Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 5: Six things I wish I had never done

TGIF guys! The day we've been waiting for has finally arrived (and in 2 days time, the countdown resets zzz)! This is a tough one, I started thinking what are the six things I wish I had never done so far and my mind started wandering off~~~ Honestly, I always believed in "Never regret what you did, because at a point in time, it was everything you wanted". Soooo I am going to change it to...


Day 5: Six things I wish I had done.

  1. I wish I studied harder in Secondary School. I wish I didn't slack off so much in secondary school. I was super playful, and complacent. Not to mention I had really smart classmates/schoolmates who could afford to play all day and still score amaze-balls grades. Sigh. I was super hardworking in primary school, scored 245, got into Tanjong Katong Girls', slacked to the extent of getting an appalling score of 36 for my Prelims in Secondary 4. Thankfully I managed to buck up to L1R5 of 17. Its damn bad I swear, tell me who in TKGS gets 17? :( So yes, I wish I studied harder and fulfilled my fullest potential.
  2. I wish I had paid more attention during Art class. HAHAHAHAHAHA. My teacher was the weirdest ever, and my friends and I used to think her classes were a total waste of time. But now I realised I am such an art noob. Nobody likes being noob.
  3. I wish I had known the importance of skin care earlier. I used to sleep with all my make up on, every fcking day. Can you imagine how bad that is? And if you know me personally, I used to do outdoor water sports in Poly and I NEVER BOTHERED WITH SUNBLOCK. All the sun damage that has already been done to my skin, I can't even... So girls, skin care is so damn important. If you have good skin, you don't even need make up. Now I am on a fervent scurry to repair my skin and maintain it. 
  4. I wish I had stayed on my Gymnastic CCA in primary school. You know, young and clueless. I was hand picked to join Gymnastics back then but due to my eczema, my mommy pulled me out. Now I am some inflexible, clumsy fool. LOL.
  5. I wish I had plucked up the courage to tell _ how I felt. No, it's not who you guys think it is. He will always be one of my biggest "what-ifs". Because if that happened, everything now would be different. Maybe I'll never meet R and most likely J. But then again, who knows right? Ohwells.
  6. I wish I knew what I know now. This is such an understatement. And a redundant one too because I guess this is Life? All the mistakes and lost opportunities are what makes us grow to be who we are. We are defined by our choices and our mistakes. But, it's inevitable that from time to time, you'd wonder how different things would be, if you knew what you know now.


Undoubtedly one of the toughest list to come up with, but I did it. #successkid Do you guys have anything that you wish you did/did not do? I would loveeee to hear about it, so I know I am not talking to myself here zzz. 

In any case, wishing y'all a haps weekend! :)

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