Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 3: Eight ways to win my heart

Top of the morning y'all! I am here, again, to pick up where I left off :D Eight ways to win my heart. Honestly, I don't really think there's a way to win my heart? It's either I like you already, or I don't. And trust me, you'll know if I like you. Because if I don't, I'll snip your chances off right at the beginning. Sometimes I really think I take things too seriously. Well at least I don't waste anybody's time, that is if anybody wants to waste their time LOL. So I guess this is more of, eight ways to seal the deal; now don't you go off thinking "woo seal the dealllllll~" Please don't think dirty HAHAHAHHAHA (which goes to show I thought of it first too pfftttt)


Day 3: Eight ways to win my heart
  1. Always plan what you're going to do. I believe this applies to most girls. Nothing screams no initiative than always asking "so what do you want to do now?" Granted perhaps you really just want to do whatever the girl does, but it's nice to know (and comforting too) that the guy knows how to take charge. Probably also because most of the time, we just want to do what you do, so if you ask us, we'll just go "anything uh," and then we have a tug of war.
  2. Surpriseeee! It doesn't have to be anything big. I mean, it could be something like a new drink you tried at work and you just wanted to share how good it is and you buy one for her? It's all the small little gestures that show that you're thinking of her. It means a whole lot, probably more than you can imagine.
  3. Making the effort to hang out with my friends. I cannot stress how important this is, and I am sure this works both ways. Even if you don't really feel comfortable with her friends yet, I think it's sweet that you try; It goes to show that you acknowledge what's important to her, and you want part of it.
  4. Cooking Papaaa ^^. At least for me, I find it very sweet when a guy gets in the kitchen and whips something up for me. The way to my heart is through my stomach, preferably if you stuff them with macarons hehe. 
  5. Be the big spoon! HAAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA, I'm running out of pointers but yeah, we girls are selfish like that; don't ask us to be the big spoon, we are girls we need to feel protected :"( But yes, I love cuddling. Sigh. OMG TOTALLY FORGOT THIS BUT I AM ADDING HERE AS HALF OF POINT 5: BEING TOTALLY FUNNY! Like singing totally off tune along to the songs we're listening to, making jokes about things along the road, humour is so so so crucial I can't even~
  6. Random acts of affection. Squeezing her hand ever so slightly when you're holding it. Random kiss whilst on the escalator. Back hug when she's unaware. Hi girls, I am sure you agree with this. But please don't do this if the girl is not interested in you, pretty sure I would punch you if you pull this off on me when I don't even like you LOLOLOLOL.
  7. Having good relations with your own family. Nothing screams "boyfriend material" than this. I find it particularly endearing to see a happy family, and I truly believe a good family background (in a sense of good relations) will lead to a lasting relationship between the boy and his girl.
  8. Just be yourself. Don't do things just to win her heart. There's a difference between doing from your heart, and doing for the sake of doing. If you're just doing for the sake of doing, soon you'll tire of it, and everything would be a downward spiral after that. If it's meant to be yours, you'd still have it without going all out to win it. The girl of your dream would still like, and eventually love you for who you are, and not someone she thinks you are. 
Winning someone's heart, is just the beginning of everything. What's more important, is what happens after; the maintenance of the relationship. 


Short entry because, I don't really think this applies to me so I'm just typing bullets about general things that would win most girls' hearts. 

I cannot wait for tonight! Finally meeting Minzies after so long with Johanna, and we're gonna have sushi! See you in town if I see you! :D

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