Thursday, December 31, 2009

Approximately 58 minutes to the New Year, looking back on this horrid 2009 I am so glad its going going gone. Forever a part of history. Cross fingers 2010 will be good.

My dear Devlins, this year wasn't that good for us either hur? Some many things happened, some of which I am absolutely sure hasn't been resolved yet, now the usual attendance of our team is what, 4? ): Saddd cans. But I hearts you guys soooo much :D I hope 2010 will be awesome for all of us(:
Be strong cap'n! :D Sorry if I scared you during HCC when I got all choked up and had a mental breakdown. STOP WORKING SO MUCH and go eat Crystal Jade LMXLB with meee! :D:D:D
Tan Shunshun:
There was a period of time that we all felt sad and angry for you because of a certain someone, but right now I am just happy that you are happy. :D Youuu are soooo kewtzxzx! :D:D:D Love you teammate with the heart as big as her biceps PHOOEY YOOO!
HOTBABE HOTBABE, please don't think so much already. We all love you like (*&^%$#$%^&* so stop blocking us out and let us in again! I miss all the times we hang out together and have heart to hearts. Koi bubbletea sometime soon?(:
Cara Zhang:
ZHANG MEI PEI! :D Forever my unintended emo buddyzxzx, since year one right, we always like emo together. YOU! Will find someone who loves you for who you are and is not too LAZY to make damn sure you know it(: L4D soon ohgheys Zhang! :D
That should be sufficient to explain our relationship HAHAHA! Thank you for all the advice and perk me ups, YOU ARE THE BOMBZXZX! LOVE YOUTO DEATHH! Thai Express and Cold Rock SOONSOON!

Well, 2009 was a shitty year but I gained a brotherrr :D Benson Ngggg! :D So glad to have you as my brother! Super fun person to hang out with! Bring Siewhui and me for mega big half boiled eggs soon ohgheysss! :D:D:D I also wish 2010 to be the most awesome one for you!

HONGCHOPING MY ONLY MALE BFF! :D The only other guy whom I'd say I LOVE YOU TOO! :D Thanks for listening to me everytime I whine, whenever I feel like the entire sky is crushing down on me(: I couldn't ask for a better bestfriend! :D Love you to bits and hope you find someone special soon! Stay strong too ohgheys BFF :D 2010 FTW!

I don't know if I should put you up here but I thought, why not? After all, you were the one who affected my 2009, making it one of the years that I look back and just, idk sigh? But its okay, I am a strong girl like what you said in 2007, I can make it through. Well, at least you taught me what Love shouldn't be like. It shouldn't have to hurt all the time. Sometimes I look at others and wonder why don't I ever have the balls to just really be mad at you for the shit you made me go through after 2nd March. Seriously 2 months was all it takes? Thanks. But ohwells, I'll be mature. Well, I'm happy that you're happy now(really?) and last long with Nicole yeah? Treat her well and have a good 2010!

Jane Ho Wen Jing:
You, are a superwoman. I really think you are. I think I know why your boobs are so huge already. Cause all those heartache and troubles you face in life, you keep keeping them in! This year I think I saw a little of the real Jane. Not the ditzy ditzy girl that everyone sees, but the girl who worries, who loves everyone around them and her Jappo(: Teammate and hotbabe, I really want 2010 to be awesome for you ohgheys! Devlins should shower more love on you I reckon! Somemore you the youngest! Oh Janeee! <3>
AmandaPanda AH MAN DUHHH:
You are my special junior! Maybe cause we're born like what, 1month apart?( I too lazy to really go count the days HAHA!) thats why we are able to click quite well(: I kinda forgot what made us bond so well together, but I sure am glad we did! You are such a nice girl, strong one at it and I'm sure 2010 will be LEGEN- WAIT FOR ITTTTT- DARY! :D

Jolyn Ng / Twinnieeee:

SKINNY BIATCHHH! :D So amazing hurhur, we only got to know each other for such a short time but you made it past a whole list of people and got to the top too(: Its so so wonderful how another person can be so similar to you you know and it gets so scary so frightening but relieved and happy at the same time. Clubbing, suntanning and shopping! :D Oh goshhh! The similarities seem endless! Whipped cream lover too! :D I hope you and Kenneth last long too ohgheys! :D I love you! :D

