Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 9: Two smileys that describe your life right now

Day 9: Two smileys that describe your life right now.


and this.

LOL. Smileys are too boring, so I thought I'd switch to using gifs from my favourite animated series instead. "Poop", and "my 'unicorn'!". Pretty self explanatory, yes? If it isn't, then use your imagination :D

I wish I could say my life right now was,


But it's really far from it. I am still just extremely conflicted inside, I will touch on that tomorrow so..

Even though I am all messed up inside, here's a little pat on your back if you're feeling the same way. We're all messed up, but we're messed up together (:


And I'd like to leave today with this funny post from Thought Catalog; 

1 more day to TGIF!! :D Toodles!

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