Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Woke up feeling strangely good about myself. :} Even though it's tuition day again today, I felt this motivation to dress up and look as good as I felt inside. Walked to the bus stop and I could feel a lot of prowling eyes fixated on my posterior LOL. In usual cases I would shoot them a dirty look, but today I decided to take it in my stride and take it as a compliment that I looked good. HAHAHHAA, OMG my self esteem today is damn last warning. But I need it. :) And for the first time in a long time, I feel like I am enough.

It's so weird how when you start looking at things the positive way, somehow the world seems to go in your favour. Like one classic example, I was smoking downstairs during lunch and suddenly I spotted my eyecandy (a guy this time HAHAHAHA) at the smoking area too! I've never seen him there before! :D Perhaps I was too preoccupied with all my silly thoughts to notice his existence. Hehe, #cheapthrills. :P I feel good about something. Something in the wind has changed. :}

yeahhh, I'd tap that ass. [#OOTD; entirely in Topshop]

So yes, I am officially going to stop whining and pining for, God forbid I don't know what, and start living for myself. :D /wavesssss :D:D:D

Happy Tuesday y'all! Hope you're having as splendid a day as I am!! :D

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