Last but not least, how can I ever forget, Shu Hui / BFF No. 1:
You. Oh. My. God. You. How do I ever start to describe just how awesome you are. :D Sweet, smart, cheery, bubbly, HOT, SHUSEXY, HAHAHA! Just too many to describe! One thing that I am majorly glad from 2009 was I really got so much closer to you because of R. If you ask me if all the shit that happened after R was worth it I'd say HELL YES because Shuhui was there for me all the time. Everytime I cried, everytime I felt like the earth was gonna open up and swallow me whole, she was the one, who never failed to be there to use her fats to bribe the earth to close back up and spit me out :D Always so protective of me, ever ready to spew Boomer bile on anyone who would so much as hurt me, YOU ARE SO AWESOME OH MY GODDD! ❤ Jacky Yen better treat you good and not make you cry so much else I be Tank and start going mad on him! Make sure he die fast! TSKK! BFF 2010 WILL BE GREAT! I LOVE YOU MOST! :D:D:D:D:D:D
And with that, I hope I will be happy in 2010. Happy. So simple, yet the hardest to attain. -deepbreathes, ok 2010, I am ready for you(:

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Just a quick quick update. Went for the annual Christmas dinner with the entire extended family today. I think I just gained 20pounds or something from all the mash potato, pies, turkeys, hams and whatnots. Fcking full now but all worth it. Knowing my digestive system, everything will be out by tomorrow morning. Or maybe even later.
Tomorrow steamboat with the other Devlins at Yinteng's! Food food food, I'm kinda sorta getting sick of it. WHICH IS GOOD, judging from the amount I eat is like equivalent to the entire population of Africa's! \: Gahh.

Harrow Shunshun(: We ish pweetiezxzx lyk datzxzx :D:D:D Anyways, am glad am glad if you see my entry below I wanted to get a few things done AND I DID HOFCKINGRAY! :D Eyelash extensions touch up done, new dress for Wednesday, TOTALLY YEAH :D:D:D Sho nice ohgheys am so happy with my buy :D See the pictures of it on FB when Shuhui uploads them after Wednesday. SPEAKING OF WHICH, I MISS MY BFFs! ): MatthewHong and SiewShuhui! JoleneQuek SOS to both of you prease!): -pouts.

PS: How can you say that you have no time for the team when you obviously still have time for other things. }: Why did you give up when we haven't?

Friday, December 25, 2009

Once again, I got so upset after finding out some stuff. knnbccb. :<>

Sooo, I need to do so many things man!\: Need my manicure pedicure, touch up my eyelash extensions, look around for a nice dress for this coming Wednesday(seems so long since I bought a new outfit for clubbing HAHA!) and and, I'll think of more as I go. And oh yes, I watched Where the Wild Things are on my laptop AND HELL YEAH I WANNA GO AS MAX FOR HALLOWEEN NEXT YEAR! "Let the rumble begin!!!" :D:D:D

Thursday, December 24, 2009

(: HOHOHO Merry Christmas Eve people! Seems like so long since I blogged siol! Last week was major chiong assignments week, am sofa king glad thats over nao! :D But I've been feeling so tired and sleepy lately, I can't seem to feel refreshed! And I fcking hate playing L4D2 for a long period of time cause it makes me feel like puking, bleah. ): BUT WOOO I CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT WEEK, I NEED TO PARTY HARDDDD! :DDDD

Alas, guess what. B&J at Great World had a blackout like AH MAY ZING ohgheys. Till I ended my shift the power was still out, so imagine all the dry ice we had to use before the management came with the idea of using the plug outside KNNB. Say earlier la make me and Johanna panic only. Wanted to have XLBs for lunch but TMD CrystalJade LMXLB also blackout all the chefs chilling one korner. Bleah life sucks. ): So anyways, I'm feeling a little sleepy again. Gonna nap nao before doing whatever my family has planned for tonight. Have yourself a Merry Christmas babies! :D:D:D:D

