Tuesday, June 9, 2009

HelloHelloHELLO! Feels like soooo damn long since I touched my laptop! (: So glad to be here yo! Tomorrow is finally here! WEDNESDAY WOOOO! ManiPedi Zombies HERE I COME!(: Attachment for the past 2 days have been alright, really different from what I usually see and experience in my past two centres but OMG there are actually Japanese kids in my centre! && they are so adorable. Today something really funny happened. There was this Japanese boy, he somehow kept following me EVERYWHERE. And he didn't really know how to speak English so it was quite bad, both of us don't really understand what each other is trying to say. So while the rest of the children are sleeping, the 3 of us(attachmentppl) decided to do our practicum book tasks. Since there were 2 levels I had to go up&down to like do alot of things. He was on the top level and everytime I went down, when I wanted to go upstairs, he would be at the staircase landing with this red toyphone. & once he sees me, he would flip open the phone and start speaking Japanese into it. SO DAMN FUNNY OK. Every single time NO KIDDING. & somehow when they speak Japanese, they always sound so angry. LOL.

Apparently my kids are super duper uber rich kids. Sheesh, but they've never heard of Nerds Rope before, I MEAN HELLO WILLYWONKA LIKKA HOW COOL! Tskk. But still(: So far so good. I'm happy with that for now(: Ok, going back to HIMYM(: BYEBYEEE!

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