Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hola Amigos!(: Said I won't be here till Saturday but since I'm on my laptop I thought why not drop a short update!(: Hmmm, so attachment today was actually quite ok. Although I nearly had a heartattack cause the environment during a certain something was so intense I swear the moment I breathe, NorthKorea would launch a nuclear missile to America. That intense yo. Phew, thank God its over now. And and I'm so happy I'm somewhat on track now for my attachment tasks, hopefully it gathers momentum and I'll finish the planning process in no time(: HOPEFULLY(:
So after attachment, I decided to be such a geek and head on down to National Library to do a little research. LIKKA HOW GOOD RIGHT? I know(: So stressful man, attachment. Oh and I have the tendency to use inappropriate words during attachment in front of the kids, HAHAHAHA.

HAHAHA, I hearts my nails. AWESOME. OK, Imma go grab something to eat. I keep eating): Maybe I should go gym tomorrow. ANY TAKERS?(: After 530pm though, cause I gotta go down after attachment. Text text me babies(:
So long for now kiddos!

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