Sunday, August 18, 2013



the past week to me was AWESOME. So awesome I have to shortlist all the photos I am going to upload because there's too many! My weekend was very action packed, full of energy that right now I feel sooooooo shag! But yeah I love it! :D

It's pretty fascinating to me, how things have changed so much (for the better thank whoever-is-up-there) for me. One month back, I was still all lost and jaded about Life, but right now I couldn't be happier in my own skin :)))) So so sooooooo happy right now I feel invincible :D 


Starting off today's backtrack with a throwback! :D IGed this picture of me c/o September 2009 during Chunkfest :D Happy days with happy people; Teh Yu Shan, Lin, Shun, Fang, everybodyyyyyy we should really really organise a meet up soooooon!!! Ubin cycling please? :D

Like I said, my Mondays and Tuesdays are generally really boring because I can't be bothered to dress up for tuition after work so here's a picture of some durians my daddy brought home on Monday!! I am guessing it's durian season now since everywhere seems to be selling them. But I just read ohsofickle's blog and damn it apparently this is damn fattening :/

Moving forward to Tuesday's dinner :D Mummy cooked BKT! :D Whatsapped this to M and she was like "ehhhhhh why is it clear?" There are 2 kinds of BKT, one of them the soup is dark-brownish, the other is like the above, clear. I don't really know what's the difference but both also yummy la, especially since it's home cooked, it's an instant 10/10!

Wednesday's #MOTD; plan was to meet my korkor and his girlfr after work :D

#OOTD for Wednesday; Something corporate. Entirely clad in Topshop and brown stilettos c/o Charles & Keith.

Yessss here I go again with my addiction :/ Last warning it's really damnnnn good! 

So while waiting for our folks to get to town, we decided to settle our dinner first. All 3 of us have never tried Five & Dime so we decided on that! (psst I sumpah I got rotate the picture but IDK why it die die upload like this so yeah, mafan ni men tilt your head for this picture :P)


Since they were having a 1 for 1 for Asahi and Somersby, we decided to beer-up! Okay la only my korkor and I beer-ed up! Die sia, I am really becoming like an uncle. I keep craving beer oh my!

Really like the set up of the cafe, simple and quaint. 

Korkor ordered The Burger (SGD$23), which was okayyyyyy la~ 

I ordered the Mentaiko pasta (SGD$18), which was SOOOOO YUMMY!!!! And I don't even like ebiko in the first place! But so good!!!!!

Korkor's girlfr ordered the Pan Fried Salmon (SGD$23), which was nothing spectacular too. 

All in all, I think Five & Dime is a cafe that I wouldn't patronise often because food pricing is a little steep for certain items on the menu. I would probably come back again only if I am meeting friends whom I've never met in a long time and I'm looking for a nice cosy cafe to chill at. 

297 River Valley Road
Singapore 238338

Since dinner was on korkor, I was in charge of dessert and coffee. Met with the folks after dinner at Somerset and I brought them to Dean & Deluca (D&D). 


Hahahahhahaha okay I may have exaggerated by a lot. But I really wasn't expecting much from D&D; just thought it was another Jones the Grocer or something. Ordered the Caramel Macchiato (the iced drink above), Green Tea Latte, Americano (the mug my momma is holding on to); Blondie (which is the flat brown substance at the background), American Carrot Cake and the classic Red Velvet.

Firstly, you must know that I REALLY LOVE COFFEE. LOVE IT SO MUCH I COULD SNIFF COFFEE BEANS ALL DAY ERR-DAY KIND OF LOVE. And the type of coffee that I love, is the really strong, really dark, really robust flavour kind of taste. And the "foundation" of D&D's coffee is exactly the kind of flavour that I love!!!!! What I mean by "foundation" is because every other coffee-related beverage on the menu always start off with the espresso shot. Americano is basically espresso shot with hot water. And daddy's Americano was sooooooooo AWESOME~ Really can't describe it, if you love coffee like I do, DO TRY D&D's Americano! But I must warn you, if you are just a regular coffee drinker, it will be way too bitter and strong for you :D 

My absolute picks for D&D:
  1. Americano
  2. Green Tea Latte
  3. Blondie (which is something like a caramel fudge brownie)
  4. American Carrot Cake
I am dying to go back for more coffee and blondies and definitely to try their main courses!!