Monday, December 14, 2009

Shucks, 'All the right moves' is like stuck in my head like a broken record player. But I refuse to download the song. \: I don't know why either. Anyways, all girls should seriously check out F21 @313. ITS FCKING AWESOME 4 LEVELS OF GOODNESS! I bought a maxi dress for 28 bucks FCKING CHEAP CHEEP! :DDD

Anyways, my days have been just non stop project project project UBER FCKING SIAN): Still got RD stuff to settle on top of all the IEP rubbish and AYC and AMPYC and what nots.): So mtherfcking sad please. I want my life back. Trying desperately to squeeze work in as well lest I got no money to spend. Gahhh. I miss training too, weirdly enough HAHAHAH FANGHUI DON'T KEEL ME! But owells. Something to definitely look forward to? Tomorrow. (: Work and then meet RafflesCity people :D Then its back to project project projecttttttt. FML.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Omgahh so cute my next bf must do that for me :D HAHAHA!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Finally, a much deserved break :D I'm happy happy! But then, when I am just starting to relax, I am also falling sick. Totally FML. Shoulda coulda be clubbing partying hard nao but noooo, I'm home. -sulks. ): Nehmind! Wednesday hurhur Shuhui BFF! Ready steady pom pee pee! :D:D:D

Harrow Julie! :D Hehheh! Random photo of the day again! LOL(: Aren't you gladdd we got each other to bitch to! :D Anyways, tomorrow I'm gonna be at Sand Toh Saaaaa with Siew and Ng! :D CAN YOU SPELL AWESOME? THAT'LL BE J-O-L-E-N-E! YAYYY! HAHAHAHA! :D And with that I give you zzzzzzzzzz, BAI! :D

Saturday, December 5, 2009

"Mmm whatcha say?
Ooh that you only meant well?
Well of course you did
Mmm Whatcha say?
Mmmm that it′s all for the best?
Of course it is
Mmm Whatcha say?
That it's just what we need,
You decided this.
Whatcha say?
What did she say?"

Hide and Seek, Imogen Heap.

There's the remix by Jason Derulo which is good! Heard it on Gossip Girl's latest episode. Interesting lyrics hur? Will be back for proper update soon, bai.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Just started savoring my new age, and I'm doing that by doing my fcking assignments. Gah. How fcking sad. ): Supposed to concentrate and all but I have to write this down now.
Was on FB and I saw this note by Lin, as in she found it somewhere on deviantart which I thought was, well WHOA. Click Please go and read it. After which, this is what I think.

Do you realize this is something that is constantly happening? ): Why? During the start of the relationship, they can promise anything. Promises to give, promises to accept, promises to always be there. And we, always so stupid and naive. Always believing. And it always turns out the same. We are always left right at the same spot, looking back and wondering just what happened. The same person, but just not so similar to the one from the past anymore. And you would give anything to have it back, you know its highly not possible, but you still hope something perhaps a miracle could happen and things would go back to how they used to be. But most of the time, miracles just don't happen. Why? Why make promises you can't keep? And after breaking those promises, you go on to others and make the same promises, what's the use? You're still going to be breaking them in the end. Sigh. Now you know why I'm so cynical and adamant that that concept of Love just don't tally with reality. Because it just, doesn't. And we have all these living proof around us to constantly remind us. Don't fall back into that shithole, Quek. Don't.
I foresee another day without sleeping, zzz. Left with a little more of the analysis and I'm done. Oh wait, there's still the presentation part. And then tomorrow will be out watching New Moon with AHMANDUH and then partyy at Phuture with all the awesome clubbing kakis! My doors are open to the word FUN :D Hoorayyy! :D:D:D Can't wait for holidays to comeee! Ok bai.

