Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hello Hello! Today was FUN!(: So happy likka sweeeet! Too bad BFF couldn't join us TSKTSK!): Quek is a happy girl cause I had my Ikea Meatballs and their softserve icecream, then off to Flea Titan II with Cara&FH, and we met Daphne&KXY and then off to The Cathay with Jiun and her KJ hurhur(: HAHAHAHHA! Then FarEast for some random lookaround, then back to The Cathay to support Daphne&KXY ZOMG I think you guys were awesome seriously(: Saw manymany people today! Saw Prinya at FleaTitan and and _________ at FEP. So weird, I haven't seen ________ in eons. Hmmm.

I'm so lazy to switch the blue and green lenses so now I'll just keep using them like this HAHA! Who wants to buy me grey lens!(:

HAHAHA! I LOVEEEE MY NAIL COLOUR!(: Its from OPI, koped from SiewHui ones, wanna sponser me?(: HAHHHAA!!

Fake eyelash is awesome shit, sweeeeeet!(:

OH YES and FH and me got more studs for our ear(: SWEEEET, its fcking PINK!!!!!{: SWEET.
Ok, I'm hella tired. Gonna crash now, night.

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