Friday, July 31, 2009

So tiredddd. Tmr likka long day ehh? Training then friendly at NTU. Need energy through sleeping. Think Imma conk out real soon after this.

Nevertheless, today was fun :D
Ended attachment earlier cause the previous day I end at 630pm again. Went to school to hand in Practicum logbook then off to meet BMF(: HAHAHA, like damn fun only despite not doing much. LOL. Just keep eating and eating from school to Holland V then back to school to find Corinne! But yeh not bad, but we hardly get to have full BFFs outing cause Shuhui always so busy TSKKK! Oh and I baked for my kids today! Oatmeal raisin cookies! So I got lots of 'Mmmm yummy's(: Cute only! :D
Okkk, i'd better be off to Lala Land else tomorrow late then everyone do 20 pushups!

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