Friday, November 27, 2009

OMG, I'm starting to feel excited. I'm gonna apply to be an intern at _____ or ______. Not gonna say where here cause if I don't get it I'm gonna be so depressed cause its like my dream job kinda thing and I will totally just die of depression!))): We'll see we'll see (: Thanks Macy Love you bigtime <3> AHHH EXCITING PART 2: I'm partying next Friday to celebrate me turning Nine-fcking-teen! The last year as a teenager! I swear All Hell Break Loose in year 2010 as a very very extremely old teenager(: I'm gonna do things purely cause I wanna do them and not because some fcker tells me it is the right thing to do :D Weeee cheers to the life I want! :D:D:D

Eh heh heh, just in case there are some nice kind souls out there who want to buy me presents I'll love you many many :D Like how I'd loveeee to have whut, eyelash extensions fund, that grey Topshop blazer, a new bag of which the design I haven't thought of but I heard KateSpade has awesome designs :D HAHAHA, aiya forget it everything I want is so expensive )))))))): Saddddd. OH GREY CONTACTS! Or maybe tattoo fund? :D Ok thnks bai.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Its 3:05 in the morning and I'm still up doing my fucking assignments. And with a hellload of stuff on my mind. Sometimes you think that when you are so up to your neck with commitments you're sure the big guy up there won't give you anymore shit to deal with but then He just proves you wrong but giving you situations that you just got to deal with them or at least clog your mind with. Assignments are aplenty this semester that I don't think I can pause to breathe after one cluster is gone because once I inhale, I'm up to my nose in them. Despite the fact that schoolwork is pretty stressful, I made the decision to stay on and play with the team what is left of it. It was like a, 'damned if I do, damned if I don't' kind of situation. You have to do something about the situation but if you do, it won't be a very pretty sight. Well but it wasn't exactly a pretty sight to begin with anyways. \: So after you do something to the lose-lose situation, you feel so utterly upset that things had to go the way that it did but you just gotta suck it up. Cause life is, well, like that? I mean, come on, I should know. I, the very least, seriously should know how it feels. I just don't know what to do about it anymore. It has been dragging and dragging and when is it coming to an end? So so tired about the whole thing. There isn't any use in hiding your emotions cause nobody's gonna make your life better if they can't seem to understand how you feel and what you want. You have to let us know, cause we are afterall a team. -sighs. Really don't know how else to continue this topic anymore.

GWC B&J has a new manager in charge, now I gotta work more too lest I lose my jobbb\:

And lately I have been drinking alot of coffee. Maybe a little too much. So much that I went ahead and got a Starbucks tumbler. Good shit, I'm bringing coffee to school everyday now. But there's only so much that coffee can do. Can it keep me awake to make all the right decisions that probably do as little hurt/harm to the people around me? \: Sigh. Only 18 and life's already fulloshit.

PS - Being deprived of sleep sure makes me cynical hur? Sorry if this post doesn't make much sense. I am so not getting sleep tonight and I have lessons at 9 later and work after my lessons. Awesome much? Feel so much like crying now. SIGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I feel sorry for you that all the decisions you make, seem to be out of some other people's head. Is your brain seriously that puny that you have to let other people's opinions affect your judgement? Who cares what other people think as long as you yourself know what you want? In the end when you heed their advice and down the road you realise that that's not exactly what you want, who are you gonna pin the blame onto? No one else but yourself, cause you're so fucking dense. People who don't use their brains should seriously perish in hell. Go and fucking die fucker. Sheesh.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

So full of fatigue these days. Can't seem to push my stamina to the limit to do my assignments till late): 3 assignments which I've yet to complete, I need helppp!): Tomorrow Imma meet BFF to complete them at Starbucks after IEP(: IMY BFF!!! <3

Today was rather horrid. Boarded the bus at around 1pm, supposed to reach CoronationPlaza latest by 2pm so that I could chill at Starbucks and get some work done but NOOO, rain had to start pouring and stuff. I FCKING SWEAR I TOOK ALMOST HALF AN HOUR TO GET FROM NANYANG GIRLS' TO NATIONAL JC AND THEY ARE FCKING NEXT TO EACH OTHER. It was that bad\: So I was feeling cold and hungry and cursing and swearing with no idea what happened. Gahh. When I finally reached Coronation's Starbucks I immediately ordered the venti PeppermintMocha. BIGASS CUPPA! :D Shiokkkk ttm! (:
Anyways, really glad with my Napfa results(: NP Canoeists FTW! <3

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Can anyone spell 'trudat'? -sighs. Sidenote, am gonna run in school tmr alone before going to do IEP at KAP! So chiong hurhur? Only doing that because next week's Napfa. Argh.

