Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 2: Nine things about myself;

Hello hello, I decided to blog today! Day 2 of the 10 Day Tumblr Challenge, lezgo!


Day 2: Nine things about myself
  1. I used to eat a lot. Like seriously, a lot is an understatement. I can order mixed vegetable rice with 2 ingredients and ask the stall attendant to 'oh-so-kindly' add more rice pretty please with a cherry on top. I guess it was probably due to my vigorous lifestyle during my tertiary education years; I was in canoe polo in polytechnic where we had training 3 - 4 days a week and well, puberty in secondary school. So yes, and I think I took my over-functioning metabolism rate for granted too. I've since cut down a lot; I'm eating how a normal person should and cutting down on snacks. If snacks do not include Stroop Wafels. That's one tough habit to break. /noms.
  2. I am a shoe junkie. I just realised yesterday, while cleaning up my Soirees and placing them in their dustbags, that I have tons of shoes. They are stacked on top of my cupboard, stacked on top of each other on a shoe rack and on a personal shoe space in the storeroom of my house. Visuals as below:

    Apologies for the last picture, super unsightly. HAHA. But yes, you get my point. I heart shoes. And it sure doesn't help that most of the time, I adopt the mindset of "just get it because you never know when you need this pair/this style of shoes". The decision of getting them would be so much easier if "sale" is part of the equation. Believe it or not, just as I'm typing this and being shrouded in embarrassment for having so many shoes (that I hardly wear too, may I add), I am considering getting a pair of Sperrys (many thanks for this Korkor) :/
  3. I like watching all kinds of films. I like romantic comedies (who doesn't), buddy comedies (who doesn't again), action thrillers, political thrillers, epic thrillers, documentaries, and particularly, war films and romantic dramas. Films that I would categorize as "evergreens" include; "Blue Valentine", "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", "Little Miss Sunshine", "Closer", "Like Crazy", The Lord of the Rings trilogy, "Blood Diamond", etc. 
  4. I started really loving to read at age 12. When I was in Primary 6, my English teacher sort of fostered this love for reading in my class. He would introduce a book that he had recently read to my class and my class would be in frenzy, trying to be the first person in class to get their hands on the book from him. One particular book that he introduced that still has a profound effect on me is Paulo Coehlo's The Alchemist. Back then, I would go to the library ever so often and max out the borrowing limit each time. Now I am thinking of re-reading The Little Prince and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time.
  5. I absolutely love coffee. I think this habit was fostered by my dad, albeit unintentionally (or is it?). For what seems like forever, I've been drinking a cup of coffee every morning without fail. While other kids wake up to a hot cup of milo or milk, mine was coffee. The aroma that Colombian coffee beans emit is too damn intoxicating to me. I like my coffee like I like my man; tall, dark and strong ;) [just kidding not too dark]
  6. I am super bitchy. SURPRISE SURPRISE, not. I think I have sort of mentioned this in the 5 misconceptions about me post. I won't hide from it. I am a very straight forward person. I make no apologies for being who I am. I will not attempt to mask my displeasure if I don't like you. I will not pretend to be 'okay' with things that I am not 'okay' about. I am also quite an impulsive person when it comes to my feelings and thoughts. That combination would perhaps come across as bitchy to most people. Well at least I'm honest.
  7. I used to listen to mehhhh music. Before my Polytechnic years, I used to listen to Top 40s and yada yada music that everyone listens to. Mehhhh~ Nothing interesting. Until I met S, who introduced me to the world of indie, screamo and electronica. I was blown away. But then, I started partying, and got sucked into the world of R&B and back to Top 40s. Thankfully, my music taste has since evolved and I grew to enjoy House, French House, and I am back to my first love, indie (pop/rock/emo/garagerock/postpunk revival/tronica) :)) 
  8. When I was younger, my ultimate dream was to retire young and contribute to society by living in Africa after retirement. Young and dangerous. Such high ambitions; I don't know if that's still possible (everything seems possible when you're younger) but I'd like to think it is. Why Africa? I guess it's because when I was younger, I always thought the most unfortunate country in the world was Africa. I constantly feel this nagging guilt for wanting to taste the finer things in life while there are people suffering out there but, hey, at least I'm being real.
  9. I believe in giving the best in everything I do. I don't believe in doing bare minimal. Its either I do the best, or not at all. BUT, I won't say I'm such a great person because I may give the best, BUT I AM SOOO LAZY. HAHHAHAHAHA. I will take awhile to get my motor running but once I do, shit just got real. :D

So there we have it! Nine things about me! See you tomorrow? (:

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