Friday, July 31, 2009

So tiredddd. Tmr likka long day ehh? Training then friendly at NTU. Need energy through sleeping. Think Imma conk out real soon after this.

Nevertheless, today was fun :D
Ended attachment earlier cause the previous day I end at 630pm again. Went to school to hand in Practicum logbook then off to meet BMF(: HAHAHA, like damn fun only despite not doing much. LOL. Just keep eating and eating from school to Holland V then back to school to find Corinne! But yeh not bad, but we hardly get to have full BFFs outing cause Shuhui always so busy TSKKK! Oh and I baked for my kids today! Oatmeal raisin cookies! So I got lots of 'Mmmm yummy's(: Cute only! :D
Okkk, i'd better be off to Lala Land else tomorrow late then everyone do 20 pushups!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Today was madly tiring, but attachment was strangely enjoyable.(: Had a ball of a time with the childrenand the teachers, no sarcasm intended!(: So peculiar! But I was mad tired afterwards cause for the first time I stayed till 630pm till all the kids went home! Goshhh, just totally sianz at the centre only! I'm kinda not looking forward to tomorrow's attachment cause of mentor assessment! So not confident of my lessonplan please, what if the experiment fails? D:

Anyways, i got this cupcake from a kid! She was leaving!):

How pretty! D

I was once again, doing the whole 'look through my picture folders' shit again and I came across some... stuffs. Sigh. Thinking about how I came to wrote that whole memo, I would say how apt. I did come crawling back to you, didn't I? I just didn't get the part about me believing that you would never do such a thing to me. Guess I didn't see that one coming aye? Ohwells. Numb already luh. I don't care much, can't care much, won't care much anymore.
Have a nice one!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Today is once again the day I can forget about sleeping early. Attachment's coming to an end, gotta start chionging lots of the assignments before I can bid Year3.1 goodfckingbye. So owells, no pain no gain no guts no glory so GAMBATEH!{: Pamphlet newsletterII lessonplans5&6 and all the other FP rubbish! I'm going to conquer as much of you as possible by today!

After much erasing and sketching and erasing and sketching its finally done! The sketch for my tatt :D Swear to God it looks much better in reality! I shade until I wanna totally puke blood on it): But the final product is so worth it! Can't wait to get inked now! :D

So today after attachment, Iheaded to town to find mummy and we went to ION. OMFG, shopping paradise siol! At least to me luh, omg! STEVEMADDEN NEWLOOK TOPSHOP SEPHORA RUBISHOES HAVAIANAS Gosh gimme a fcking moneytree already! Today was like what, shoe day or something! Everything that caught my eye were shoes! Non stop shoes shoes shoes SHOES! I wanna be rich! Gahhh chiong work after attachment then I can get all my pretty stuffs! ^^v Baiz, I better do my attachment stuffs now so it'll end earlier and then I can work and then I can shop shop and never drop :D

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Finally found the perfect tattoo. I know for sure I want it. Just waiting for the money to be transferred into my bank and say hello to my new tatt. Once the money is transferred so many things will be accomplished.

Sianz. Today is just one blank. Nothing in life seems interesting now. Just want to get my tatt. \: Will blog again when I feel more alive. Baiz.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Hello(: TGIF, finally some breathing space & some time for me to interact with people aged 6 years and above! But seriously I think I'll miss my babies after the 5th): They're irritating as hell but cute as buttons! I wanna shrink them and keep them in my pockets! ^^ Owells!

Hardly see me without nail polish ayeee?(: Think Imma paint them red tmr! For...

FLEAFLYFLOFUN has some endless gratitude to share,
An instinctive repercussion from relentless support:
A savoire faire!
Get set for some stellar stereo stunts,
And prick your ears while you work your nimble fingers
Through the mountains of Gems and Pearls!
We invite one and and all to our monthly affair,
Where urban shoppe-ing takes place at everyone's favourite lair:
Make merry and have a lark @ HOME CLUB,
For July's Session is here,
Calendars, make your mark!
25th JULY 2009
3 PM - 9:30 PM
Show some Loveeeee babehs(:
Will be down after circuit training tmr with Maybellebelle BEEFBALL and Joanna(: So peeps, anyone who likes my clubbing outfits yeh yknow what to do cause I'm selling them(: Hokay thats all folks gotta start packing :D TOODLES!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I wouldn't feel so used.

