Sunday, July 12, 2009

Its the 13th, yet again. Strangely, I don't feel anything. I feel just like a robot now. Doing things that I'm programmed to do. I can't feel anything anymore. Sighhh. Tomorrow, attachment again. Arghhh. ): Might be heading to Peninsula to find my black hoodie though, at least something worth looking forward to. Shopping alone, finding solace in solitary moments. Hmmm. 3 more weeks, come on Quek you can do it :D

Anyways, here's to Benson Ng, the brother from another mother(: Takecare in army yeh? We'll party like rockstars after your 2 weeks and after my bloody irritating ttm attachment! It'll be over soon!((:

So long world, hope I survive tomorrow. But then, it starts all over the day after tomorrow. Oh God, FML.

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