Sunday, July 14, 2013

10 Day Tumblr Challenge; Day One

this is what happens when you finish a pack of sour skittles at one go.

It's Monday again, hope everyone is doing well so far. I really wanted to get down to doing a past week update, but I realised I don't have much photos of my past week. It was pretty meh, I didn't do anything particularly interesting so I don't think there's much for me to share anyways. I chanced upon this on Tumblr, and thought I'd do this instead! I am doing it here instead of my tumblr, just because I want to. But I'm still going to leave it as "The 10 Day Tumblr Challenge". 

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you'd never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever).
Day Seven: Four Turn-offs.
Day Eight: Three Turn-ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession.

I will try my very best to do it consecutively for 10 days straight. Or else, I'll just do it every Monday or Tuesday (if I were to do any past week update on Monday) :P Hope this is something different and interesting for whoever is reading this now :)


Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now

  1. I hope one day you will finally be really happy with the person you love. I know sometimes it gets hard trying to figure out whether or not to let go, I really do. I just want you to be happy. And as of now, I don't see it. You deserve nothing short of the best. And while getting the best, I hope you genuinely feel the love in the relationship. Don't say it's too late, it never is. Or at least I hope it isn't. We never know what's the end until it's really the end. So have faith. 
  2. You're such a wonderful person, I curse the one who made you the way you are right now. All that love, locked inside, just because you fear the repercussions should your love get wasted. I wish I could tell you that everything's going to be alright, but I myself, am not too sure. But I guess all we can do is hope for the best, yes? I am glad that you're back in my life (: Thank you.
  3. You make me so mad sometimes, I want to just walk off so badly when we quarrel. But I know that if the whole world topples, you're the one who loves me the most. I wanted to hug you the other day, and tell you to take care, that I'm not ready to lose you yet. But I didn't. Because I want to be strong. I don't tell you much, because I know that if you were to know how much I'm hurting, you would hurt tenfold. Just know that you don't have to worry, that I will always take care of myself; if not for me, it's for you. Please live forever.
  4. My first superhero. You don't do serious talks often, so it means a lot more when you do. You always try too hard to be funny, when you don't even need to. You're the benchmark that I will always compare others to; and you're the one who taught me that True Love is real, it can happen. I am sorry if I ever made you upset, please live forever too.
  5. You're one of the guys that I know who has better morals and principles. Thank you for always being there for me when I needed someone. Thank you for restoring my faith in guys from our generation. Please don't ever change yourself just because the society norm is otherwise. I know how it feels right now, so jaded and faithless. Hang in there you, things will look up soon (:
  6. My role model. I dread the day you will leave. I always feel so happy when we hang out together. And I hope you will always be happy. Whenever I feel that what I believe in isn't real, I look at you and know that it is possible; I just gotta wait it out. Thank you for everything; I couldn't ask for a better one.
  7. Every time we hang out, we can talk about a lot of things from pure crap to more serious stuff about life. Most of the time, I'd be the one talking, while you would just agree or disagree and just listen. I know that deep down, perhaps there's so much more that you feel and think about, and I know that sometimes those unsaid words weigh heavily inside. You're not alone, friend. & I too hope that one day, you will find someone deserving of your love.
  8. I just got to know you better recently, and I was right. You're one of the coolest people that I know personally. I always thought that you deserved better, and I was right again, but I understand your dilemma/predicament. I couldn't be more thankful for someone like you, to listen and to advise me. You're funny, smart, super one-of-a-kind, and I hope what you want, will one day realise what he has before its too late. I wish we weren't so broken. I pray for you, if not for the strength to carry on, then for the courage to let go.
  9. I still do.
  10. You're the happy elder sister I never had. Thank you for always caring, for always listening, and for always ensuring that the milestones in my life are vivaciously celebrated. I used to find it hard to understand the things you do, but now I do. And regardless, I hope you are really genuinely happy right now with what you have and that all the problems in your life right now, would magically settle itself in due time. 

Have a great week ahead, stay tuned for Day Two (:

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