Monday, June 29, 2009
Whatup gheyfags, how was today? LQTM, I just totally called you guys gheyfags. Owells, deal with it. Ehh, no pictures of me today cause I think I look chui ttm whats with all the pimples and all. Tskkk. Just a quick update before I chiong all the attachment stuffs. Today was ok, moderately tolerable. Will be implementing my first lesson on the 1st, horrors of horrors hope the children don't kill me. But I don't think they would since I'm such a NICE TEACHER, awwww SWEEEEET!(: HAHAHHAA! My learning centre is almost done now, -applauds(: Nothing else for today other than I finally got some CARAMEL CORN which I'm soooooooooo gonna show off to the kids in my class tomorrow "HOHOHO HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW BITCHES SUCK ON THAT MY CARAMEL CORN BEATS YOUR TWISTIES ANYTIME FCKFACE" HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! Nope, not gonna do that unless I wanna get expelled immediately. So yep, but can you imagine their faces? :D Teehee so evil!
Okayyyy anyone with HIMYM Season 4? I want to watch it straight away and not on so pretty please?(: I'm willing to share whatever is left of my caramel corns with you -blinkseyes
Hokay, thats all for now! Gotta go back to my neverending pile of workload HOORAY!\:
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
My favourite finger!(: HAHAHA! WTF I know, but see the nail so nicely shaped likka sweeeeeet! HAHAHA! So I'm back from my 'pretigious' camp at ShuHui's house!(: Slept through thursday and friday likka slackxzxzxzzz only. Wednesday was attachment to decorate my learning centre then clubbing with some Devlins and our awesome seniors and the Ng siblings aka My Other Siblings!(: HAHAHAHA! Oh and Romeooo too although he likka poor thing kena pangsehed by his friends awwww. So much for last Phuture trip before Botak hurhur![: It was fun at the same time, hmmm, idk how to describe but well YEH FUN'! Promised Jiun that I'll go with her one last time before she flies back to DownUnder on the 15th so people!(: Keep the 15th freeeee!(: Till then and after, I don't think I'll be clubbing. I know I said this tons of times that you guys are probably thinking, "yeh right,she'd probably club in two weeks time or something ." BUT NO. I really gotta concentrate on my attachment stuffz for now. Now first priority is attachment. Cause it'll take up what, 95% of my life till 3rdJuly likka ZZZZZ. Sianz. ZOKAY, back to the 'camp'. On thursday it was quality BFF Bonding with my SIEWSHUHUI(: Went to BPP after our awesome beautysleep for lunch then back to her house for movie and dinner then OFF TO HOW HOLLAND V for some frolick with CaraZhang and Joanna(: Sorry for scaring you Zhang with my incessant crying on Wednesday! Promise I won't do it again.(: Then yehhhh. Nothing spectacular happened afterwards. HAHAHAHA.
TOMORROW, aka today, will be circuit training then FLEA TITAN PART II with Devlins(more like 1/4)(: YAYYYY! I love fleamarkets(: So much that I might go rent a stall in next month's FLEAFLYFLOFUN!(: Must come support me belle and Joanna if we really do OKOK(: But more on that next time, Imma go now BYEBYE!(:
Seriously I think guys are major turnoffs now. Especially those who like to zi pai. Fcking gross ttm. Yhucks. Go suck balls or something. Fckers. & stop adding me on FB. TSKKK.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Still feeling half dead from non stop attachments. So sianzzz, next week needa go down again to continue the learning centre stuffs. Sianz. But it was OK, today did quite an amount so (:, yay! Training tomorrow. Haven't an inkling how to circuit train with no shoes): I'm praying really hard that whoever that bastard is returns my shoes.): My awesome red adidas shoes.
Today, yet another funny funny cute cute thing happened with the same Japanese boy! SUPER DUPER ADORABLE!(: But too tired to elaborate. HAHAHA! So yeah some other time(: I think I'm falling in like with the kids there. Though they're a bunch of handfuls (LOL!), they really make your day, colourful(: My favourite "Mmmm, yummy!" boy(: Eeeeyer -pinchescheeks
Thursday, June 18, 2009
OMG, I'm so exhausted now. Shagged to the max. Mentally and physically. My limbs are aching like crazy, so are my abs area. Badly need a good long massage. My mind is so blank now, I couldn't concentrate on whatever I was doing today. My BFF lost her phone this morning. Fck the driver who took it! Blatantly lying and still denying. Fck liars. Think Imma catch forty winks then wake up later to dinner and finish up attachment stuff. Whoever said Early Childhoodwas easy should just bang their hands and dig a grave and jump in. Try walking a mile in my shoes, you'd want out almost instantaneously. Ok talk to you guys in awhile, Jolene out.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
WHATUP!(: Just got back from dinner at BPP with Fangieeee && Corinne Ong!(: Nowadays likka always spend time with them BUT I'm not complaining! HAHAHA, too bad my BFF totally likka enjoying herself at DBL O and Phuture so she can't join us for dinner!): Wa laoooo, what am I doing at home man... I should be there luh, with them, enjoying and dancing! Eeeks, sucks balls. HAIYA, training today made my whole body feel nua ttm. CAUSE SOME FCKING ASSHOLE stole my shoes. My smelly BUT AWESOMELY RED ADIDAS SHOES! ): So smart me decided to run campus in my slippers. JOKE only, run until damn chui. /: Then Amanda made us do some circuit thingy which only adds on to the chuiness.. then gymmmm WTH I can just go die now. Attachment tomorrow again, likka sianz only. ARGHHH.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
HAHAHAHA! I hearts camwhoring. So sad, now no more Canon camera have to resort to cyberlink webcam to camwhore): I'd really appreciate if a Canon camera fell from the sky Thanks veli veli much, but preferably not on my head its rather painful hurhur? && Fanghui I finally managed to change my earstud to the ring one! Can see can see?(: Twit twit tweet! Me thinks me is going to school early to go to the library to find stuff for the Subject Web. Tskkk, attachment is so irritating. So damn bloody many things to do. On a damn random note, I like my hair in the mornings(: Likka nice and soft only(: But when it comes to the afternoons, all frizzy and unkempt, fck it. Tskkk. & SiewHui is going clubbing without me today): I'm so sad, the last surviving of the Club Rehab people. \: Then again, I'm gonna break it next week, sooo OWELLS, just a week more GO GO GO JOLENE QUEKQUEKQUACK(:
Monday, June 15, 2009
&& Shuhui told me some even more awesome awesome news! ITS ZOUK'S 17TH ANNIVERSARY NEXT WEDNESDAYYYYY! OMFG, I WANNA GO GO GOOOOO! Okok, I needa concentrate on PLANNING with ShuHui aye aye BFF! (: Where my ladies at? Where my ladies at!!!(: HOHOHO SO EGGGCITING! WHERE OUR TEAM BFF SHIRT!):
Friday, June 12, 2009
Did you forget
That I was even alive?