181 Orchard Road
Orchard Central
Singapore 238896

Thursday's #MOTD; which is also my usual make up because I like the bare face look. PLUS, my usual plan on Thursdays is to gym and run, so doesn't make sense to pile on the eyeliner.

Brought lunch from home, prepared by my auntie. Looks mehhhh but so good!!! :D I had some chicken thingy, steamed egg and peanut pork ribs soup! You probably can't see it but the sambal chilli (hand pounded by my auntie) under the egg is DAMN LEGIT! 

DAMN NUA #OOTD; Love wearing hoodies in office cause its also too cold!!

I went down for a smoke, came up with 5 minutes to spare and felt soooo sleepy! And this always happens when I bring lunch from home. Food coma maxxxxx~

Fast forward after gym. Went to KSL (Kim San Leng, not KSL JB) for dinner with M. Uncle Quek strikes again, see the Tiger behind? HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA~ 

Pretty much ate all my burnt calories back during dinner but fuck itttttt. Some uncle came and join us, even bought more beer for us, but we got really irritated after awhile cause he was drunk and annoying. Thought we were being nice by allowing him to sit with us since he seemed lonely but nahhhhhhhh, next time won't liaoooo.

This is how good YSL Volume Effect Faux Cils mascara is. It last from morning 9am to 1130pm, inclusive of vigorous run/gym session in between!

Seriously? Best $52 spent on make up EVERRRRRR! 

Oh and take note of my eyebrows. This is sans any eyebrow powder whatsoever because I was going for my eyebrow embroidery touch up at night.

Shameless #selfies cause I was boredddd.

Making plans with A about Saturday and how we were gonna bring our cameras out. DAMN FUNNY CAN YOU IMAGINE NEXT TIME MY NAMECARD,

Jolene Quek
Selfie Expert.


Walked all the way to Raffles City because I couldn't decide what to have for lunch.....

Ended up at Tiong Bahru Bakery. Haven't tried it before, the only time I bought something here wasn't for me anyways soooo........ /awkwardsilence /cuecrickets

Lunch was Molasses Burger (SGD$9)~ Smoked salmon with rocket salad and cream cheese! Pretty good!! But the price also... I think you're better off at Cedele or Green Bar.

Met Momma at Bishan after work 'cause my eyebrow embroidery salon was there. Decided to treat momma to dinner at this udon place at Junction 8!

Uploading a not very clear picture because it's taken by my momma! :D 

Momma's Seafood Kimchi Udon (SGD$10.90)

My Spicy Tomato Crab thingy (SGD$17.90 for the whole set which comes with Mixed Tempura and assorted sushi platter).

This Garlic Chilli sauce is pretty dope!! :D

Momma enjoying her food :D Really makes me damn happy when I treat my folks to some good food and to see them really enjoying it :') 

Shared dessert because we were sufficiently stuffed by our main courses! 

I really enjoyed the food there, quite generous servings of the seafood in our respective dishes! The soup also damn dope!! It's quite affordable too since this meal is about SGD$22 per person! Would I revisit? DEFINITELY!

9 Bishan Place 
Junction 8
Singapore 579837
(they do have other outlets)

Had to rush through dinner at the end because the salon called to inform my turn was coming up really soon. In case you're wondering where I do my brows, this is where! Prior to getting my brows embroidered, I researched like mad to see where is good and cheap! Other salons in the market charge crazy sky high prices (can go up to few thousands!) but mine costs SGD$180 inclusive of 1 free touch up! But there are various types of embroidery so do google about it too before making your decision. 

I don't have much to say about Amy's skills, but so far I am satisfied with my brows :D But the process hurts like a bitch! I really dread going there because its damn painful :'( I can tolerate needles everywhere but my brows :( Pain factor: 8/10.

