Monday, July 29, 2013


OH. EM. GEE? I am actually blogging AT HOME. With my iMac like finally!! Anyhoo, finally a week with some updates woooo! :D Let's start with Monday. Feeling so happy with my new Sperry, I had to wear it on Monday even though by right, I think it's a casual Friday kind of shoes? BUT FCK IT. I HAPPY CAN ALREADY LOL.

DAZ RIGHT I'm a rebel like that, Sperry on a Monday B) Nothing much after work, just went to meet my folks for dinner, so filial hor thanks. 

#FOTD for Tuesday, some highlighter under my waterline and mascara and I'm good to go!

#OOTD; Top c/o Topshop, Skirt c/o JJ Market (BKK), Sperry (AGAIN!!) 

#FOTD for Wednesday; Same as the day before, except I lightly lined my eyes with some brown eyeliner I got from Watsons eons ago.

Dinner with my favourite cabin crew :D Catching up, listening to her horrid experiences with her passengers, damn scary :/ But ohwells, all jobs have their pros and cons!

Chilling and chatting over some Ah Chew's dessert! I love the Papaya White Fungus dessert!! Super good, super nourishing and SUPER CHEAP! $2.80 and it's double boiled to perfection :D

And I caved in to temptation and got myself MORE STROOP WAFELS! This time I got the pack of 10! Went home, plopped on my bed and demolished 3 at one go. :/ Just when I just recovered from my flu. Way to go, me! :/ Somebody needs to ban me from eating stroop wafels.

MASSIVE selfie on Thursday; this is sans make up. Really NOTHING ON. Can see my dark circles, one piece of flaky skin dangling above my right eyebrow, etc. But I am glad my hard work these past few months have paid off! At least I look decent enough to head out with just untinted sunblock :P Sorry, sunblock is a MUST PUT, and it doesn't count as cheating because I use Biore's untinted sunblock :D

A quick snapshot of my 3.5 weeks old manicure! Very impressed with how long this lasted! I know typically Gelish should lasts about a month, but there are a couple of times that my Gelish barely makes it past the 2 weeks mark :/ Not sure if I am not rough with my nails, or a sloppy job done by the salon that did those manicures :/ But this time it lasted! Scroll down if you want to know where I did it, cause I went back again :D

#OOTD on Thursday; Entirely decked in Topshop (I really Topshop fan damn it); shoes c/o BKK. And you know the major problem with losing weight is SUDDENLY EVERYTHING IS TOO LOOSE. My pants were seemingly too huge for me that my colleague commented, "eh why your pants so big?" -.- Great, just great.

HELLO FLABBY ME. So to all the people who say, "YOU DAMN SKINNY/SLIM ALREADY LOSE SOMEMORE BECOME BONES." EXCUSE SEH MOI PLEASE LOOK AT MA FLABS. There's something called 'sucking in', that's why you don't see my food baby. And my lower tummy is DAMN STUBBORN, no matter how many crunches I do, it's perpetually there ANNOYING OKAY. And my arms ah. I wanna saw the fats off already, how to tone it to be smaller??? SEE LA ALL THANKS TO polo last time. :/ LOLOLOL!

Gymmed with M at the gym near my place, super fun session, really worked out and had a lot of laughs at the same time! :D We should have done this earlier!! Now looking forward to our next session WOOOOO! 

FRYDAYYYY! /fryingaction I think the top right hand picture sufficiently conveys my feelings about it being finally Friday :D 

Pardon the blur photo, but I was lazy to mosaic my conversation with S, but yeah, this is why Blackberries are the bane of my life. If ever I get kidnapped, and all I had was my Blackberry, I am pretty sure I'll get kidnapped forever. Yknow why? Let's say the kidnapper gets out of the room for a bit, I try to make a phone call or send a text out, I SWEAR 99% MY BLACKBERRY WILL HANG. By the time it un-hangs, the kidnapper is back. ARGH. And it's ironic because you can't really do shit with a Blackberry! There's no Instagram, the FB and Twitter is just the bare minimal; WHAT ARE YOU HANGING ON????? Chio also no use, pfft. So according to Jem, #TeamBB but #fuckbb LOL!

Yummy Dorayaki from Japan, gifted by Jesssssica! :D

#OOTD on Fryday; Top c/o Zara, Jeans c/o April77, SPERRRRRRYYYYYYYYY!!!

Guess who is going for Colour Run!! :D YAYYYYYYY! My first proper marathon! :D

Friday was intended to be my running day because I was feeling motivated after the gym session the previous night. Coincidently, BFF was home on a Friday night too, so we planned to run together once I reached home and changed and all. BUT, being the unfortunate queens that we are, IT EFFING STARTED TO DRIZZLE. #okaycan So running was cancelled, but that didn't stop us from meeting >:) TAKE THAT FATE! 