Did you forget
Everything we ever had?
Did you forget about me?
Did you regret
Ever standing by my side?
Did you forget
What we were feeling inside?
Now I'm left
To forget about us
But somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song
You can't forget it
So now I guess
This is where we have to stand
Did you regret
Ever holding my hand?
Never again
Please don't forget
We had it all
I won't forget about us
And at last
All the pictures have been burned
And all the past
Is just a lesson that we've learned
I won't forget
Please don't forget us
Somewhere we went wrong
Our love is like a song
But you won't sing along
You've forgotten about us
What could have been.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Hello homosapiens of PlanetEarth, I'm back from a damn haps dayyyy(((: Finally got my chui nails done((: Now my toes are an awesome shade of dark metallic blue and my fingernails are awesomely darkishreddish(: HOHOHO! Too kewl fo skewl yoooz![: -smirks. I had the same toenail colour done as Jolyn's(: We had Subway at Cine while waiting for Shuhui today and had a great laugh about everything(: & there she is now, at Phuture): Likka sad please, we could have been there Shuhui): Sianzz. Gimme 1 month mannn, can't wait for attachment to be over. I'm going home in 1 months time MAMA!{: Ohoh & I chose Shuhui's fingernail colour LIKKA AWESOME TOO! PurplishPINK. LIKE PINK OMFGWTFBBQ PINK(: Awesome.
Hahahahha, lemme zilian for awhile luh.... attachment cannot so pretty go if not all the children distracted HAHAHAHHAHA kidding. I just can't wake up early enough LOL.
Stupid pimples. I fcking hate pimples.
OKOK, gtg do my attachment stuffz, see ya'll on Saturday!(:
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Apparently my kids are super duper uber rich kids. Sheesh, but they've never heard of Nerds Rope before, I MEAN HELLO WILLYWONKA LIKKA HOW COOL! Tskk. But still(: So far so good. I'm happy with that for now(: Ok, going back to HIMYM(: BYEBYEEE!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Hello hello. I'm so sianzzzz likka sai now cause of the very wondrous dreaded attachment tomorrow.): I so feel like just quiting school & suntann all day at Cafe Del Mar & club all night at Phuture fckkkkkkk. Now I have to run after a whole group of kids, tryna make them sit through a lesson wtfffff. HAIYAAAA. Can't wait for the holidays!): The only thing worth looking forward to this week?
& NO ITS NOT CLUBBING! Hahahahaha! I wish. Unfortunately, Shuhui&I are on ClubRehab for now till the end of our attachment)): Likka long. Sianz. But worth waiting for(:
Anyways, this Wednesday will be our Girls' Night Out!(: Wheeeee! After my FP3.1 lesson at 4, Imma head to town first while waiting for her to get my ManiPedi at FEP, then when she comes we'll decide whether to kill zombies or watch Robots and Humans battle it out in Terminator Salvation. AWESOME. Or maybe we'll just stick to shopping & killing zombies. Whatever, THOSE ZOMBIES ARE GOING DOWN BITCHESSSSS.
Okok, enough hyping about Wednesday. It shall be my motivation(: HOHOHO. Anyways SiewShuhui, doesn't mean I don't tag on your blog means I don't read your blog ok? I'm a fervent/avid reader(: Loyal supporter yo! & Yknow my fats are here for you too!(: Can't wait for August where we will rock GWC Sunday Morning Shift YOOOOOO!(: Okok, have an awesome day tomorrow everyone(:
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
If you noticed, I'm so bored these days I switched my contacts and am now wearing one side blue one side green :D HAHAHA, couldn't decide between a vampire & Lindsay Lohan, HOHO!
Past few days have been rather ok, since I slept my way through Thursday. Attachment coming up in what, 3 days, I'm so fcking excited. Rightttt. Some career talk tomorrow, so stoked. Shit, my life is like going to suck for the next 1 and three quarter months. Fck it, somemore my 眼睛糖 will only be back in one month's time, HAHAHAHAHA, shit did I just say that, oops. So yeahhhh. & I miss training!): Damnit. I wanna get my blazer & OH now I have 6 piercings already! 5 on my ears and 1 on my navel, sweeeeet. Just got to get my tattoo and my blazer and I'm like a fat kid with cheesecake(: Alrighty now, gonna dig the fridge for some food, starving. Byeee!