Freshly done brows. Looks quite good right :D

Absolutey clean face. Just woke up, take selfie just for youuuuu to see my brows. :D HAHAHHAA. If you wanna laugh at my face (esp my dark circlessss) LAUGH BA! LAI I LOL WITH YOU HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. -.-"

Plan on Saturday was to meet A for cycling at Ubin. He even went to the extent of downloading the map of Ubin cause he scared we get lost LOLOL! 

It was raining off and on around our area so we had to wait it out. Here's me onto my third cup of Waffle Crisps because I was damn bored! 


Reached ECP at 4ish, braved a little rain but it was all worth it cause the weather at ECP was glorious!!! It was just cloudy with very little sun~

Stopped by Lagoon Food Centre for some grub; must have there is this Lagoon Curry Puff!! DAMN DOPE MY FAVOURITE SINCE SECONDARY SCHOOL!! (Katong area is sort of familiar territory for me since I used to study at that area so I know alot of dope places hehehehe)

BEER. AGAIN. Really is tipsy cycling~

Lovely weather hor? Stopped by some jetty (not Bedok Jetty, but somewhere near No Signboard Seafood area) to take some pictures. Received a lot of valuable pointers on shooting with vintage film cameras from A. Really is overload of information on Aperture and ISO. Can't wait to develop the film and see how my pictures turn out!!! :D

My Olympus OM-1 and A's Yashica. 

Left ECP at 7ish for town for Elysium and dinner. Was practically begging him to go to D&D but the timing was a little off for us to go there for dinner and rush back for our movie, soooo settled for Saizeriya which I've also always wanted to try since they are famed for really affordable Italian food! And the prices really no joke! Quite impressive!

They had some fanciful name for this but nahhhh, Bacon Aglio Olio. HAHAHAHA MUST TELL Y'ALL A STORY. A doesn't take spicy food. And he ordered the Beef Stew and forgot to order rice. So I offered some of my carbohydrates to him. And I said "Give you heads up first, I love spicy food and this is spicy." He said okay, took one mouth worth, stuff into his mouth and immediately put down his cutleries and gave me his index finger and said, "you wait a minute".


Maybe y'all won't really get how funny it was BUT THE REACTION SIBEI CLASSIC.

Butter corn cause I love corn.

And this, is damn AWESOME TOOOOO!!!! Keep asking A to order the 8 pieces one he don't want TSKKKKKK!

After dinner with approximately 20 minutes to kill, we walked around in search for dessert. I was still thinking of D&D's Blondie so we went in search for brownies!! THIS STORE'S BROWNIE QUITE DOPE. PLEASE GO TRY. SGD$2.40 NIA. But quite sweet BUT STILL DOPE.

Their brownie, and their marble cake. This store is at Plaza Singapura's basement, opposite Emicakes if I am not wrong.

Rushed back to The Cathay to catch our Elysium, end up coming out like kena mind fucked again. Lately there has been a lot of films with underlying message about the world. Like World War Z and now Elysium. Makes you feel like the world is fucked but there isn't really anything that can be done to save the world. I will talk more about this if I feel that I have more points to add on. Now all my opinions about this issue is just floating around, no catalyst for me to feel like I need to say it out. 


CLR RN 2013
My favourite portion to blog about today; the reason why I am still so fucking happy now!

Woke up, feeling damn excited about Color Run in the evening. Initially I was saving this coloured eyebrow plan for Hardwell but it seemed more relevant to do it for Color Run so here I am, just woke up and trying out colored brows and sending sample pictures to the Color Run whatsapp group :D

Wanted to wear this top to run but in the end no go because BFF said she didn't see anybody from Saturday's pictures running in any other top. :( (Please ignore the unmade bed, skincare clutter and my just wake up hair)

Deciding on what shades to wear. Wanted to wear this, but this costs 150 and I am pretty sure it would get colored in the process of the run, so...

