Monday, June 15, 2009

Attachment today was below average.): Must be MondayBlues, the time of the month and the kids were whack. GAWD I WAS THIS CLOSE TO BLOWING UP. Horrible, horrible. But still got cute moments. Like this boy, during reading time there was this word Didgeridoo (FYI its the long thingy that the native Australians blow) and I refused to help him with it and he said, "RIDOORIDOO". OMG like how cute I totally ROFLMAO!(: Kids, Pfft. & yeah, training tomorrow! Awesome, but I'll be late cause of project work. I foresee dead braincells in my head floating aimlessly. Perfect.

&& Shuhui told me some even more awesome awesome news! ITS ZOUK'S 17TH ANNIVERSARY NEXT WEDNESDAYYYYY! OMFG, I WANNA GO GO GOOOOO! Okok, I needa concentrate on PLANNING with ShuHui aye aye BFF! (: Where my ladies at? Where my ladies at!!!(: HOHOHO SO EGGGCITING! WHERE OUR TEAM BFF SHIRT!):

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