Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 8: Three turn-ons

Yipee yayy! We're halfway through the week! Hang in there folks! It'll be the weekends before you know it! Lez get down to today's installment of the Tumblr Challenge! Can't believe I've been so diligent on this /patsback.


Day 8: Three turn-ons.

  1. Please refer to the self-explanatory screenshots from my Twitter. LOL I kid you not. And it is in one package. I just naturally gravitate towards such guys. He must be tall, it's not really hard to fullfil this criteria since I'm not very tall myself. But he must be lanky too. Skinny tall guys, /swoons. Must have a sense of style. I've got something against ill-fitting outfits, I mean come on! Invest in a good pair of skinnies! And there's something about cute guys who aren't aware that they're cute that's extremely cute. If you get my drift. When a cute guy knows that  he's cute, the confidence is sometimes a little off-putting I guess? With the right amount of awkwardness, ahhhhh so effing cute (I'm grinning at the thought of this LOL). First language; definitely English. If you listen to indie bands, 'nuff said.
  2. Twinkly smiling eyes. I could gaze in them forever. /sigh. 
  3. Cool-ass tattoos. I am so superficial. Everything I mention is something that you can physically see. But you know what they say about first impressions, it really does matter to me. Just imagine the above mentioned guy; tall and lanky, quiet, collected, well-dressed, listens to Saosin or something, he rolls up the sleeve of his shirt and BAM, some fcking bad-ass tattoo appears! (OvO) Sooooo coooooooooool! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA! 
Aiya, but I am well aware it's so hard to find such guys. So they shall just remain as eyecandies. /shrugs. 


2 more installments till we come to the end. I have no idea what to write about for the next 2 days, wehhhhhhhhhh. How ah.

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