Friday, June 19, 2009

Still feeling half dead from non stop attachments. So sianzzz, next week needa go down again to continue the learning centre stuffs. Sianz. But it was OK, today did quite an amount so (:, yay! Training tomorrow. Haven't an inkling how to circuit train with no shoes): I'm praying really hard that whoever that bastard is returns my shoes.): My awesome red adidas shoes.

Today, yet another funny funny cute cute thing happened with the same Japanese boy! SUPER DUPER ADORABLE!(: But too tired to elaborate. HAHAHA! So yeah some other time(: I think I'm falling in like with the kids there. Though they're a bunch of handfuls (LOL!), they really make your day, colourful(: My favourite "Mmmm, yummy!" boy(: Eeeeyer -pinchescheeks
HOKAY, I'm out.

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