Friday, July 3, 2009

I'm running away, I'm leaing this place.

TGIS. I'm seriously really really glad this week is finally over. This whole week has been mad mad mad rush of attachment stuffs. Rushing chionging till super duper late/early in the morning, 2 to 5 hours of sleep only every day is taking a toll on my concentration. Like I wanna really concentrate on something but I can't cause my head would hurt cause I'm just too damn tired? Stress only. Haiyaa. Nehmind, this Sunday(: Finally some time to unwind(: Ohghey I wanna sleep already. Yesterday was pure orgasmic. Slept at 530 and woke up at 730. Seriously, awesome man. Was so listless the entire day and no appetite. Kayzxzxzx baiz naoz See ya soonz.

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