's desserts!! :D

The last of my close colleagues, and Wednesday's her last day. :( Sad life me.

#OOTD for Wednesday, I can't remember what shop I bought my dress-shirt from, I only know I bought it from Central Mall and the shop has a branch at Haji Lane; shoes c/o BKK.

Rushed down to Wisma and behold the legendary queue!! :'( Waited a good 30 minutes to get a seat inside and another 45 minutes for our orders to start coming. If you're down with a group of people, I highly suggest you only go down with a reservation, or just dine at awkward timings :/

So bored I took a selfie; which I don't usually do in public.

YAKI UDON! I like udons :D And this was sufficiently yummy but it costs $10 and the portion is not exactly massive :/ Was it worth it? I don't think it justifies the price tagged PLUS THE INSANE WAITING TIME COMBINED.

Salmon sashimi, I believe this costs $8? Nothing spectacular, most good Japanese restaurants should serve good sashimi.

Legendary Shiok Maki, $16. Ingredients used consists of Unagi, torched Salmon, ebiko, avocado and some crazy good (and needless to say fattening) mayonnaise-ish sauce.

When this plate of supposedly 'Heavenly Awesome-ness" was placed on our table, Fang went, OOOH LAI LIAO. I ate one piece and she was all like, "SHIOK RIGHT! GOOD RIGHT!" And all I went was, "mehhhh~"

Pardon me, I think it was good but if you ask me to wait a total of 1 hour 15 minutes to eat something, I am inclined to think that the food I am waiting for has to be MIND BLOWINGLY FANTASTIC. Like once I put it in my mouth, I'll get into some state of food-induced euphoria. BUT, this was just, above average goodness to me. Totally didn't justify the waiting time. The price I am okay with, seeing there's salmon, unagi and generous servings of ebiko. But would I queue more than an hour just to have this? No sir.

Because we were afraid we weren't going to be properly filled up, we ordered an additional order of Garlic Fried Rice. Supposed 'simple and yummy'. When it was set on our table, Fang's first reaction was,


LOLOLOLOL! Because it came in a normal rice bowl. $5? For a small bowl of rice, garlic, eggs and a dash of spring onions? HOW ABOUT I THROW IT ON YOUR FACE?! 

I was like, okay maybe it's going to be like WHOAAAAA AWESOME GARLIC FRIED RICE, but it's not. It was BLAND! HAISHHHH.

All in all, quite a disappointing experience for my palate at Koh Grill. I think I'm possibly one of the rare few who think Koh Grill is overhyped, and overrated. 

THURSDAY, plan was to gym and run with le BFF. So plain face to work!

Reached home after work and just laze around like a sloth while waiting for le BFF to reach home and get changed. I waited so long, I was about to doze off! So selfie time to kill time! :D

After I walked all the way from my place to the gym, which is a good 10 minutes walk? I still had to wait for her when her place to the gym is like 5 minutes walk? PFFTT LAZY SHU! 

It was a pretttty productive gymming session, ran for 30 minutes, with a speed on the treadmill of 9.5 (IDK what's the rate for) and some arms workout :D 

Now every Thursday I am madly looking forward to gym to burn fats (and to get the aching feeling)! :D

Note to guys: Please don't try to hit on girls at a gym. That's the last place to try anything. Fo shizzle ma nizzle bruh.

Friday #OOTD; White tee c/o New Look, April 77 jeans, and Sperry :D

Been having good hair days lately, and my hair can now be tied into a bun without the excessive usage of bobby pins! SK Angel Food again for lunch! :D

Didn't know this turned out to be a blur picture, but YAYY to new sweatshirt from H&M! :D

Was planning with M to meet up that day and she was complaining to me about how she was walking around school in her beanie with this mother-of-all-holes (sounds wrong but you get my drift) and none of her friends bothered to tell her because they thought she did it on purpose. LOLOLOLOL I literally LOL-ed when I saw the picture :D

#badluckJolene strikes again. Who gets a papercut from just putting her hand in her bag? Me. /claps

Went to Prints after dinner with M and her friends to get planners and spotted this! True, to a certain extent?


