Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Review: Hada Labo Perfect Gel


As everyone knows, I've been really doing all sorts of things that can be done for nicer skin. When I was younger, all I knew was make up will make me prettier. So I just cake on make up thinking that's gonna make me prettier. I guess as we grow older, we realise that nothing looks better than really nice smooth healthy skin and a smile. :D Unfortunately, younger (past tense) me did a real, for a lack of a better word, shitty job of taking care of my skin. Late nights, sleeping with my make up on, insufficient water intake, the list goes on! Needless to say, my skin suffered the full brunt of my laziness :(

Well, better late than never, at least now I have learnt the errors of my ways! BUT, say so much, do so much, my skin is still dehydrated :( Thankfully, we have Hada Labo

The very nice people of Hada Labo (SG) sent over a sample of one of their many star products, the Perfect Gel! :D:D:D:D:D YAYYYYYY!

It's so cute, they sent it along with this panda eyemask that feels really soft and comfy when put on!

DID YOU KNOW that sleep is the time when the body repairs itself. During these optimal seven to nine hours of sleep, the body is rested both physically and mentally from a day’s activities. As such, many hair, face and body products are most effective overnight as the body absorbs it better. Hada Labo introduces the new Hada Labo Perfect Gel to replenish the skin’s moisture while you sleep.
Being all essence, cream and mask at once (3-in-1), the Hada Labo Perfect Gel is also suitable for daily use with the ability to provide 24 hours deep moisturizing effect. 

The Perfect Gel feels very similar to Laneige's water sleeping pack EX; one touch and you know it's jam packed with tons of water molecules inside! 

When applied, it feels extremely lightweight for something that can be utilised as a sleeping mask! +++ points for that! 

So with all skin care products, you've got to utilise it for a few days before you can assess if it's any good. I used it for 3 days straight and !!!

Absolutely nothing on my skin, not even any toner or whatsoever. Visibly clearer and more hydrated skin, I love it!! It doesn't hurt that the price of this Perfect Gel is cheaper than Laneige! To be able to achieve good skin without breaking the bank, what's not to love about that!

Why does it work?

I am sure most of you have heard of Hyaluronic Acid by now, yes? The Perfect Gel has not 1, not 2, but 3 (!!!) types of Hyaluronic Acid for deep and long-lasting moisturisation! 

  1. Hyaluronic Acid is able to hold 1000 times it's weight in water, providing intense moisturisation to the skin when applied.
  2. Super Hyaluronic Acid holds 2 times as much water than Hyaluronic Acid, providing maximum hydration.
  3. Nano Hyaluronic Acid is able to penetrate deep into the skin, providing long-lasting moisture to the skin.
  4. Other than the above, the Perfect Gel also has COLLAGEN in it. EVERYBODY LOVES collagen for it's anti-aging properties. 
  5. It also has Ceramide, which helps to hold and repair the surface skin cells for healthy, smooth skin.

For just SGD$35.90, you get a serum, moisturiser and sleeping mask all rolled into one. My review on this; ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! 

With a good base, anything else you put on your skin just glides on like a dream. You don't have to worry about flaky dull skin. So if you're a lazy bum like me, try the Perfect Gel and let me know what you think! ;)

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