Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Attachment this week is tiring tiring tiring. So damn tiring. Can't wait for 10th July to be over and done with, the fateful day where my field supervisor will come in and assess my lesson! Argh -screams STRESSFUL): Its Wednesday but weirdly I don't feel the strong urge to club. Hmm, must be too preoccupied with attachment already. Can't believe this will go on for so long.): Till 3rd August. OMG, I wanna set one day aside and do things that I won't usually do. Do stuffs out of the ordinary. Something EXCITING, an element my life has been missing out lately. These days I've been thinking, alot. & I realised everything about you seems foreign now. The picture of us is gathering dust. All my memories of you, gathering dust too. \: owells.

Who's up for Ajisen ramen & HajiLane Flea Market with BFF & me this Sunday!!!(: Text text me yo!(:

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