Random webcam picca with my classmate! :D LOL, another sidenote Imma get myself real geeky specs soon, together with the degree lens and all that thingmajiggys((: ANYWAYS IM SO SAD NOW CAUSE MY ITCHY FINGERS WENT TO TAKE OUT MY TRAGUS STUD AND NOW IT CANT FUCKING GO INNNN! ))))))))))))))))): MAJOR SADZXZX! KILL ME NAOZXZX!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hola, back here for some Midweek updates. As per usual, past few days have been one helluva rollercoaster. Won't dwell too much on them details cause they are some what personal. Guess I got to DEAL WITH IT. Sigh.

Lighting at B&J GWC is good, for camwhoring! (: HAHHAA.

So anyways, I finally got my tragus pierced and it was FCKING PAIN LA JOLYN NG! Bluff me only HAHAA! Officially the most painful piercing I had. But since I already had that done, HMM HELL BRING ON THAT TATTOO I SAY :D

Once again, as of always, I also got my nails done. :D I'm so sad. Sad person, so insecure about myself I gotta keep finding ways to seem more decent. ))): FML.
And so enough about my life stories in chapters and subheadings, now on to the 2 assignments! Toodles for now.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Harrow. -sighs. ): So much to say, but no longer able to. Go watch HIMYM Season 4 Episode 6, much food for thought.

So so tired, still ): This week has been power packed! Filled to my neck with assignments, cramming in work and meeting friends. Enjoying all the ice cream and meeting friends but definitely not the assignments part! Too darn stressed! Training today, thankfully the sun ain't that hot else I'll be melting into the pool! Nah just kidding, probably turn blacker though -.-
I chose my current blogsong for a reason yeah?

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Physically and mentally. Weather's been bitchy lately. Plus everyday seems to bring brand new revelations. Makes me feel sick of living. Seriously considering putting partying on hold cause its drains me financially and physically and mentally and emotionally. Slept for 3 hours and trained till 4plus and only got home now. Oh me gosh fucking shag is me. Need to clear some stuff of my To Do List but guess Imma do that tomorrow. Too exhausted to focus on anything now.

"If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she wont be amazing. If she's worth it, you won't give up. If you give up, you're not worthy."

Once again, found this. She machiam some! Pretty much self explanatory hur? Bah.

Alrighty, gonna crash now. Happy Halloween world!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Surprisingly today was rather bearable. I think I kinda enjoyed today(: After feeling down in the dumps for awhile, its good to smile(: Lessons were as per usual a big bore. Handed in my first assignment of the semester, so stupid gahhh.

Had an AWESOME DINNER with my captain!(((: CrystalJade LMXLBed and Frolicked :DDD Full like fuck, walked around HollandV, bumped into Joshua and back home it wasss! I think I know why it seems like I eat so fucking much but I still thankfully remain somewhat the same size. I seem to have straight intestines! After one hour, I totally ALWAYS feel like shitting((: GOODY GOODY! :D

Taken yesterday, while I was feeling all moody and grouchy\: Shall not think, shall not think. Back to Gossip Girl! Baizxzx.

Monday, October 26, 2009

There is just nothing left to be said, worth saying. I really just, don't see the point in doing so anymore. All I know is that we will forever be a regret in my life. I will always be looking back, and sighing simultaneously. I don't know what can ever make me happy anymore, don't ask me what I want. Cause I know that even you, will no longer suffice. Every emotion that I've experienced throughout these days, just don't measure up with the happiness you used to bring me. I really want to be happy. Do you think I relish being so fucking sad everyday? Fucking hell no. But thanks to you, I think I definitely matured alot in my thinking. Hopefully the day that I can truly smile again, will come soon(:

Saturday, October 24, 2009

When I looked through the website, this picture just screamed to me. How true. Happy. Seems so difficult to achieve):

"You see, the ones who laugh the loudest and give the best smiles are those who’re actually crumbling right inside every moment. Don’t be fooled by their megawatt smiles and twinkling eyes, because right behind that, is a face filled with scars, cuts, bruises and tears. A facade no one has ever imagined. So, don’t be too quick to judge. Because what you see might not necessarily be true."