Asked my BFF to help me talk #OOTD and she so cute, took this candid shot of me while I was just, moving around LOL! Wanted to post this, but ended up posting the one below instead :D

#OOTD; {sweater weather} Entirely decked in Topshop (note to self: tone down on Topshop obsession) 

Was attempting to see how I'd look like with bangs; yay/nay? :D

But to see that, this is what I did to my hair! HAHAHAHHAA! Damn funny! Had a lot of fun goofing around, photoboothing and Insta-videoing :P If you wanna see what we instavideo-ed, then you'd have to go to my Instagram (@jolenequek_) [shameless self promotion #sorrynotsorry]

And the weekend officially starts!! Trying out my new top from..... Topshop. -.- But I decided against wearing it on Saturday cause I was going for a steamboat and food babies aren't a nice look with cropped tops :/

Since I had a lot of time to spare, I curled my hair, changed my top and took WAY TOO MANY SELFIES. I think I'm really growing too old too fast. Now I find myself gravitating towards lighter make up and the normal clear contact lens. Gone are the days I spam eyeliner, fake eyelashes and pupil enlarging colored contact lens! But I like to think of it as a good change (:

Met the other 3 musketeers at Bedok, and started our grocery shopping :D Crazy a lot of fun picking out all the food, and yes we are now aware that we over-shopped :/ 

Spent close to 90 minutes preparing the food and stock, but it was well worth it because the meal was DELISH! Needless to say, I believe half of the food went back into the refrigerator after dinner AHAHAHHAHAHA wayyyy too much food!

My favorites :P

SUNDAY! Woke up, baked some brownies for the 3 musketeers; prepped and curled my hair again! Love the look of curled hair because my natural hair is straight, but I won't ever perm it again. Had quite a horrid experience with perms :/ Guess I just have to be more hardworking and curl it during the weekends.

Went to town slightly earlier first to get my nails done! I am a very boring person, always sticking to the same design LOLOL! Anyways, for the past 2 months I have been going to Autumn Nail Spa to get my nails done! This set, inclusive of soak off (but the previous set was also done at their shop), costs $68! Classic Gelish Manicure, which means they cut your cuticles and all :) I find it worthy of the price because my manicure really lasts a month! 

Autumn Nail Spa
14 Scotts Road
Singapore 228213
Tel: 68367989

Nail pampering session ended earlier than i expected, so it was off to some shopping before meeting the boy(s). I went to Editor's Market, but couldn't find 3 items to get :( Couldn't justify shelling out $30 to get a cropped top, so I went out of there empty handed, as always. :/ Wanted to get Angel Food, but it was so close to dinner time, so I didn't get that either HAISHHHHHH sucks to be me! Ended up at where else, Knightsbridge, MY FAVVVVVVV~

#OOTD for Sunday; Cosmic Chiffon Shirt c/o TSR; Scallop tank and Denim shorts c/o Topshop; SPERRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

Was deciding between this pink silk cropped top which was on sale at $29 and IN MY SIZE OMG WHAT ARE THE ODDS...

..AND THIS BADASS HOLE-Y TOP! This isn't on sale BUT IT LOOKS SO BADASS I LIKE IT SO MUCH!! But it's $56 :( 

So I basically just stood there in the fitting room for a good 10 minutes pondering if I should get this, or the pink top or both or none :/

I ended up getting none of them. :'( WEHHHHHHHHHH!! I know the black top AKA BADASS TOP looks quite mehhhh here but IRL I SWEAR it looks sooooo nice, not to mention it's super comfy too :( HAISH. 

After which, the boy(s) finally reached town for our dinner :D Initially the plan was supposed to include 2 other boys BUT, they couldn't make it last minute, so it was just Jem and me :) GOOD ENOUGH THOUGH, haven't seen this awesome person for the longest time. 

He is the only other guy who isn't blood related to me, other than my boyfr (past, and future) ,that I would ever use the word LOVE on, or the kissing heartshape emoji on. Even though sometimes he drives me FUCKING MAD AH HAHAHAHAHA FOR BEING DAMN CB but I still love him nonetheless HEHEHE. Press on soldier, all these hard times will pass soon :)

His Chucks, versus my Sperry. MINE CHIO-ER RIGHTTTTTTT~ :D Can't wait for our many many plans to materialise as the days pass!! :D


Okay, so the past week has been covered, now I am just nuaing in front of my computer, spamming the above few songs, and getting psyched way too early for Hardwell :/ 

20 September, why you so far away!!! 

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