Tuesday, June 16, 2009

HAHAHAHA! I hearts camwhoring. So sad, now no more Canon camera have to resort to cyberlink webcam to camwhore): I'd really appreciate if a Canon camera fell from the sky Thanks veli veli much, but preferably not on my head its rather painful hurhur? && Fanghui I finally managed to change my earstud to the ring one! Can see can see?(: Twit twit tweet! Me thinks me is going to school early to go to the library to find stuff for the Subject Web. Tskkk, attachment is so irritating. So damn bloody many things to do. On a damn random note, I like my hair in the mornings(: Likka nice and soft only(: But when it comes to the afternoons, all frizzy and unkempt, fck it. Tskkk. & SiewHui is going clubbing without me today): I'm so sad, the last surviving of the Club Rehab people. \: Then again, I'm gonna break it next week, sooo OWELLS, just a week more GO GO GO JOLENE QUEKQUEKQUACK(:

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