Attachment today was really slack, totally didn't do much. Weather was so good to sleep in the morning, was late for half an hour as a result. Hmmm, didn't get to catch the solar eclipse with my kids seeing that it was all grey and dreary in the morning. Gahh. Had an early break today, teacher conflicts and yeh watched CampRock on the laptop. Such a disappointment, it was so effing boring!): Although I seriously think Demi Lovato has got this damn good voice. Tskkk show off only. Anyways, I'm quite worried. Everyone in my centre seems to be falling sick and and one of the teacher who is sick is suspected to be down with H1N1. Omfg, and I'm feeling all restless and headache-ish and cough... Omg. Fugging awesome!

But on a lighter note, I'm so eggcited for this Saturday! ^^

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

WTF, I tell you after my training today I came home saw an envelope and immediately knew my nextfewdays will be hell. OMFG. I FEEL SO SAD NOW. JUST KILL ME.


My fugging phone bill is WOOOO, AWESOME. Shall not disclose the amount but WOOO, FCKING AWESOME. SIGH. How to raise so much money when I'm having attachment, not working(want to work also cannot) and and yeh fcking broke. WA LAOOOOO.

): Likka sianzzxzxz only.

Anyways, I don't know what to blog about anymore. Anything? Hmmm... Ok baiz lemme go sit one korner draw circles... ):

Monday, July 20, 2009

Helloo, haven't been bloggin ayee? LOL, just so damn glad the 17th is finally over!! Now I'm just left with 2 more lessons, all the written stuffs and 2 more weeks & I can say BYEEEE forever to attachment WOOOO :D Laadeedaa! This week is gonna be hectic! Cause I'm rushing the last two lessons, FleaFlyFloFun on Saturday and the dinner thingy with Jiun! Likka fun only!

Anyways my clubbing kakis! Shuhui and me will be back on the grid in two weeks time!! WAIT FOR US!(: Maybe I might even get a headstart, on the 5th instead of the 12th of August! Sorry BFF but I'm just saying! Might, might not!(: BUT ONE THING FO SHO, I CAN'T FCKING WAIT TO CLUBBBBBBBBB! Give me Akon, Lady Gaga or Neyo ANYTIME FO SHO! :D
Kays, Imma go out for dinner now(: Though I just had IslandCreamery and double cheeseburger, OWELLS.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


If you,
if you could return
Don't let it burn,
don't let it fade
I'm sure I'm not being rude
But it's just your attitude
It's tearing me apart
It's ruining everything
I swore,
I swore I would be true
And honey so did you
So why were you holding her hand
Is that the way we stand
Were you lying all the time
Was it just a game to you

But I'm in so deep
You know I'm such a fool for you
You got me wrapped around your finger
Do you have to let it linger
Do you have to,
do you have to let it linger

Oh, I thought the world of you
I thought nothing could go wrong
But I was wrong,
but I was wrong
If you,
if you could get by
Trying not to lie
Things wouldn't be so confused
And I wouldn't feel so used
But you always really knew
I just wanna be with you

Sigh, Thursdays are seriously fucked.
Gosh, this week has been mad rush of attachment stuff! I really really can't wait for tomorrow to be over! Cause all these preparations for weeks are for this one hour of assessment tomorrow. Praying real hard it goes mighty well. I really put in so much effort into it!\: Please pray for me too thanksverymuch. Gahhh, and because I have been rushing all those stuffs, DAC is still not finished. & its due tomorrow!): OMG. Sianz.

