Thursday, August 8, 2013


Placing a totally irrelevant selfie in this post before I start off;


I just finished watching Before Sunrise, and I had this little thought. It may come across strange, and impractical but I am just thinking out loud. 

Before I start on my little hypothesis, you may need to watch the film first. If you have, good. If you haven't, and you have the intention to watch it, then you might want to scroll to the next section. If you don't intend to watch it, then allow me to provide the gist of the storyline below.

{spoiler alert}

The film is basically about 2 individuals, who had a chance encounter on the Eu-rail. The lady is French, and she's going back to Paris for school. The man is American, and he's got time to spare from a failed trip to Madrid to visit his now ex-girlfriend. It was his last night, and he was slated to alight at Vienna. They started conversing, and at his stop, he convinced her to get off the train with him and explore Vienna together for his one last night in Europe before he left for America. She agreed.  So the film showcases the conversations they had, the interactions between them and how it escalated to a sort-of romantic encounter. The film ended with them not exchanging any contacts, but with a promise to meet again at the same place in 6 months time.


Throughout the whole film, you could tell through their conversations that they didn't withhold anything. Their answers were unabashed and truthful; they weren't afraid to speak their mind to each other and there wasn't a need to impress each other. You could also tell that they knew what they had together was special, and all they wanted to do was make full use of the little time they had together to know each other as much as they could. 

It kind of struck me that, it was beautiful simply because they knew there was an end to their story. When you know something isn't going to last forever, you tend to cherish it more? Am I right? I guess some of us have the 'ability' to constantly tell ourselves to cherish what we have because you never know when it's going to be taken away from you; but it's human nature that most of us, take things for granted most of the time.

So I had this peculiar projection of a possible experiment. What if one day I decide to get into a relationship with someone, and I tell him forefront that when we get together, I will leave him in 2 years. We will have a happy relationship but by 2 years time (nah maybe not 2 years, thats too damn long), we shall just walk away from each other. 

Having that thought constantly in your head, makes you want to appreciate what you have more wouldn't it? And as time goes by, and the clock ticks down to the last day, you'd want to make it as beautiful as it can be, wouldn't you? You would want to make everyday count.

The concept is the same with the film. You meet this one person that you just have to know. But all you have is 24 hours. You would make that 24 hours count. It doesn't matter if you don't agree on everything, all it matters is both of you are spending time together, knowing each other. 

Have you noticed that everything we do in life, we do it as though we have all the time in the world to pursue and subsequently possess it? But do we really have all the time in the world? 


It is a peculiar thought, isn't it? Not too sure if I am making any sense, my eyelids are getting quite heavy as I was typing so the portion towards the end may seem a little off (though I hope it isn't). 

/shrugs, I really think too much, don't I?

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