Decided on this fake raybans instead before BFF came over with her yellow shutter shades for me. :D

The 2 chiobus came over to my place so that I could help them with the brows; BFF in blue, me in pink and C in purpur. That ji dan gao C ah, ask her do green don't want, in the end our colors look so similar in pictures! >:( 

Photo spam while waiting for a cab!

Photo spam on the cab as well :D

 I banned them from uploading any pictures of us on IG till we're there cause I don't want people to see our photos and copy our colored eyebrows look to Color Run HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAA DON'T JUDGE ME LEHHHH I WANT US TO BE SPECIAL. 

And we were special cause I didn't see anybody else with colored brows! :D

Erdinger before the run and here's me HAPPY IN MY SKIN AND EMBRACING MY FLABBY TUMS! But the weather was really stuffy from all the people around. So it was good to air my flabs. AAHHAA. 

I think I was a little cray to bring my OM-1 out because most definitely it was going to get some colors on it but I thought this would be a good chance to take a lot of nice photos! :D

 One does not simply go to an event like Color Run and not take jumpshots.

Fail group jump shots LOLOLOLOL!

See the group of girls behind? They were such a fun bunch!! :D

While waiting for the start off!! :D All 3 of us still clean and fresh :D

After the first stop! LAI LIAOOOOOOOO.


After the second wave with all the bluessssss.

BFF finally found her friends HAHHAHAA, and Zidd also who coincidentally is my secondary school friend! :D


We stayed in the mosh pit area for quite awhile, and that was the time we got reallllllly colored! Just look at C's top! JITAO WHOLE THING IS RED CANS!


Aftermath of Color Run 2013; 

This series of photos also damn funny, spot us making faces at the camera...

This was when I realised my nose was damn red HSHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!


/heartshapestimesinfinity for two of you :D


All our shoes went from white to red. /claps

MY FAVOURITE VIDEO OF THE LOT TOO. WE LOOK/SOUND/REALLY AM SO FUCKING HAPPY!!! (can hop onto my IG to see the other videos :D)

Dinner after at Vivo's Ichiban Boshi! The staff there were really nice people, didn't deny us entry because we were dirty and stuff, just laid out plastic bags for us to sit on :D So nice the people there!! :D

Went home and immediately got down to scrubbing my clothes, bags, body and face. Never scrubbed so much in my entire life!!! See the above left picture? That was after scrubbing my face twice! Right picture, after scrubbing five times, last time was with make up remover then clarisonic somemore!! The red is damn resilient!!!

Was reading through I's and saw her response to someone's question. I was like 

The exact point I was applauding to was "...yes, I'm taking the long way out to heal instead of a shortcut by getting a rebound etc. That just isn't fair to anyone."

That is why I always feel like even though me and I (omg sounds damn funny but I am not referring to myself twice) have never really met (we did la once but we only met to play L4D with our mutual friends and that was before we both went through our respective break ups) and really talked irl, I feel there is some kind of understanding/connection between the 2 of us. Everything she blogs about, I am always doing The Rock gif. LOL.

Just like yesterday, I tweeted about the above and we started talking on FB, end up talking for 2 hours plus! 

I really thank whoever-is-up-there for always putting people like M and I into my life who sort of give me different perspectives in life, and sort of gives me hope to hold on to whatever I believe in because it's the right thing. 

She asked me to do this quiz to show what's my love language. Before I even did it I told her already, mine confirm is Quality Time. True enough. HAHA. To me, time is the biggest gift I can give to anybody. So if I give you my time, you must feel very very honored because not everybody gets my time. And when we hang out, you don't have to worry about anything because you will have my undivided attention. /nods. Quite interesting, y'all should give it a try too!

And my current home screen wallpaper. Really not kidding about it being my favourite picture at the moment :D Don't worry C! Our picture is on my lock screen! :D 


And that sums up my past week!!! DAMN LONG RIGHT THIS POST!!! I had such an awesome time I don't know how any other week is ever going to top this!! Friday might see me partying again~ hope to see one particular face HEHEHEHEHEHHEHEE damn it shut up Quek.



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