And so, Redbull comes into the picture. Gotta need those wings to tide over the wee hours of the morning where the bed is so fcking tempting. Hokay, will update tomorrow when I have the time! Loveloves, QUEK :D

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What the fck. I think I'm sick again. 0: Must be the lack of sufficient rest. Gahhh. Nose blocked again and my throat got that "You'retotallyfallingsick" feeling again. ): I don't want to be sick!): Its so depressing. LOL. So anyways, I've had less than 4 hours of sleep combined for twodays. Was so blur during slot yesterday night. After which dinner at Macs which was good good cause I miss my Devlins :D & I felt normal, to be able to talk to adults for long periods of time again. HAHA!

So anyways, I'm awake at 5am now. Gonna do my lessonplans and learningcorner stuffzxzx AGAIN for the fcking 987654253w6278987time. Me needs like ehhh, miracle something to keep me working. No fatigue, no sick sick! Gosh. I wanna shop! Ok, updates tonight or something. Baiz babies!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Slept for only 1 and a half hour last night before heading to Stevens Rd for attachment. Thought for once I could be early but nooooo. I had to take the fcking wrong bus and ended up at Woodlands with half an hour left to reach my attachment centre. Awesome, much? But nevertheless, I feel happy today. Its so weird. Maybe I feel such an immense amount of satisfaction with myself that I managed to clear a great deal of attachment work during the weekends(:

& YES, after attachment, I managed to get my black hoodie from Peninsula, returned 3books and borrowed another 3 from the National Library and reached home by 815pm{: I'm awesome like that. I'm so mother fcking happy with my buy, ONLY 15DOLLAHS ZOKAY, SO FECKING AWESOME SWEET :D NIAHAHA! Can sell my grey Hollister one at the Flea next Saturday yeh babey!(: Shit, what did I eat just now, I feel like puking right now. Gahhh. OKOK, I gotta go back to do MORE attachment stuffz. BAIZ BAIZ! :D

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Its the 13th, yet again. Strangely, I don't feel anything. I feel just like a robot now. Doing things that I'm programmed to do. I can't feel anything anymore. Sighhh. Tomorrow, attachment again. Arghhh. ): Might be heading to Peninsula to find my black hoodie though, at least something worth looking forward to. Shopping alone, finding solace in solitary moments. Hmmm. 3 more weeks, come on Quek you can do it :D

Anyways, here's to Benson Ng, the brother from another mother(: Takecare in army yeh? We'll party like rockstars after your 2 weeks and after my bloody irritating ttm attachment! It'll be over soon!((:

So long world, hope I survive tomorrow. But then, it starts all over the day after tomorrow. Oh God, FML.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Gahhh, bored lonely yet busy busy busy at home. Busy ttm thanks to all the stupid attachment preparations. Bored cause I've been doing that the whole day, and lonely cause... I skipped training camp for this. WTF. FML. My teammies are having teamtalk now. I'm sad. ):

I really really wish attachment could end now. Seriously. It sapping my energy, my life slowly but surely. So many things I want to do but I can't. Because attachment now has to be top priority. FML, why did I choose this course in the first place. FCKKKKKK.

I miss having fun. I miss being happy, from the heart. I miss being, me. Hello? Earth to Jolene Quek. Please come back.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Oh gosh. Today was madness. I refuse to talk about anything regarding my attachment. I can just say, 'good luck & all the best' to myself and hope(pray) for a miracle. Today has got to be one of the most tiresome and depressing day for me. Idk why I just felt so listless and grouchy and emo today. Felt like someone died or something. Idk. Maybe its just raging hormones. All I know is that someone pushed it too far out and I kind of snapped on the bus. Just sat there, and the person next to me was kind enough to hand over a tissue. Gahhh.