Home after some beer and smokes at Cuscaden, feeling quite happy because it was a very good chilling session where I got to pick the brains of Psychology students. I love picking people's brains, it's extremely mentally stimulating. :D

Camwhoring with my new beanie from H&M! :D My very first beanie :D

And just as I was about to sleep, I received all these pictures on whatsapp...

ALL THE WAY FROM PARIS FROM LE MAGNEBRO. Bloody hell, I was there just lying on my bed, thinking "Oh so hungry how nice if I opened my fridge and there's something to eat.. No no no, you're gonna be so fat to eat supper and sleep. Just sleep." and there some asswipe decides to send grocery pictures to me at 1ish am. Thanks ah! 

Saturday, made plans to gym with M. We usually gym at the one near my place but she said, "let's try Safra today! It's $8+ but we can use the jacuzzi/steamroom after that" so I agreed. Made my way to where-no-birds-would-lay-eggs (direct translation from Mandarin) Jurong to meet her, and the bus journey was horrid!! Such a long journey!

BUT GUESS WHAT HAPPENED AFTER I MADE MY WAY THERE? We realised Safra gym for non-members on a Saturday 1pm to 8pm was $16. HOLY SHIT damn expensive! So we decided not to gym and pig out instead LOLOLOL. Fucking fail.

Needless to say, we settled for some Japanese food :D With me, it's always Japanese, all day err-day :D

Deep Impact Maki! One of my must orders when I am at Ichiban :D

Food was okay since we were at Ichiban Sushi and not my favourite, Ichiban Boshi. Bill came up to $21 each person? But we were stuffed! So I'm fine with that :D

Plan afterwards was to go down to Pandan to sarpork my friends for their polo competition but nobody picked up my call so I went home! 

New tragus stud cause my previous one fell out. 

I wanted to run since gym was a failed plan, but I ended up DIY dying my own hair with whatever Special Effects dyes I had left at home. I finished up my bottle of Wildflower and a little bit of Blue Mayhem. The dye job was a sloppy one because I could still see browns in parts of my hair, but hey, I tried /shrugs LOL!

Selfie while waiting for the dye to set in HAHAHAH MY HAIR DAMN JOKE.

And this is what you get. Purple/blue-stained gelish finger nails :(

SUNDAYYYYYYY; family gathering at my Auntie's to sort of celebrate my cousin's graduation from NTU. Tongue stud removed and clad in long sleeve top to hide anything that could set tongues wagging and nagging.

#OOTD for that day, entirely clad in Topshop.

My superhero parents :D Heartshape times a gabajillion :D So cute hor both of them :D

My auntie and my mommy :D

The food spread; I think I'm still digesting everything I ate yesterday. Feel. So. Fat. I can't wait for Thursday to gym and run. :/

All the older generation. Nice group photo uh? Guess what was before that?

Candid photo! LOLOLOL I had a good laugh at this! Look at my daddy! He's like stoninggggg~ HAHAHAHHA AS USUAL!

Bored to death, watching Canto movies, spot my purplish blue tinged hair!!

I'm an octopus, bloop bloop :D

DURIANSSSS WOOOOOO~ I heart durians, but my family don't really eat them often because it's extremely heaty :( So it was a pleasant surprise that I got to eat it on Sunday :D

The best kind of durians are the kind that are bittersweet. SO YUMS.

After the durian feast, it was just drifting in and out of sleep. I went to rewatch The Dark Knight Rises with my future sister-in-law though. SO GOOD. My favourite character in The Dark Knight Rises is Bane. Tom Hardy's portrayal of Bane is soooooo charismatic for a villain! I could rewatch that movie countless times just to see Bane and listen to his voice :D

That Magnebro of mine texted me again from Paris, and I was just reminding him about my Pierre Hermes and his reply was SOOO FUNNY? Either that or I'm just easily tickled :D

Was also telling him about the incident at the gym on Thursday too. LOL. Really is nothing to say about guys. Pfft. 

So yep! That's it for last week! It's a short week this week, and a jam packed one at it! Going for my first Ladies Night in a long time this Wednesday! I don't know how I feel about that. Just goinggggg because Fang wants to go and Shu is damn excited about dressing in National Day colours to party. LOL.

Here's wishing whoever is reading this now A FANTASTIC NATIONAL DAY WEEK! :DDDDD BYEEEEEE/ wavessss :D

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