Saw this somewhere, I would love to credit but gotta respect her I don't know if she's comfortable with me revealing her here so if you see this here, thanks(: Its so so true. Looks, are fucking deceiving.

So tired these days, I think its all the lack of sleep starting from HCC, accumulating and overlapping. Assignment due next Wednesday, gonna start and finish it tomorrow! Need to work quite badly!\: Need new clothes, new everything, I'm so insecure. Other than my assignment, I'm going to paint my nails, try to do my Chanel design! :D Hmm, at least something to look forward to, no? Time passes so fast sometimes. So afraid of the unknown thats going to happen in the future): Oh crap, so tired that I'm sprouting gibberish. Am I making sense? Ok I'll shut it now. Baizxzx.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

You were my perfect geek, the perfect guy who loved the same movies and bands and songs. We could have it all... But somehow it all ended before it could start. I still wonder what happened. ):

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Back from Day3 of Semester2Year3, it has been a daze! Totally still sleepy most of the time I'm not even sure if I've been attending the right lectures and classes! LOL kidding obviously I did. Coincidentally, today is a Wednesday and right now a week ago I was getting high at OneFullerton. Oh how time flies)): Oneday I'll be back there getting high too, but not now I guess and not anytime soon. I wanna eat HK desserts at Chinatown oneday anyone? HAHA craving like mad since the weather is such a bitch these days all I can think about is cold cheng tng yummmy to the max! Can't believe I'm finally running tmr with Julie Ho! PLEASE DON'T PANGSEH ME AHHH! Today before I sleep I shall:
  • Print my notes for tmr's lectures
  • Paint my nails which are uberly cui now
  • Perhaps another mask? :D
  • Gotta stop thinking
  • pack my stuff for tmr(:

Right now my mind is too dazed and fatigued to think about you anyways.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Everything just seems incredibly fucked for the past 3 days. Hottest Canoeist Camp was horrible. Mentally. Everyday shit just keeps happening. Right before school reopens somemore. So so tired of it. Sunday wee morning was the worst. All the shit accumulated just made me snap. Totally with tears pouring and numb fingers. Sobbing non stop, I only drifted to sleep at 4plus after FH listened. )): I knew I was broken, I just didn't know it was to that extent. Want you to know yet I know I couldn't, shouldn't. I can no longer find the correct words to describe just how hurt I am, how deep is this wound you've inflicted on me. Its so so sad. I'm, so so sad.

Monday, October 12, 2009

I was feeling so hyped up about finally partying this Wednesday during work cause I was blasting clubhits all day long. Work today was awesome cause it was major slacking session with Lynette and Amanda. Oh I wish holidays were not ending so soon.


Sadly, all those happy thoughts vanished as fast as they got to my head. Once I was on the way home and the next track that played was 'Inevitable'. I just don't understand myself. Why do I always go back to the same spot when he's no longer there? Plus the fact that he hasn't been there for a long time. Its almost as though I enjoy making myself so miserable by keep visiting and dwelling in the past. Why can't I just, move on and keep walking. Why do I keep turning back? And everytime it gets to the point that I can never see myself loving another because I'd have this conclusion that no matter what happens, it would always have a bad ending. I seriously thought we were gonna live happily ever after. So did everyone else but look where it got me? Nowhere precisely, only hurt and disappointment. Look where he is now. I'm suffering, he's not. So seriously, what for? See what I mean. One minute I'm good. The next, I'm a emo psycho bitch. Sometimes I hate myself for thinking so much. I probably need more tetesterone so that I'll be like a guy and just move on and on and on. Fuck this shit, I'm going Kristin Cavallari this Wednesday and no one's gonna stop me. Bye bitches.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

You know what, I'm starting to get a little, teeny weeny bit pissed whenever people scorn at the fact that 'someone' clubs. SERIOUSLY, I don't see anything wrong in clubbing. Those people talk about it as though it is synonymous with the prostituting profession. Girls who club ARE NOT cheap and slutty. Sheesh, only SOME. Those who are gross and eww but NOT ALL. Its terribly unfair on those who are just looking to have a good time with their friends to be labelled as SLUTTY AND whatever negative labels you mountain tortoises have to stick on them. Half the time, these people are those WHO HAVE NEVER tried clubbing before and obviously don't know how fun it is. OR ELSE, perhaps they dance like freaks and are too scared to club so they always use the excuse that OH GIRLS WHO CLUB ARE SLUTS. Sheesh man, GROW SOME BALLS.

