Wednesday, July 31, 2013

&the world spins madly on;

Was on Spotify as usual this morning, looking for new songs to listen to while I work. 

Spotted this. And got sucked into a whirlwind of nostalgia again. Isn't it just amazing what music does to our memories? You think you forgot a certain something, but a specific string of melody is able to jolt our minds, and suddenly everything comes back to you.

Woke up and wished that I was dead
With an aching in my head
I lay motionless in bed.
I thought of you
And where you'd gone
And let the world spins madly on.

Everything that I said I'd do
Like make the world brand new
And take the time for you
I just got lost and slept right through the dawn
And the world spins madly on.

I let the day go by
I always say goodbye
I watch the stars from my window sill
The whole world is moving and I'm standing still

I thought of you
and where you'd gone
and the world spins madly on.

Hello, positive happy Jolene, please come back. Please find yourself and come back soon.

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