Lets just hope things will start looking up from now on.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

翻著我們的照片 想念若隱若現
去年的冬天 我們笑得很甜
看著妳哭泣的臉, 對著我說再見
來不及聽見 妳已走得很遠
也許妳已經放棄我 也許已經很難回頭
我知道是自己錯過 請再給我一個理由說妳不愛我
就算是我不懂 能不能原諒我
我知道堅持要走 是妳受傷的藉口
請妳回頭 我會陪妳一直走到最後
就算沒有結果 我也能夠承受
我知道妳的痛 是我給的承諾
妳說給過我縱容 沉默是因為包容
如果要走 請妳記得我
Stuck in my head for the whole night.
睡着的大提琴 安静的旧旧的
我懂我也知道 你没有舍不得
牵着你陪着我 也只是曾经

Life is so fcked, isn't it. Makes you only appreciate things in the last minute. Only when something's gone, do we learn to cherish it. Everyone used to mock Micheal Jackson, calling him WackoJacko and how his nose would fall off anytime but now, people are crying and calling him King of Pop. Wouldn't it be better if they just realise that sooner? Whats the use of all this now? He's dead. He can't fcking hear you. Why can't people just wake the fuck up before its too late? I just don't get it.
Life throws us off in all directions. Sometimes things we thought were gonna last don't last, things we thought wouldn't, in turn would. So someone just tell me what the fck is Life? God must think this is damn fun, playing us like Sims 3 or something. Fck it, send the Grim Reaper after me already.

Monday, July 6, 2009

MC day 2. Gosh I'm fcking bored at home. Was thinking if I can somehow convince my mummy that I'm fit enough to go for training later but she just told my daddy not to bring me out for lunch lest I spread the flu bug to others. So, well I don't need to ask already. Wtf. Sianz.

So I was flickring just now and decided to flickr Willa Holland, Nicole Richie & Taylor Momsen. GAWD. Coolios the way they wear. Sometimes I'm so torn between layering and just plain wearing. As in to layer or not to layer. Cause by layering, you save more. Cause you can like wear the same thing with different accessories and mixtures and people won't go WTF SHE'S WEARING THE SAME THING AGAIN. But Hollywood stars make non-layering look way too good. Guess money's the issue here. Gah. Flickring their images make me torn between boho and grunge too. ): HAHAHA. Sheesh. I sound so bimbo. Like what to wear also must think so much. Guess its just me.(: But who cares, as long as I'm happy fck care whoever thinks I'm superficial or whatever.


Nicole Richie
Willa Holland. (somehow she gives me the CoryKennedy vibes which is too darn awesome)

Taylor Momsen aka Jenny Humphrey on the popular CW series, Gossip Girl.

Anyways, received an awesome email earlier(: FleaFlyFloFun confirmed on 25th July. Do come down and support :D

Updates later, now I'm out.

PS: Oh yes, and I was thinking of converting my entire wardrobe to black stuff maybe with the occasional colour. But yeh(:
PPS: Should I dye my hair back to black? Cause I'm getting quite bored of my brown hair already):
PPPS: Bangs or sideswept????\:

Have I posted this before? I can't remember 'cause sometimes I skip a few cause they don't seem to apply to my life right then & posting it would seem a little redundant. Gosh I'm so screwed luh, MC for 2days when tomorrow supposed to be the day my mentor assess my lesson. Owells, gave her a call she said she'll just assess me on Thursday then but thats like what one day before Philip assess me. Great, thats just fantastic news!\: Owells, deal with it.

My throat feels horrid.): & my nose feels like its gonna drop off anytime & I feel ugly.): Quit messing with my head. Oh God, I can't stop thinking. I'm such a loser, stay strong asshole. Fck.