So if you're one of those who fervently comment that female clubbers are cheap blah blah blah, seriously, save it. It just goes to show HOW DENSE AND SUPERFICIAL YOU ARE. Peace out.


Omg! Before I forget, I saw the cutest guy ever on bus 190 yesterday night! Ahhh, sk8r boi. :D Using same phone somemore, sweeeet!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I am so sadddd. I dyed my hair to dark brown but nobody could tell the difference. ): Paid 35 bucks for it and people only notice my 5dollars fringe trim. FML. AHHH, but I thought there was a difference. I mean, ITS SO EFFING OBVIOUSSS!): Gahh.

My body is aching now, cause of yesterday's sprinting fest during training. Face and shoulder burnt, thanks to Friday's training. Tummy aching thanks to spicy food marathon yesterday. But I loveee yesterday's dinner with TanShunShun and LeowFangFang. HAHAHAHA! Crystal Jade LMXLB for dinner and Haato icecream for dessert. SO GOOD SO GOOOOOD. :D

Okok, I'm going off for lunch now. Be back sooon!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

(: Finally going for training tomorrow! I'm definitely missing my paddle and the boat and the water ooh la la! Worked today, spent hugeloads of moolah on food. Today I was spamming food like it was the end of the world tomorrow. I'm going to grow fat!): Then again, what am I saying. I AM FAT ALREADY. FML. Went for impromptu ManiPedi session again, together with trimming my fringe(: Awww life is good, until I smudged one of my nail's polish and discovered the hairdresser trimmed my fringe lopsided. WHOOP life sucks. I really freaking need a money tree, anyone wanna sponsor me money? HAHAHA, fuck that sounds lame. Alright. I wanna sleep already, don't wanna be late for training tmr. NIGHTYNIGHTS PEOPLE.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Had a pretty good day today. Though I spent alot of transportation. Cab to and fro tskkk. Should probably exercise more self discipline me thinks. Caught The Ugly Truth with Ng, was awesome and funny and vulgar! Saw the cutest guy ever at Vivo's Topshop oh God someone save me!): HAHAHA. Think Imma go out and do something with my hair tomorrow, IDK who knows maybe I'll shave it off. My life is so sad and sianzx right now. Life, please surprise me. I don't mind a Peter Parker or a Zac Efron, whichever goes. (: Goodbye.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Harrow! Here to update again! :D Hmm, but IDK what to update about. How about... me not clubbing for a week till 2 weeks? IDK have I told you that? Time for me to rest and chillax and relax whatever fuck. Give me skin some purity! So sad, everytime I xcore club my skin xcore dies like )): Time to shop for masks!

Lately I've been a little disappointed with my hair. Looks lacklustre and always tangled like fuck. Seriously, I can spot them split ends so easily! ): Been wanting to dye it back to black, since I have this golden/lightbrown for more than a year already. Should I? But I am still hesitating 'cause what if I like my lightbrown again how? Have to chiong dye again. TMD decisions decisions.

Got rid of my manicure colour. Surprisingly my nails are quite healthy.. looking. (: Bought a nail buffer shit and gave it away on the same day. HAHA, some angmoh saw me buffing my nails and got so fascinated he stopped me and asked me where I got it. So I gave mine to him. LOL. I can buy it anytime anyways! :D Such a nice Singaporean, he took a picture LOL!

Sigh, should I paint it gold, blue or nudish pink? Ahhhh, I really really like the gold, but the blue is cool BUT WHO CAN RESIST PINK! ^^v
GAHHH, off to bed naozxzx. So tired! Nights!