Monday, July 13, 2009

Slept for only 1 and a half hour last night before heading to Stevens Rd for attachment. Thought for once I could be early but nooooo. I had to take the fcking wrong bus and ended up at Woodlands with half an hour left to reach my attachment centre. Awesome, much? But nevertheless, I feel happy today. Its so weird. Maybe I feel such an immense amount of satisfaction with myself that I managed to clear a great deal of attachment work during the weekends(:

& YES, after attachment, I managed to get my black hoodie from Peninsula, returned 3books and borrowed another 3 from the National Library and reached home by 815pm{: I'm awesome like that. I'm so mother fcking happy with my buy, ONLY 15DOLLAHS ZOKAY, SO FECKING AWESOME SWEET :D NIAHAHA! Can sell my grey Hollister one at the Flea next Saturday yeh babey!(: Shit, what did I eat just now, I feel like puking right now. Gahhh. OKOK, I gotta go back to do MORE attachment stuffz. BAIZ BAIZ! :D

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