Ok time for my meds. Anyone has one for the heart?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Holy shit, my throat hurts like fuck now. D: Oh my, how how tomorrow should I skip attachment? What if I don't skip then I really have swineflu howzz? All the poor kids kena howz?): -whines. Die luh. I fcking hate attachment. The kids are cute and all but I don't like dealing with the stress. Fck it.
Anyways, today was fun! :D Flea and Ajisen! Although it rained during the Flea & BFF, BMF and me had to wear plastic bags on our heads IT WAS MEGA FUN(: So happy! HAHAHAHA! We look retarded but we're cool like that(: HAHAHHAA! Bought my grey contacts and a white top which only costs 10 BUCKAROOS. WTF SO CHEAPCHEEP!{:
And and LOL, lately I've been rather obssessed with my nails I've no fcking idea why. One minute red, the next its nude, then its gold now its....
AHHHH, I'm fickle like that(:
See I told you they wouldn't last. Hate to say it and I know its rather mean, but "I told you so". Still had the cheek to ask me, 'what makes you think we would'. God, doesn't this show that I have way better judgement than you do? Ok, outta my system. Jo, out.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Arghhh, I'm so tired now!): Keep yawning away. Boo, but gotta clear some attachment stuffz now cause tomorrow I'll be out with BFF&BMF so no time to do anything and I wanna sleep early tomorrow! Owells.

Lookie lookie!! If you saw my twit about what colour should I paint my nails, here! I decided to paint it gold! So bling bling I had to tone down my laptop screen light else you can't see what an awesome colour it is(: HAHAHAHA! Actually I painted the nude colour yesterday but after today's poolslot everything chipped so I removed them. LOL.

Anyways, me is so eggcited about tomorrow!!(: Hahaha, nuff said.

Lately, I've switched my playlist again. Remember there was a period of time that all I heard were clubhits? Now its back to all the indie/emo songs. & I don't know why. Seems like such a coincidence. As if I'm trying to remember and recollect memories. But I can't seem to remember any. That conversation was very random, very out of the blue. And idk, bittersweet. I want to believe.

to you: Why does it feel like we're running out of time?):
&to you: GOSH! WHAT A FEEBLE ATTEMPT TO MAKE ME JEALOUS, well sorry you fucktard, cause I'm not jealous at all! Seriously, cause LOL just ain't worth it. i'm only so worked up cause once again the other person is sooooo fugly likka china please! SHEESH, are you THAT desperate? Only Shuhui knows who I'm talking about ROFLMAO!

Friday, July 3, 2009

I'm running away, I'm leaing this place.

TGIS. I'm seriously really really glad this week is finally over. This whole week has been mad mad mad rush of attachment stuffs. Rushing chionging till super duper late/early in the morning, 2 to 5 hours of sleep only every day is taking a toll on my concentration. Like I wanna really concentrate on something but I can't cause my head would hurt cause I'm just too damn tired? Stress only. Haiyaa. Nehmind, this Sunday(: Finally some time to unwind(: Ohghey I wanna sleep already. Yesterday was pure orgasmic. Slept at 530 and woke up at 730. Seriously, awesome man. Was so listless the entire day and no appetite. Kayzxzxzx baiz naoz See ya soonz.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Oh my these days have been so tiring. Sleeping so late, rushing attachment stuffz and waking up so early for attachment too. But today, after attachment I went for some icecream&Macs therapy with my BMF(: It was awesome, gossiping and heart2hearts(: Too bad BFF couldn't join us): But its ok, cause we're going to have TeamBFF outing this Sunday!((: Finally something in this week worth looking forward to!(: AjisenRamen&HajiLane Flea!!((: OK, gotta go back to my attachment stuffz else I no need to sleep again): Goodbye.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Attachment this week is tiring tiring tiring. So damn tiring. Can't wait for 10th July to be over and done with, the fateful day where my field supervisor will come in and assess my lesson! Argh -screams STRESSFUL): Its Wednesday but weirdly I don't feel the strong urge to club. Hmm, must be too preoccupied with attachment already. Can't believe this will go on for so long.): Till 3rd August. OMG, I wanna set one day aside and do things that I won't usually do. Do stuffs out of the ordinary. Something EXCITING, an element my life has been missing out lately. These days I've been thinking, alot. & I realised everything about you seems foreign now. The picture of us is gathering dust. All my memories of you, gathering dust too. \: owells.

Who's up for Ajisen ramen & HajiLane Flea Market with BFF & me this Sunday!!!(: Text text me yo!(: