So tiredddd. Tmr likka long day ehh? Training then friendly at NTU. Need energy through sleeping. Think Imma conk out real soon after this.
What the fck. I think I'm sick again. 0: Must be the lack of sufficient rest. Gahhh. Nose blocked again and my throat got that "You'retotallyfallingsick" feeling again. ): I don't want to be sick!): Its so depressing. LOL. So anyways, I've had less than 4 hours of sleep combined for twodays. Was so blur during slot yesterday night. After which dinner at Macs which was good good cause I miss my Devlins :D & I felt normal, to be able to talk to adults for long periods of time again. HAHA!
So anyways, I'm awake at 5am now. Gonna do my lessonplans and learningcorner stuffzxzx AGAIN for the fcking 987654253w6278987time. Me needs like ehhh, miracle something to keep me working. No fatigue, no sick sick! Gosh. I wanna shop! Ok, updates tonight or something. Baiz babies!
Anyways, here's to Benson Ng, the brother from another mother(: Takecare in army yeh? We'll party like rockstars after your 2 weeks and after my bloody irritating ttm attachment! It'll be over soon!((:
So long world, hope I survive tomorrow. But then, it starts all over the day after tomorrow. Oh God, FML.