Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I wouldn't feel so used.

Attachment today was really slack, totally didn't do much. Weather was so good to sleep in the morning, was late for half an hour as a result. Hmmm, didn't get to catch the solar eclipse with my kids seeing that it was all grey and dreary in the morning. Gahh. Had an early break today, teacher conflicts and yeh watched CampRock on the laptop. Such a disappointment, it was so effing boring!): Although I seriously think Demi Lovato has got this damn good voice. Tskkk show off only. Anyways, I'm quite worried. Everyone in my centre seems to be falling sick and and one of the teacher who is sick is suspected to be down with H1N1. Omfg, and I'm feeling all restless and headache-ish and cough... Omg. Fugging awesome!

But on a lighter note, I'm so eggcited for this Saturday! ^^

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