Monday, August 5, 2013


or Vagina, which is also the proper term for the word Pussy. Which in any case, 2 such persons are.

Everything that I previously blogged about, still stands true generically. In some cases, you got to stand by what you believe in. Standing by when you don't get loved, blah blah yada yada. But it's only true, in certain situations. 

How do you define happiness. I am sure everyone has heard of a saying, "do what makes you happy." To what extent do you apply this? If I were to tell you, I derive pleasure from watching people squirm as I stab them repeatedly, with a dagger, into their hearts, would you tell me "yeah whatever makes you happy?"

A normal decent person would tell you, no you're fucking mad because that's wrong. What's wrong, will always be wrong, no matter how hard you try to justify it. If you derive pleasure from watching other people suffer, then I wonder just how twisted your perception and definition of happiness is. 

If you're doing something that's unintentionally causing someone else immense pain and hurt, then perhaps maybe you're only partially in the wrong. But if you go ahead doing what you're doing, even though you're well aware of the situation, MANNNNN YOU FUCKED UP. And I am sure by now if you've been reading my blog, you would know how I just ABHOR FUCKED UP PEOPLE WHO KEEP DOING THAT FUCKED UP THING THEY'RE DOING WITH NO CONCERN FOR WHO THEY TRAMPLE ON TO GET THEIR DESIRED OUTCOME.

If you're really happy, then go the hell ahead and just be happy. Why do you feel the need to constantly remind yourself that it doesn't matter if what you're doing is wrong, as long as you're happy? Guilty conscience much? 

And trust me, if you have to constantly do that, I feel sorry for you. 

What's yours will be yours, you don't have to be someone you're not just to get what you want. Like I've said, if you have to try so hard to be something you're not, truth will prevail someday and the world will see you for what you really are. And honey, that ain't a pretty sight.

And what is the definition of a Man? A Man is someone who is matured, and has since grown up from being a boy. Now what is the difference between a Man and a boy? A Man, has BALLS, a boy has a sad excuse of one. (Note here: I am not really talking about a Man and a boy, but more of the maturity level of the male species.) A Man makes decisions, and do not drag their feet on major issues of their life. If you did something that you think is wrong, as a Man, you would have the BALLS to tell the truth, however people may perceive you after that; just because it is the right thing to do and you're matured enough to make that decision and stick to it

Truly, the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, chip off the old block. One deserts, the other walks away, and now this... can't even make a decision and live with it

If you feel offended, ask yourself honestly "what do you feel now? You feel proud? Do you feel like you're doing the right thing?" If you are, then good. Make sure you feel that way ALL THE TIME. But if you feel like you're constantly hiding something, or you feel like what you do is wrong, honey maybe you should trust your guts.

You can't choose where you come from. You can't choose where you're born into; but you sure can choose where to go from there. If your family background is less than stellar, you can either choose to walk down the same path, and continue the vicious cycle; or rise above it and change the course to how you want it to be

Think about it, every single time things start to seemingly fall apart and you choose to walk away from it. What does that teach you? Nothing. You walk into another one, and you be happy for that period of time and when things start to seemingly fall apart again, what do you do? Walk away again? Then may I ask, when exactly are you going to grow up?

Growing old, and growing up is entirely 2 different things. You may be aging, but you certainly are not wising up.

Growing up, means seeing a problem for what it is, a problem, and working to find a solution, not bury your head in the sand and pretend it doesn't exist and wait for it to blow over. The problem is still going to be there, and eventually you become your own problem

Real friends who truly want the best for you, will tell you straight that what you're doing is fucked up. Even if they don't tell you straight, they recognise it and would attempt to guide you in the right directions. Plainly because they want the best for you, and they want you to grow. We all have "friends" who are there by your side for the longest time, but when Shit happens, ask yourself who has proven themselves worthy?

Being a friend, doesn't just mean saying all the niceties and leaving the lessons unlearnt. 


I don't need to say anything else. I believe this is self-explanatory. Just so you know, everything is wiped clean. I don't take things that have been stained

It may come as a shock to you, the words I spew out sometimes, but this is me. As of now, I really don't give a shit about what happens anymore. Because clearly it doesn't matter. Just know that you can't do shit like this, and expect things to be fine at the end of the day. I sincerely hope for your sake, that you made the right decision. And if you don't, I hope for your sake that you will learn from your poor judgement. 

"There are all kinds of love in the world, but never the same love twice."

And I am sure you know it; that's some big shoes she has to fill. THEN AGAIN, I am sure she will considering HOW MASSIVE SHE IS LOL. In any case, both of you deserve each other.

Okay, with that..

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